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How to Celebrate turning the Big "3-0" ?
I am trying to figure out what to do for my (choke on saliva) 30th birthday. I skydived on my 25th, went to Rome for 12 days on 27th and spend New Years Eve in Time Square(never do that again) for 28th.
All of my trips have been completely solo. This is a big step for me and I want to make the 30th memorable.
I always wanted to go to Japan, so I was going to do a solo to Japan, but I have never celebrated my Adult B-days with Family. I was thinking of having a big 30th bash.
What should I do ?
A) Go to Japan
B) Have a Super Sweet 30 B-day Bash (on a budget)
If I go the Birthday party, I want to have a Masquerade Party or James Bond Theme. If you have a theme in mind or any other ideas too please share theme.
Thank you ^__^
1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade agoAm I being visited by a Incubus... ?
It happened again. Between 4:30-5:30 am, this morning me and my dog were woken out of deep sleep by what sounded like my bedroom door knob turning. I have a Pomeranian who barks at the slightest noise, but this was so loud it woke me up at the same time as it woke her up. I have a habit of locking my bedroom door even though I am the only one in my apartment.
Anyway, I was laying on my stomach in the bed and my dog was whining and barking after being shaken awake. I thought she was whining because she wanted out of her kennel (it faces my bed and the bedroom door), so I ignored her. I felt little ripples on my bed and thought maybe I did’t close her kennel all the way and she got out and jumped on the bed. I realized my dog can’t jump on my bed, because it’s too high and she is too small. Soon after I felt someone climb on the bed. This was a very heavy person because my body slanted toward the direction of each step. I panicked and tried to say, “ You are not welcomed here, I only allow good.” Like a friend of mine told me to do when it happened before, but nothing came out. Whatever it was straddled my legs and started caressing my inner thighs. I felt.. I do not know what it was I felt, but it was between my legs and I do not want to say. It felt like a static shock or when you put a 9 volt battery tip in your mouth. That is what I felt between my legs but it had a form… a shape. I cried and tried to focus on bible verses or something I could say to help me. This time was more bolder then the previous time. I was pinned down not paralyzed. I felt like the weight was suffocating and I struggled and called out for my great grandmother (who just passed away last week) to help me and make It stop. I wiggled and fought against my body to move and finally I was freed, but scared as he!!. I waited until daylight to get out of bed. I got my dog out of her kennel and open my bedroom door. It was unlocked. I played with the door to figure out what was that noise. It was the sound of my door unlocking that woke us up.
I have been telling my grandmother and aunt what’s been happening to me and It is nerve racking. They have no clue what it is. I have had this type of thing happen before 7 years ago but not to this extent. I stayed with my grandmother at that time, so she walked in my room and it stopped. I refuse to allow this thing to enter. It seems to come when I am at my most vulnerable or when I am lonely. Last night I cried before I went to bed because I wanted my great grandmother. Was this an invitation to something else to come ? I have had visits from very bad things and very good things that stopped the bad from coming around. Years ago something was after my ex-boyfriend and he refused to sleep at night. One night it started to come for me and I felt it as I laid awake in the bed.. but something good came in and drove the bad thing out and I felt joy and happiness in my heart I have never felt. However, this good thing kept me up all night talking. I could not understand what it was saying, but I tossed and turned all night because it was asking me questions and talking. ALL NIGHT LONG !!! Kind of like the scene of ghost when Swayze was singing Henry 8th I am. But this was scary you guys.. What should I do ?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI am a 8th Generation Floridian that hates Florida. Where should I move too ?
I hate Florida. At age 29, I am having a major mid life crisis. I am plotting my escape from the Deep South and need your help for my life overhaul.
I need suggestions for a city to relocate to . I have visited New York and loved it. I want that big city vibe, however the cost of surviving in NYC is higher than the cost of living in NYC.
My other options is Boston, Seattle, San Francisco or San Diego. I need a city that provides the following.
- Green Spaces for my Dog (will not go to bathroom on concrete)
- Affordable Parking (I want to keep my car, I worked hard to get him)
- Job Market (stable or stabilizing)
- Low Rent (spending between $800-$2000 for at least a 1 bedroom)
- Culture (need a place to see festivals, events, theater, history and such)
- Weather (should be nice to have 4 seasons instead of 2. But no harsh winters please)
- Good Nightlife (Don’t want to turn into a cat lady yet)
- Nice Dating Scene (optional, as I am an equal opportunist when it comes to dating. )
- Friendly Atmosphere ( I don’t want to feel like I can’t make friends, because I do not belong )
Overall a place where I can establish roots of my own. My main concern is my dog and car. If I move to NYC, It will be unfair to my dog because will never be home. My car would never be driven and I can’t do that either. I am planning on saving enough money for which ever coast I decide to go. I do plan to find a job, before the move so I can have some sort of grounding. I do not plan on moving until next year, but I want a city to concentrate on Next Year.
Any Suggestions or Ideas ? Or Do you think I should concentrate on NYC, Boston, Seattle, San Francisco or San Diego ? I plan to take a trip to each to see if I like it.
Thank you.
3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoCan I sue my gated apartment community if my car is stolen ?
On February 28, 2010 my 1999 Honda Civic was stolen from my gated community. Via surveillance footage my car drove out of the complex at 2:58am. My car was found less than five miles away, on the next street over from where I work at. My car was in pieces, they stripped it down for parts. This morning April 15, 2010, my neighbors car was found on blocks in the complex. They took the factory wheels off her 2008 Mazda 6. Both officers in both incidents said it was professionals, probably from a nearby repair shop, that is looking for certain parts. There are Lexus, Jaguars, Benz and other cars around the complex, but they are going after specific cars. They only took 2 parts out of the engine of my car and cut everything else. They took the fenders the lights and bumpers front and back.. everything. They would have done it to her, if she didn’t have an alarm and a club on her steering wheel.
Our complex camera are so crappy. It too dark to see anything. You could see my car , because its white and had silver tinted windows. They only one in the complex and I had a light kit (that they took) on it. The complex has had a carjacking and a motorcycle theft just last week. I have been there for 5 years and this has just recently started happening. In the lease it says that we must do our part to provide security to our car, such as locking it and keeping windows rolled up. I did all this and the manager agreed I followed the lease agreement. I have not heard anything from them about my incident.
So I want to know. Can sue the apartment community ?
Right now the gates are open in the complex, random people who are not residents are walking around, using our pool and car wash, Kids and teens are jumping the fences or squeezing through gaps. One of the residents apt. was broken into while she was at school in broad daylight… she is on the second floor and they came in through the sliding glass door.. So it had to have been Spiderman who broke in or his cousin.
What can I do ? Please advise. Thank you all.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoNightclubs in NYC on New Years Eve?
I am going to New York City for New Years Eve this year and I am going to spend New Years Eve at a night club instead of braving the crowds at Times Square.
Here is my question : Can you offer me some suggestions on Nightclubs in Manhattan ? I an considering the following nightclubs Celio, Gold Bar, Touch, Pink Elephant Club, Empire Rooftop..
I am want to but a ticket once they come on sale., but it's just choosing a club. Please give me some suggestions, I do not want to stay in on New Years.
Thank you ^____^
1 AnswerNew York City1 decade agoObama's Views.. Has Anyone Ever Attended a Black Church ?
I have been reading a lot about how people don't believe Obama is a Christian, because he went to a radical Afrocentric church for 20 years and listen to yada yada so he is a Marxist or Anti-White or Anti - America.. all this craziness. But I have a question to the people who question Obama's faith because he went to this kind of church. Has anyone (not the black people on here) ever went to an all black church before ? I hate to say this.. but I for one has.. and I am not shocked to hear any of this coming from a pastor. Seems like the only ones that have never been to a all black or Southern Baptist church are outraged. I have been to churches where a lot of pastors talk about their views, but the people at the churches I have been to take a person's views with a grain of salt. It's the pastors opinion and he has to take that up with God.. or whoever.. when the times comes. So I ask, Has anyone (and don't lie) ever been to a all black church or had their pastor, reverend or whatever talk about their views on society ? Do you agree with your pastor's opinion or take it with a grain of salt ?
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoNeed a Cool Restaurant Name ?
I am planning to open up a anime inspired cafe in my area next summer. Even though I am not asian, I always wanted to do this type of concept. I will be selling Crepes, Bubble (Boba) Tea, Gelato, and Hot sandwiches. I am stuck on a Name... I have a few Ideas.
The Wallflower (best anime ever)
Sano (named after my Chao on Sonic Adventure)
Mezzo (another cool anime)
Hana (cute name.. reminds me of Mana from Malice Mizer)
Kawaii (just means cute)
I like these names.. but I do not want to commit to them. Please Help me.. I need Name Ideas.
Thanks ^___^
6 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade agoHow did we benefit from the War with Iraq.. ?
A side of having Higher Gas prices, 800 billion in Debt, More countries hating us, Unnecessary death of our soldiers and Dubai Land. I really want to know. What did we accomplish ? Beside adding more dirt to the pile over there.
9 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoI do not have Patriotism towards my country... ?
In Truth, I hated this country... sometimes I still do hate this country. We are full of contradictions and if your rich and of a lighter human species.. you are above the law. I have been reading a lot of yahoo answers and I noticed.. that the true colors of people have really came out. I know a lot of people who hate America.. these are the same ones who become Patriots when it suits them. The majority of the people on here have never know suffering. Never been in a family that struggled to support its members. Never went two years without running water, barely feeding a house of 10 or more people. Having to bathe out of a bucket used to catch fish, never been raped by 4 foreigners , only to say that since they are here illegally they can’t do anything about it...and every time you went to the government to ask for aid. They refuse you.. saying that the working members of the family , who makes less than 5 dollars an hour.. makes too much money for assistance. But as you are leaving the gov't office you watch immigrants pull up to the Food Stamp office in a brand new Expedition, and immediately get aid, no questions asked. I am speaking cause I been through all of this and know both white and black families who have struggled to make ends meet on a system that does not help the poor. I am only 27, but I have been through so much stuff, that I am bitter at this country. I feel let down, because my opinion does not seem to matter in a corporate country. SO I ask you.. SHOULD I LOVE MY COUNTRY ? Should I love a system that is so unfair to the people who was birthed here for generations ? Should I love a country that gives free money to any other ethnic race that is looking to live the American Dream ? Is the American Dream not worthy enough for Americans ? Why.. should I praise a country that does not love us ? .. When I mean us.. I mean Americans.. of all colors..
14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago