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Todd asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 7 days ago

PHYSICS ASAP?!(11/12/13)?

a.) A cable passes over a pulley. Because the

cable grips the pulley and the pulley has nonzero mass, the tension in the cable is not the

same on opposite sides of the pulley. The

force on one side is 138 N, and the force on

the other side is 79 N.

Assuming that the pulley is a uniform disk

of mass 2.68 kg and radius 1.113 m, find the

magnitude of its angular acceleration. [For a

uniform disk, I = (1/2)mr2]

Answer in units of rad/s2

b.) The wheel on an upside-down bicycle moves

through 17.9 rad in 5.72 s.

What is the wheel’s angular acceleration if

its initial angular speed is 1.5 rad/s?

Answer in units of rad/s2

c.) The net work done in accelerating a propeller

from rest to an angular speed of 260 rad/s is

1061.0 J.

What is the moment of inertia of the propeller?

Answer in units of kg · m2

1 Answer

  • 7 days ago

    Torque /moment of inertia = dw/dt

    Torque = net force * radius = 59*r

    -> dw/dt = 59*r /( 1/2 m r^2) = 59 *2 /(mr)= 39.6 rad/s^2

    b) s= ut + 1/2 a t^2 -> s-ut = 1/2 a t^2 ->2(s-ut)/ t^2 = a { which is dw/dt}

    =2*(17.9-1.5*5.72)/ 5.72^2 =0.570 rad/s^2

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