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Why does the radical left censor and cover up core conservative beliefs such as Clinton Body Count, Flat Earth, Area 51 UFO invasion?

I heard it was because the Satanic, Pedophile, Marxist/Leninist, job-killing democrat party members basically get high on suppressing us real Americans and keeping us down. That is their only hobby other than abusing and murdering babies in satanic rituals.

I was talking to one of these leftists yesterday and and he had the nerve to tell me that the Earth is round. What a elitist, self-centered, lunatic. I can look out the window and see that the Earth is flat. I don't need these lying scientists that are part of the global cabal of satanists to try to tell us conservatives what I can obviously see with my own eyes. I'm sure this guy must have a Lenin statue in his front yard that he bows down to every time he comes home in his ultra-slow, feminine, electric vehicle that gets 10 miles of range and takes 1 month to charge.

When is Trump coming back? I heard on Hannity that Trump is going to overthrown the Biden administration, then hand out checks to all of his supporters for 2.5 million dollars each. He will make Christmas a national holiday, then open up Area 51 so we can see the aliens that came from one of the nearby galaxies.

I also heard on Carlson that Biden has opened up his Mars prison base. All conservatives are scheduled to be rounded up on June 19th and sent to the Mars prison base. It is on Mars so that once we are sent there we will never return. I'm just praying to God and Trump that Trump's coup will work and the globalists won't be able to stop it.


1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    6 days ago

    What will you do when YA shuts down and you can no longer pretend to be a conservative?

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