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I want to switch career fields but all of my experience is in one field?

I’ve worked in higher education since I graduated college in 2013. I started off in admissions, worked in financial aid, I’ve worked in the registrar and now I work as an academic advisor. I even recently finished my Masters Degree in Higher Education. I’m burnt out over low pay, the politics of it all, and I’m realizing I want to be in the private sector doing something like banking or apartment leasing or basically anything but higher education. I’m striking out big time! I can’t even get interviews outside of higher ed/a university setting because all of my experience is in higher education since graduating college. Nobody will give me a chance anywhere else! It was suggested I return to school for a trade but more schooling to me seems absurd. Any suggestions? I want to change careers but I worry that it might be too late! 

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    It's too late, you're now the provost's little monkey.

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