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Tell me how is it  every year Black and brown people are dying by law enforcement and sad those aren't trying to do harm to officers ?

Daunte Wright Dead  no reason and no law says you can't have air fresher on rearview mirror in all 50 States that is a lie and his Warrant not worth taking him in he was being a good guy why agree to go oo jail of own free will 


So if you ask an officer why are you being stopped show you where in the law they have the right and if the warrant is legal you not obeying them fight it court why court of black and brown is rigged better fight or die as a free black and brown than in orange jumpsuit your guilty already in their eyes 

Update 2:

I wouldn't  get out of my car for cops till they talk like a normal human being, not someone chasing a runaway labor worker 

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    The simple answer is when interacting with ANY LEO you simply FOLLOW  THEY'RE COMMANDS!! IF you feel the LEO is acting illegally you STILL DO NOT FIGHT WITH THEM you simply FOLLOW THEY'RE COMMANDS!! The ONLY reason people keep getting killed is because they REFUSE to FOLLOW the LEO'S COMMANDS!! IF you have issues with the commands your given by the LEO you take the matter up in COURT OR with his/her superior(s) NOT while the LEO is giving you commands! Why can't you LIEberal left socialist demoCROOK'S and BLM RIOTERS understand this simple universal concept?? Generally Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics and most other races COMPLETELY and FULLY understand and follow this one simple and universal rule and we do NOT get shot or killed when interacting with LEO'S this issue seems to be mainly restricted and limited to African Americans that DEMAND THEY be given SPECIAL rules, regulations and treatment ALL because of the color of they're skin.

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    In every one of these instances , the individuals involved have been "architects of their own misfortune " -- they have all acted suspiciously or violently towards the police .

    That doesn't mean that what the police did in each case was justified -- but ,in every case, their refusal to obey repeated police instructions ,and their suspicious and violent responses , played a huge part in what followed .

    And the only systemic bigotry , that I can see , is coming  from the black community itself  

  • 3 weeks ago

    he was clearly a criminal otherwise there would be no outrage from the left. cuz when good black people get killed no one gives a fk

  • 3 weeks ago

    It's institutional racism. Simple.

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