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Anonymous asked in Consumer ElectronicsGames & GearPC · 3 weeks ago

Do you think all games should be on PC ?

I think all games should be on pc also that way it wont be a pain in the but to get a console because of the resellers a computer can do so much things it can browse on the internet it can watch movies it can play games the console is like a mini computer. I think is better to not have any consoles just sell all the games on pc but that means they probably would have to make a deal with Microsoft or something 

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    What you think is irrelevant. If game developers saw money-making potential in doing as you suggest, then they’d do so.

    But the huge range of hardware specifications, operating system variants, and the immense range of software the games have to co-habit a PC with and which may cause conflicts with game software make the task exceptionally difficult. 

    That difficulty would still be overcome if there were decent profits to be made, but there aren’t as the number of PC gamers is tiny compared to the number of console gamers.

    This is exactly why a lot of PC games are just ported from consoles with at best a token effort to make upgrades to exploit the capabilities of the most powerful PCs.

    With a console, developers know exactly what hardware they need to design for, and they don’t have to worry about loads of additional software conflicts. They also have an immensely higher user base to pitch their products to so are guaranteed profitable sales levels if the game is even moderately successful.

  • 3 weeks ago

    No. I do most of my gaming on consoles.  I do have a PC that can game, but I have other purposes for it.  I'll still game on it, but it's not my primary source of gaming.

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