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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 week ago

Family members/in-laws won't listen? Please help me! ?


I had issues with sister in-law & her kids. 

The rest of my brother in-laws and another sister in-law, I didn't have much of a problem with. I wanted to confide in them, because of the deep depression their sister and their niece's did to me and think that it is ok to treat people like that. 

But when I tried to confide in my other  Sister in-law, she said she didn't want to get involved. 

I tried to confide in in my brother in-law, but again I was shut down & told "I dont want to get involved, it's not my business". 

ALL I wanted was a listening ear or some family support or "Are you OK?" and I did not get nothing. I didn't ask them to get involved, just to listen to me vent. 

My husband is disappointed/gutted, because he thought that the one only brother who he expected to be more supportive, wasn't.

I got on well with my Father in-law and rang him when I felt down alot, he always listened but sadly he died from an illness.

So I feel alone when it comes to not having anybody to turn to. My Husband is always there, but he does alot for me & understands me. But he is upset that his own family don't support us emotionally, even when I mentioned feeling suicidal in the past. 

We want to cut them out of our life. His sister disrespected him too in a text and called me a "stupid bi**h" just because I retaliated to her child who is older than me & is 30, who sent me a message first that I am a "stupid dumbf**k!". 

5 stars for best answer! What's is your advice? 


People don't know the full drama, it just caused a ripple effect. I said to one of her daughters who kept cancelling on me with plans that we agreed on. So me being stroppy said "I won't make plans with you anymore" not really meaning it, but she blew up and told her sister and mother and her sister sent a horrible message and when I retaliated to that, their grown ass mother intervened and called me names and only showed screen shot of what I said, but not what her daughter said first! 

Update 2:

I have never asked them or turned to them for anything else, so I haven't realied on them at all. I thought family are meant to be supportive. I been in Foster care all my life, and got married for 10 years with my lovely husband, but a few years ago my sister in-laws kids are my age group and friends fall out, but their grown ass mother shouldn't of got involved and send horrible messages. Simple. She didn't ask me what happened but took her daughters word for and full on blasts me. 

8 Answers

  • T J
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    Stop asking/talking to all of them. Go and see a therapist instead.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    6 days ago

    just dont talk to them about stuff

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    Go "confide" in someone who isn't related to these people. Of course they don't want to be part of your issues with their own sister. If you're feeling suicidal you need a professional therapist. At the moment you're just coming off as a gossip. 

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Parts of this might sound harsh, but I'm trying to help.  When you got to the part about growing up in the foster system, this explained all of it. It really sucks that this happened to you, because it's given you some very wrong ideas.

    The biggest problem is you have insanely high (and very wrong) expectations of your inlaws.  It's common to have problems with extended family, but what you don't seem to realize is most sane people want to stay out of it if they aren't part of it.  They even told you this, but you ignored it.  When you say you just wanted support or to vent, this brings them INTO it. 

    Same with that stuff about the person who kept cancelling on you.  You made a "stroppy" reply to this and she went to the person she's closest to (her mom).  There's nothing weird here.  Did you really expect her mom to take YOUR side over her own daughter?

    Your husband also seems to have some odd expectations.  No matter how close he is to that one brother, it's not the brother's job to be your support system.  It's your husband's job.  Also, friends are always helpful here, but you didn't mention any.

    I'm not sure what else to tell you, but I have a feeling if the 2 of you end up breaking things off with them, your husband will start to resent you.  Right now, he thinks he's doing the right thing in sticking by your side, but he doesn't see that it's you creating a lot of this drama.

    If you've never gotten therapy for your childhood, this might be a good idea.  It skewed your worldview, which obviously isn't your fault.  But it's on you to fix it now that you're grown.  

    PS - If you're the one who gave a TD to Gypsyfish, you're not really asking for help.  You want people who "support" you, which simply means nothing will ever change.  

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  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    They obviously don't want to know about your mental health status.  You are responsible for your own healthcare.  If you're depressed, then see a therapist to help you find acceptable ways to deal with depression, anxiety and self-esteem issues.  Limit your conversations with the in-laws as much as possible.  Refrain from "retaliation."

  • 1 week ago

    maybe you shouldnt be around them then

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    You won't like my advice. You don't have to like your family. You can't expect perfect behavior from that- that's unrealistic. And you certainly shouldn't be depending on them to fulfill every need for validation and support. That's what friends are for. You have unrealistic expectation You can't use them as psychological counselers- go seek some professional help for that. But if you interact with them like an adult, and overlook their deficiencies, they'll be there for you in your direst need. Sounds like you've put them off so much with your neediness and your insecurity that you lost that fallback position. Lay off. Accept them as they are-- imperfect. Stop thinking that they should be perfect. 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    If you are not getting any support from the rest of your husband's family then maybe you need to cut this sister in law out of your life. You cannot keep subjecting yourself to the abuse because of the way it is affecting you. The only other alternative available is to try and resolve the conflict between the sister in law and yourself. Depending on the nature of the issue, you could try presenting solutions and compromising you. If she is a somewhat reasonable person then I think she would be open to this course of action. All she really needs to do is to see that you are not her enemy. Perhaps getting your husband to help convince her of this may be helpful as well. 

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