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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 4 days ago

A Friend Of Mine wanted to commit suicide because he doesn’t have a girl.?

He doesn’t have any girl, and despite being told multiple times there’s more to life than that, he doesn’t want to listen. Extremely stubborn that guy. 

Multiple of his friends have given him all kinds of advices which would meet with, “I did”, “Done that”. Which I highly doubt it. A lot of his friends left him because of that. Not only for that reasoning but every time he enters a conversation with his own group, he’d turn the conversation about himself which everyone was quite tired of.

I want to help, but I can only extend a hand. It’s up to him to take it or not. That aside, is it really a good excuse to take your own life just because you don’t have any motivation to live unless you have a girl?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 days ago

    The questions being posted here seem to show the age and the intelligence of the posters . I'm guessing that most are no more than 9 years old with the an I.Q or around 50.   

  • T J
    Lv 7
    2 days ago

    He needs to see a shrink.

  • Carmen
    Lv 5
    3 days ago

    Hello concerned one when someone is at the point of taking their own life it’s possibly more underlying issues involved even with your friend whether he states it or not. All you can do is try to be a friend and good listener if he allows it and pray he finds more reasons to live than die. Sounds like he lonely maybe even depressed.  Does his parents know his intentions? Maybe you could discreetly some how if interested or if possible speak with them on what you know and at least your conscience is clear no matter what happens. Unfortunately we can’t read minds or hearts only God can hope he finds someone who loves and Cherish’s him and gives him a reason to want to live and he can find a way to love himself more. 

  • Anonymous
    3 days ago

    Your friend's outlook and demeanor are exactly why he doesn't have a girlfriend.  Girls can sense when they're around the self-pitying type, and they'll just run the other way.  He has to focus on himself, his interests, and career plans or goals.  The things he does for himself and enjoyment in life, will boost his confidence, and girls like guys who have their act together.  I don't think he'll take his life; he just keeps hanging onto you for support and to listen to his constant complaining.  Tell him gently that you really have tried to offer advice but now things are up to him, and tell him that he can have a girlfriend if he finally fixes himself.  He may soon realize that he is the only one who can do it.

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  • OTTO
    Lv 6
    3 days ago

    Better to have no girl than to have a girl you cannot get rid of. Freedom is priceless.

  • 3 days ago

    It sounds more like he is throwing a pity party instead of really wanting to kill himself.

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