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Car giving off smell.. help?

I recently got into a minor accident.. kinda ruined my front bumper ..

My car is still drivable .. isn’t over heating.. everything seems to running smoothly..

But now my car is giving off a small steam / smell.  I think it might be the water leaking from my AC.. getting hot.. I’m not sure.. can anyone tell me if this is safe to drive ?

11 Answers

  • 2 days ago

    Take it to a mechanic  55 inspection 

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Obviously you poked a hole in the radiator.  Lucky schit! That is how it was.  Don't hit miners.  Steam smell says it needs looking into NOW.  Safe to drive to a nearby shop;.

  • 2 days ago

    C'mon, now! OPEN the HOOD and LOOK! Go to a DIY car wash and clean things up with GUNK ORANGE ORIGINAL engine cleaner. FOCUS on the space between the RADIATOR and the AC condenser where LEAVES< Twigs, dead grass, BUG< an ANIMAL nests and droppings have collected for YEARS! You MAY need tool to remove the upper radiator support to reach this area! This improves AIR FLOW and help to allow the ENGINE to COOL properly! ALSO the CRANK POSITION SENSOR is near here, and it is an ELECTRO-MAGNET! If it gets TOO HOT, the engine will just SHUT DOWN till it cools off!  The water from the AC drips UNDER THE CAR so it should not get HOT at ALL! >>>CHECK YOUR RESERVOIR level and remove the cap! IF YOU HAVE A leak IT MAY not SHOW UP AS LONG AS THE rad cap IS ON! WATCH to see if the LEVEL is dropping with car RUNNING! it is VERY IMPORTANT that your ENGINE bay be as CLEAN as SHOWROOM so it can COOL properly! And if you EVER used VALVOLINE or other cheap WAX BASED OILS< STOP NO< and use ONLY PENNZOIL ULTRA PLATINUM or ULTRA EURO to get an AMAZING extension on your engine warranty out to 500,000 MILES! It is NOT based on ASH or WAX or TAR< but is NATURAL GAS! it will REMVOE all traces of built up SLUDGE as you drive and keeps major SENSORS cleans And working properly! SO MANY mechanics simply s do NOT get this ONE SIMPLE CAR FACT! VALVOLINE is NOT a GOOD OIL for ANY CAR! NO FACTORY on EARTH will use it as it DISSOLVES rubber  hoses, and SEALS m and GASKETS and in time will MELT the POWER BRAKE BOOSTER and dissolve the PCV hoses and VALVES! It CANNOT HANDLE HEAT and will DESTROY TURBO CHARGERS by clogging up the OIL FEED and RETURN lines! IT will build up COATINGS that cover the entire OIL PAN< VALVE COVER and FROM COVER and clog up the BREATHER PORTS with VARNISH< WAX. and hard TAR, even COKE! EVENTUALLY these COATINGS will cause the ENGINE to run HOTTER as the engine heat gets STUCK  and cannot get OUT of the BREATHERS/ GOOD LUCK!! 

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    Troll making it up.  Even if the accident was true, you would know what the problem was.

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  • 3 days ago

    The AC does not contain water. Small radiator leak?

  • 3 days ago

    It's not water leaking from your cooling's antifreeze. It's not safe to drive. When you leak antifreeze air gets into the cooling system and the temperature gauge will not be accurate. You'll overheat your motor without knowing it and ruin the headgasket!

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    There could be a coolant leak. See a mechanic and get the cooling system pressure tested for leaks.

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago


  • Bill
    Lv 4
    3 days ago

    I would be looking for a radiator leak. Check the coolant level frequently. If it's going down look around for a loose hose, pipe, tube, and / or damage to the radiator itself.

  • 3 days ago

    maybe you should get a mechanic to check it out

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