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Andrew asked in PetsDogs · 2 weeks ago

Why of all the dangerous breed dogs in the world, with few exceptions, they come from what was a dictatorship at the time of their breeding?

German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman, Great Dane.

(These come from Prussia, a violent Germanic war state)

Cane Corso.

(This dog comes from pre-ww2 Italy in the grips of La Cosa Nostra).

Presa Canario.

(This dog comes from colonial power Spain under an abusive, corrupt monarchial, classical Spanish colonialist rule)

Caucasian mountain shepherd.

(This dog comes from Russia)


(This dog comes from what was the Ottoman Empire under heavy Muslim dictatorship akin to Iran today under the Ayatollah or the palestinian authority under hamas)

Rhodesian ridgeback.

(This dog comes from a strictly imperial, wholly white minority rule, apartheid regime)

Exactly why would I want these dogs in my house, or around me or my kids ?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    At best this is an exaggeration.  This is like asking why retards, with a few exceptions, come from Philadelphia.  It's a misstatement of facts.  

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    It's almost as if all you have to do to not be around them is ✨not be around them✨. You're not forced to have one in your home and if you see them out in public then leave the damn area if youre that offended.

  • 2 weeks ago

    I got a big strong American Staffordshire bull terrier. He can kill anything and everything he wants to. Be tough and awesome get a pit.

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