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how do you preserve a white hoodie top?

i have a white hoodie that i'm fond of, and i just wondered how should i wash it, what setting or cycle should it go on and what temperature?

then how should i dry it, should i hang dry the hoodie? and where to store the hoodie?  i lack storage space in my little apartment.

tips on how to preserve this hoodie please?


thankyou Anonymous.

4 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check your fiber content, a hoodie is usually going to be 100% cotton.

    The thing with clothing is that it's made to be used and will eventually wear out, just deal with that fact and use it til it needs to be replaced.

    For white 100% cotton in a heavy fabric, I'd be washing it warm or hot with other light colors, like my white 100% cotton towels and dry on high.  I'd be spot treating any spots before laundering and bleaching as necessary.  I often use oxyclean on my whites and bleach occasionally if they need it.  There used to be a stuff called "blueing" which made your whites whiter, but I haven't seen that in a long time.

    I would not hang dry a hoodie as it will stretch it out of shape, I'd be tumble drying it.

  • John
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Use Perc and dry wash the hoodie. After that use spray starch and iron it to perfection.

  • 2 weeks ago

    It says so on the tag. A big team of over-educated people beat it up and abused it in every way possible just to be able to write on that tag, the best way to wash it

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Merely wash it in cold water using no more than a tablespoon of detergent on "delicates" setting.

    Then either hang it up to dry or use the low temperature setting on the dryer and it will last many years

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