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Did your Covid vaccine hurt or make you sick?

Updated 7 days ago:

A genuine registered nurse did the injection at the local hospital.

Phizer injection 04/08/2021 at 5:45 eastern time. 

Will update if anything changes. 

Updated 7 days ago:

Some people can afford to get sick and pay huge hospital bills. 

Lying in a hospital bed will cause muscle loss. 

Updated 6 days ago:

No judgment.

I almost skipped or reduced a vaccination. I simply cannot afford to gamble. Many people most fast food employees refuse to wear masks properly over both their nose and mouths.When employees refuse to mask I refuse to purchase from them. They can fire the employees or go out of business. I will be reporting them to the local health department as well. With cellphone photos. 

Updated 6 days ago:

Other update. Got lucky so far. 

13 hours later just a very faint injection site ache. I have had worse flu injections soreness. No side effects yet. BP temperature, vision all normal. No headaches, backache or anything listed. 

People are probably making a  big deal about nothing. 

Highly doubt its the mark of the beast. There is more than one vaccine being made.

Updated 6 days ago:

Bottom Line.

I chose to be a vaccination lab rat. 

If I get a survey I will fill it out. 

5 Answers

  • 7 days ago

    Nothing that tylenol couldn't fix

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    When I lifted my arm the next day, I could feel it. The Fall 2020 flu shot was so, so much more painful for days after I got it.

  • 7 days ago

    most people have no problems 

  • 7 days ago

    I didn't get a vaccine and not going to either. 

    How about you? Did you get sick or have pain?

    Edit: sounds a bit judgmental, but I'll tell you this much. I won't be lying in a hospital bed losing muscle 

    Many of us are doing just fine and will continue to do so.

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  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Gave me a sore arm at first but I feel good now.

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