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Favorite Answers6%
  • What happened with Dallas Cameron?

    In 1985 the Denver Broncos Drafted a DT in the 7th Round #194. He was from the University of Miami FL. #64. At that point I'm drawing a blank. Did he go to Denver? Was he cut? Was he hurt in training? No stats with Denver. I'm trying to research some U of Miami players. Thanks in Advance.

    2 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago
  • If a Cop tells you to "sit down a shut up"; is he guilty of giving Legal Advice?

    Can a Cop with a High School Diploma enforce Laws that he/she cannot Legally Interpret?

    Would an overweight Cop be more likely to shoot you than a Cop that is physically Fit?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who would actually ENFORCE telephone harassment Laws?

    I am being harassed by a Global International. I notified them by Certified Mail; NO Reply., I told the person on the phone: MORE CALLS, FTC Complaint No. 1; STILL CALLING, FTC Complaint No. 2; STILL CALLING. FIVE MINUTES AGO!: Still harassing me. HELP, WHAT NEXT?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Where did the CRIME occur?

    If someone from one State makes harassing calls to someone in another State, were is the "Crime" "Occurring"?

    How about across the border with Canada?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can you find the "hook" from

    Right Media Inc.,

    2 Park Avenue, Suite 450,

    New York, NY 10016.

    Right Media is considered to be malware by the computing community.

    Multiple fire walls, spy removers, virus blockers identify it as such although none have to date (11/2010) found a successful way to remove it.

    The only "fix" known to date is a complete reformat of the hard drive.

    the Cookies I have are: [my_name]@ad.yieldmanager[4].txt and [my_name]@twitter[2].txt

    EZ to "removal" >< Bak in seconds. Can You Help?

    I REALLY don't want to "re-format" my HD.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Can somebody HELP remove a NASTY Tracking Cookie?

    Do you know about OR I have a PAID NORTON 360 and Malware. I understand how they work and the "normal" avenues of removal. this one keeps coming back AND I found a "hidden" cookie that won't let me delete. PLEASE Help.

    If you see this on YOUR computer EVERYTHING you do is monitored.

    5 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • How much does a "biopsy" tell the Doctor?

    Have had a rash for 3 years. My VA Primary Doctor recently performed a "biopsy" to figure it out. They just called and he said it was NOT cancerous, but he wanted blood work to rule out syphilis. I have been married for 35 years and been faithful. The idea he wants to "rule out" this, has wife and I rattled. What next?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • My brother made a short video with the camera sideways, can I fix it?

    I need to rotate the video from horizontal to vertical. Brothe didn't realize holding the video "sideways" for a "wide angle" did not interpret that way on tv. Any software recommendations? Nero 8 is no help.

    4 AnswersCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Who performs the song "Every Morning When I Wake Up I Want To See You" on the HLN TV Ad?

    Love it or hate it I'm simply trying to find out who does that music advertising Robin Meades Morning News Show and what we hear is; Every Morning When I Wake Up I Want To See You.

    Who does this song?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • We brag about our freedom yet; Why are we the only country that online Poker is illegal?

    I have become a criminal at 60+, I play online Poker for real money. Yesterday I won twenty eight cents. Just to prove a point that its not so much the money to me as it is about my freedoms!

    I would play for more money but my bank won't transfer the funds to a poker site.

    What do you think about this?

    10 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • If the space shuttle is; "an inherently flawed design" Why is the Endeavor on the pad ready for Launch?

    According to Charlie Bolden, NASA Administrator as reported by Florida Today " You just do not want to keep putting humans on an inherently flawed design"

    If the Endeavor; which is scheduled for liftoff @ 4:30am Tomorrow, crashes; should he be held directly responsible for their deaths?

    I reported two days ago that I suspected a secret DEAL between Bolden and Obama.

    Immediately after their meeting Bolden said a fight to Save NASA "ain't going to happen"

    Yet Obama thinks a Hi Speed Choo Choo Train is better than Space Exploration in Central Florida.


    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If God met Allah in a land between Heaven and Paradise; what would happen?

    Would they shake hands and live in Peace or would they "draw a line in the sand" and send Mohammad and Jesus to fight over "turf" and rights on "how people should live and what should they believe"?

    PLEASE: This question is simply my way of say "Why can't we live together in Peace regardless of faith?" I mean NO DISRESPECT in any way to anyone. I am trying to understand, thats all.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you could fund only one of these two projects, which would it be; Hi Speed Train or NASA?

    Do you live in Florida? Vacation Here?

    Obama is trying to take credit for funding a High Speed Rail Project that has been mired in BS since 1982 when Bob Graham (at our expense) flew to Japan for ideas on a bullit train. 1995 FL DOT earmarked $70 million dollars a yr for 30 yrs @ 4%. NEVER HAPPENED.

    We voted for it in 2000 with a %70 approval. Now Obama wants to [gulp] fund it with [heres a surprise] stimulus aka OUR money.

    But he wants to limit and/or suspend NASA.

    I personally would much rather see NASA funded to the MAX. It seems to be the best thing we are involved with. Space, the final frontier.

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why are there no photos emerging of Obama Smoking since the election?

    It's no secret that he smokes.

    Why is it the paparazzi can find a naked women on a private seclude island and photograph her with a massive telephoto lens, but can't get a photo of Obama with a smoking habit?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is Obama trying to take credit for Floridas' High Speed Rail Project?

    Especially, When he was in college when the project actually began, and WE the taxpayers have funded the meetings and planes trips to Japan etc.

    Here's the facts:

    History of High Speed Rail in Florida

    Chronology of Events

    1976 Florida Transit Corridor Study

    Is mandated by the Florida Legislature.

    Feasibility for a High Speed Rail (HSR) between Daytona Beach and St. Petersburg

    Concludes that implementation of this system is feasible if implemented in stages and recommended the joint use of the existing highway corridors

    Capital cost of an advanced high speed rail system capable of speeds in excess of 150 mile per hour was estimated at $585 million.

    1982 Governor Bob Graham Visits Japan

    Governor is impressed with the operation of the Shinkansin high speed rail system and, upon his return to Florida he authorizes the creation of the Florida High Speed Rail Committee.

    1984 Florida's Future Advanced Transportation Report

    The report is issued by the high speed rail committee.

    It concludes that Florida's transportation infrastructure is inadequate to accommodate future growth and that an advanced high speed rail system is essential to Florida's mobility in the 21st century.

    The report recommends that public/private partnerships be formed to proceed with implementation of the system and that existing publicly owned rights of way should be used.

    1984 Florida High Speed Rail Commission

    The Florida Legislature enacts the Florida High Speed Rail Transportation Commission Act.

    The act includes strong legislative findings regarding the need for high speed rail in Florida.

    It creates a seven-member Florida high speed rail commission and charges it with the implementation of high speed rail in Florida.

    A franchise process is dictated and great emphasis is placed on the establishment of the system through a public/private partnership with extensive reliance on use of real estate development rights to fund the system therefore minimizing the need for public funding.

    1986 Florida High Speed Rail Study Completed

    The final report for the high speed rail study is issued by Barton Aschman Associates.

    The report concludes that the State should proceed with the implementation of the system connecting Miami, Orlando and Tampa.

    The study estimates the total infrastructure costs at $2.3 to $2.7 billion.

    It estimates the ridership at 6 million riders per year

    It concludes that financing could be achieved through joint land developments, benefit assessment districts and tax increment financing.

    1986 Commission Issues Request for Proposals (RFP)

    1988 High Speed Rail Proposals Submitted

    Two proposals are submitted by Florida TGV Inc. and the Florida High Speed Rail Corporation.

    The Florida TGV Inc. proposal will use the French TGV train with speeds up to 170 mph.

    The total system cost is estimated at $2.2 billion

    Ridership is estimated at 5.8 million per year.

    The TGV company insists from the start that the project could not be completed without public funding

    The Florida High Speed Rail Corporation proposes to use the Swedish built ABB X2000 train technology with tilt capabilities.

    The total system capital cost is estimated at $1.9 billion

    Ridership is estimated at 3.7 million riders.

    The proposal suggests that extensive real estate development rights will be needed to finance the system and no other public investment should be needed.

    1989 TGV Company Withdraws its Proposal

    With the lack of Commission support for public funding, TGV of Florida withdraws its proposal.

    1990 Florida High Speed Rail Corporation Revises its Proposal

    Following the Commission's staff assessment that utilizing the extensive development rights proposal offered by the Corporation is not tenable, the Corporation revises its proposal to include benefit assessment districts, tax increment finalizing, impact fees and new gas tax to help fund the system.

    1991 Governor Chiles Rejects New Proposal, Florida High Speed Rail Corporation Withdraws from Further Consideration

    1992 Florida Legislature Enacts the New High Speed Rail Act

    This act transfers responsibility of HSR from Commission to FDOT.

    The new law also streamlines the franchise and certification process and limited the use of real estate development for project funding.

    This act is still valid (F.S. 341.3201 to 341.386) and the Department retains authority for implementation of high speed rail in the State.

    1992-1994 Statewide Ridership and Corridor Studies Conducted

    Extensive transportation and ridership surveys including largest ever intercity market surveys are conducted in the US.

    1995 FDOT Announces Funding Commitment for HSR

    FDOT funding will be $70 million per year for thirty years to be escalated at 4%

    1995 FDOT Issues Request for Proposals (RFP) Five Proposals Submitted

    1995-1996 Review of Applications

    Extensive review is conducted by the Department, Citizens Advisory Committee, local governments and state

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Has Michelle Obama milked enough publicity out of her $15K donation to Haiti relief?

    All the 24 hour news stations are "announcing" Obama's $15K donation, not to the Red Cross or other established relief agency.

    She gave it to the Clinton-Bush (I need publicity fund) for Haitian Relief.

    Seems to me thats about $15K more than the Obama's have given to poverty kids in America.

    I was always taught you can be praised here or be praised by Him.

    May God Bless those in Haiti!

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the military recalling retirees back into service?

    Retiree Mobilization And Recall - The Army recently (invited) military retirees over 60 years old back into Iraq.

    Florida Today - a 61 year old, overweight and diabetic retiree will be the oldest Sgt in history to return to Iraq. YIPPEEEE

    Is America desperate? To me this is insanity at its best. First the Obama Youth Corps, now this.

    How do you feel about this?

    9 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is Obamacare like serving food to others you won't eat yourself?

    The POTUS went absolutely SILENT! when he was asked if he would accept the same healthcare plan for HIS family.

    Guess not!

    As the Beatles wrote; "Taxman", "Piggies", "Hapiness is a Warm Gun" and "Revolution" their songs said it all; "Imagine" that.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How long will the public tolerate the "blame it on Bush" excuse for EVERYTHING?

    Its either Bush's fault or racism or the CEOs

    How do you feel about cram it down your throat government?

    Does anyone actually believe Obamacare won't happen?

    Maybe we could blame the idiots that spent 5 TRILLION dollars "TESTING" nuclear firecrackers.

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago