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I am 54 years old, married for the last time. I have 4 wonderful, productive, intelligent and light hearted children. Together than have give me 6 sweet spirited grandchildren. I live in a small community that I care about. I am active in my community as a volunteer for many causes and orginizations. I have a sense of civic duty. I think when one has been blessed, then one should be happy to give back. I am raising my 9 year old grandson and that has and is one of my greatest pleasures. Watching him emerge strong and happy from his past experiences, afraid, timid, and self depricating; to this straigh A student with a winning and kind spirit has been wonderful! Knowing that I have been a part of his transformation is very rewarding. I live life with hope. love and faith. I am blessed even when I am having a difficult day.

  • When a 2009 chevy aveo runs out of gas how many gallons does the fuel injection system need to restart?

    My husband is always running our cars til the fuel lights are on or the gage hits e. I fuss to no avail and refuel any time they hit 1/4 tank. He used the 2009 aveo this week. We were going to get gas, as usual it marked e.So the car stopped before we reached the station. On star did a diagnosis and showed no internal issues.My husband put one gallon of gas in and it still would not start. I wanted him to more than that in but he would not. We called a tow truck and have the car at the chevy dealership now. The tech tried to turn the engine over and said, " sounds like it's out of gas." Does an aveo require more than 1 gallon to restart?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is it rude to not look at your spouse when talking?

    I like for who ever I am conversing with, getting statements from or making statements too, to acknowledge me by looking at me when we or I am speaking. My husband will get looking at the tv, the computer, the book, the whatever,and not make even a nod, acknowledgement. This over the period of the last three years has left me feeling ignored, angry and rejected by him. He sys I am being either too sensitive, or ridicoulous or am expecting more than normal people would. I say it's rudw. What say you? I have asked him to please just look at me.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Any chance of a good Outcome for a mother with narcisstic, histrionic, borderline personality disorder?

    I have legal custody of my 9 year old grandson. His mother has the above diagnosis. I have tried to help his mother overcome her impulsive, self destructive behaviors with only short term success.If it is to her financial benefit she will take the advice and help and then bug out again. My son, the grandson's father was in the Navy and could not assist much except for financial assistance. My grandson's mother has no sense of meeting my grandson's emotional needs. I have seen him in such turmoil because Mommy goes weeks, sometimes months with calling him or seeing him. She brings all kinds of unstable men into his life. I limit that as I have legal authority to say who, besides his mother can have contact with him. He gets so exited to think she is on her way to see him and then she doesn't show. This has been going on for years now. I have had him in therapy to learn how to cope with his anger.This last time she just left town without goodbye and went several hundred miles away.

    I am about ready to ask the court to remove her parental rights. I have told her that this time of selfishness will be the last. I encourage my grandson to always have the hope that she will improve herself. I don't want him to not love her. I just want her to love him and put his emotional needs on the front line.

    Does anyone have similar experiences as this? If so, what did you do, or would do?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is it legitimate to use Bi-Polar as a defense to commit crimes and immoral acts against others?

    If there is a legal or forensic psycologist aboard I'd like their opinion and resources. I understand that Bi-polar is a disease. However, I feel strongly that when one has medical ins. such as champas or tri-care and one does not avail their self to the help and stay on their medication; then the defense of," I can't help myself,"is null.

    And I wonder are most bi-polars alcoholics or are most alcoholics bi-polar? With this person she seems to do it all and she does not seem to cycle as most bi-pplars do. She is very adept at manipulating the system and people who have the mis-fortune to come in contact with her.I think one should either take the responsibility of their actions along with the consequence or chanage the behavior by successful re-hab and medication. I am irritated with the abuse of this particular person.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How does one obtain civil and criminal background reports in Germany?

    I need to obtain information on an individual whom I beleive committed fraud to come to the United states via marriage. This person exhibits criminal behavior here. Indeed has an extensive record of P.I., DUI, Domestic violence etc. I know this person has used 4 German surnames when she is supposed to have only 1.On her VISA application she stated she had been married one time, no record of substance abuse or acts of violence. I contacted a PI in Kitzigen and he said it is near impossible to get records over 10 years old.Is anyone familiar with German courts and law regarding this or maybe even whom to contact in Immigration?

    4 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade ago
  • Do you think my boundaries are too closed?

    I have a 38 year old daughter who has always been an exhibitionist of sorts. Lowcut loose tops, low slung jeans,short dresses and skirts.

    They are usually trendy.I understand that she is young and beautiful. She likes being admired. I have no problem with it. However, I do not like her wearing revealing clothes too our family get togethers or when she goes to visit my sisters and their family. My sons have friends at our gatherings, there are many extended family here , not blood related and it makes me very uncomfortable to see her lean over, ( intended or not ) exposing more than a little bit of breast.

    She has created controversy and problems with her dress and exposure. Some she knows of and some she does not. I thought we were close enough for me to ak her to wear something with a higher neckline this year. She said sure no problem; and didn't come. I think I have the right to approve or disapprove of what some wears in my home. She can dress as she will in hers. And you say?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Exactly whom is to attend the wedding rehearsal dinner, paid by the grooms parents?

    When my oldest son married 6 years ago I was surprised that the bride to be wanted almost every realitive she had at the rehearsal dinner. She wanted to choose the menu and the decor.

    That is the only activity that the grooms mother gets too be involved in and the expense can be great. I allowed her to have it her way. We had almost as many people from her side at the rehearsal dinner as we did at the wedding!

    Now my youngest son is getting married (23 ) and it is happening again. This time I just said I'd pay for it and they can make all the arrangements. I did put a cap on the price.

    And I don't mind the price but I feel I have been deprived of the pleasure of participating other than monetarily.

    When I married our rehearsal dinner was limited to the people participating in the wedding.

    Have things changed that much?

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What type of insecticide, natural or chemical can I use on sow bugs without killing my wisteria?

    These little rolley polley bugs are eating the roots too lots of my plants. I want them gone without hurting anything else.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • What civil branch of government would I locate marriage, birth and divorce records in Wurzburg Bulivia/?

    I need too know how to get these records from Germany on a person who has problems here and needs to go back.

    1 AnswerImmigration1 decade ago
  • My husband says he has never had a dream he can recall or even an idea that he dreams. How can this be?

    Is there a medical condition that could cause my husband not too dream? I hear him call out in pain and sometimes in fear while he sleeps. However, he says he was not dreaming. I may not be able too recall all my dream details but I know I had a dream. I find this strange.

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Should I continue too allow this sister's deceptions?

    My siblings range from age 69 too 44.

    Therefore some of my siblings are in fragile health. We have a brother who is dying with cancer. He maybe in remission.

    The issue is a younger sister( 44 ) who was the precious one. I am guilty of spoiling her as an infant and toddler. She lost her husband too divorce several years ago after 17 years of marriage. So she moved from La. to Texas too have a fresh start. Prior we were rarely allowed to visit with her due to all of us but one having flaws ( poor relatives ). Since her moving too texas she sucessfully put discord with me, another sister and the rest of our family. My middle sister and I were lied about by her and ostracised.The 2 of us stuck together, cried together and gave each other support. The baby girl had misfortune hit her. middle sis and I helped her. Now she has started her lies and manipulations again. We never told the rest of the fam about her lies, due to not wanting to upset the terminal ones. Now What do we do?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Is she guilty of enabling her husband to steal from me and others?

    I have a friend who is seperated from her husband.She left him because he would not hold a steady job, got drunk all the time, stole from her and her family to support his drinking. When we first became friends she did not tell me why and what. She had moved on and was dating others and stayed on friendly terms with her husband.I'll call him Danny and her Jan.I had car problems. Danny was visiting Jan. He owed her money for the kids. She told me he could fix my car and had agreed to give her most of the money. He told me how much the part cost and what his labor would be. He asked me for the part money. I gave him it and never got my car fixed, or my money back.Jan said "sorry," she did not think he'd do me that way.She acknowledged that he has done others that way in the past but she thought he'd changed. I told her if I had known that about him, I'd never have hired him, let alone gave him up front money.I say she enables him too screw her and others around. What say you?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How would you handle a dying sibling who wants nothing to do with you?

    I have a brother who is 14 years older than me. we shared so much life together and faced family dysfunction due to parental alchohol and physical, emotional abuse and recovery together.He married a woman 30 years ago who was very jealous of me and my younger sister's relationship with him. We accepted her but she kept finding fault with us. Two years ago she was finally able to cut us out of his life. For awhile he'd see us or call us secretly. But another sibling who is accepted by his wife told. He was told to choose. Now he is terminal. My younger sister has talked to him on the phone. I was told by his daughter-in-law that " They were not ready to talk to me." I said I'd respect that without rancor. Now my other fmaily members take issue with me for that. They say if I loved him I'd insist. i say I need to respect his wishes and hold him as I always have in my heart and memory.What say you?

    22 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Over 35 and under 65. What decade did you experience your best emotional growth?

    We all look back in our life and find we have areas that were defining for us.A time when we were wiser, willing to share and experience a greater growth in humanity and personal developement. What was your age and what just helped you define that time period?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago