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Favorite Answers32%

58 years old Married 37 years 4 grown children, 2 married, with 3 grandchildren. Lifetime Christian. Catholic for 35 years. Health ins. claims adjuster 36 years.

  • Comparing Medicare D Plans, and the results make no sense!!?

    The one without a deductible has premium of $54.70, says annual cost would be $847.32, and the one with a $360.00 deductible has premium of $25.70, says annual cost would be $381.48. How can this be? Makes no sense. How does the deductible figure in?

    3 AnswersInsurance5 years ago
  • In Yahoo Mail how can I sort by Sender?

    I used to be able to click on the heading of each column, and the email in my Inbox would be sorted by Date, Sender, or Subject. It was SO convenient to sort by Sender, so I could delete all the emails from web pages at one time. I haven't been able to do that recently, because there is just a spam email at the top, and no titles on the columns.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail7 years ago
  • When I sign into my Yahoo email, I get a pop-up from Yahoo Messenger saying I have messages...?

    ... from addresses I do not recognize. They look like spam. I don't even use Yahoo Messenger. This started when I updated Yahoo. How can I get rid of this? I went to my Control Panel and Yahoo Messenger is not even listed in the Programs, so I can't remove it from there.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail9 years ago
  • Is there a place on the web where you can download and save single episodes of the TV show Frasier?

    I have found videos on YouTube, but as far as I can tell, it is not possible to download them. I have seen many places where you can purchase DVD's of entire seasons, or of all seasons. My favorite episodes are from several different seasons, and I'd like to have just my favorite episodes (there are about 8-10 that I really loved best). I check iTunes and did not find any there.

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • Can skin cancer be light gray?

    My husband has an irregular blemish on the back of his hand that he thinks may be skin cancer because it is irregular in shape. It is flat, and in color, it's a light blueish gray. I thought they were darker in color than that. I'm going to have him see a doctor about it, but just wondered if anybody with skin cancer has has a very light colored blemish. His skin is fairly dark and this lesion is much lighter than his skin tone.

    1 AnswerCancer1 decade ago
  • Babysitting toddler and two babies for the weekend...?

    Our grandchildren are going to spend the weekend with us next week, and we are very much looking forward to it. We raised 4 children ourselves, and our middle child was two when our twins were born... so we are pretty good at handling a group of little ones. And we are both still in great physical shape, so there should be no problems.

    Mainly looking for ideas on activities we could plan ahead of time. Things a two-year-old and two babies can do together. The babies are cousins, aged 7 months and 8 months. The 8-month-old is a girl, the 2-year-old is her brother, and the 7-month-old is a boy. The babies both crawl and sit up, but aren't walking yet.

    We have a wagon with seat belts, big enough to put all three children in, so we will go for walks in that, and maybe take them to the zoo for a short time.

    Any suggestions of games we could play around the house, to keep them busy, so they won't go looking for stuff to get into?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • When was the Illinois "headlights in the rain" law actually effective?

    It seems to me that, while most of us have safely done so most of our lives, the law was passed in just the last few years.

    Does anybody know the exact date it became a law?

    A link to show that date would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    2 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Face in the sun, feet in the shade: what exactly does that mean?

    The directions on the box of lily bulbs say that, and I'm not really sure what that means. Anybody care to expand on that, draw me a mental picture of a typical location? It seems like it means ROOTS in the shade, so why does it say FEET? My flowers are planted in a bed along the front of the house which faces south, and they seem to do well there. They get sun most of the day, but are shielded from north winds by the house.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • The odds of winning a prize at a company Christmas party?

    I asked this before and gave too many details, which led to a discussion that had nothing to do with the question.

    Here are the facts:

    The company has 30 employees, 10 of whom have been with the company 15 years or more. Each year for 20 years, there are 20 employees there, but not always the same 20 employees attend. There are several prizes given away, but each year there is just one grand prize (a TV).

    What are the odds of two employees winning the TV twice?

    (These two employees ARE among those who have been with the company for 15 years or more.)

    What are the odds each year of somebody winning who has never won before? Are their odds any better than somebody who HAS already won the TV?

    2 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • What are the odds of winning a door prize at a company party?

    Here are more details: The company gives away a big prize and 5 smaller prizes each year at the Christmas dinner. There are approximately 30 employees, and at the company party, where you must be present to win, there are usually about 20 employees there. Spouses and dates are not eligible to win.

    The personnel secretary goes around and has each employee put their name on a piece of paper. They put them all into a basket and a supposedly impartial person draws the names out, and they are read out loud by the boss. The first name drawn gets the biggest prize, and after that, each person gets to choose the diamond or gold jewelry they want.

    This has gone on for 20 years or so. There are some employees who have never won anything, and some who have won the biggest prize twice. What are the odds of that? Through the years, it has been debated that it is somehow fixed-- that maybe the boss just shouts out the names she wants to have win... or that there is a piece of tape or something on the papers of those she wants to win.

    Anyway... what are the odds of a person who has been there from the beginning... for 25 years... before they even started awarding the big prize (a big-screen TV)... and NEVER winning the TV nor any of the expensive jewelry they give away?

    If there is a more fair way to do this, what would it be?

    It has been suggested that the names of those who have won the TV should be withheld until the first name is drawn, but they have never considered doing that, they just laugh that off when it is suggested.

    What are the odds? It seems that, when it is repeated every year for so long, the odds would have to change so that a person who has never won would eventually have to be the winner. But in practice, that does not happen. How does it work out mathematically? Should the losers just give up and quit going to the party?

    2 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • What if the Presidential election is a tie?

    Did anybody else see this interesting article?

    "In the United States, presidential elections are determined on a state-by-state basis rather than a nationwide popular vote. Each state, along with the District of Columbia, is allotted a number of votes in the Electoral College that correspond to the number of representatives it has in Congress. To become president, a candidate must win at least 270 electoral votes.

    If McCain wins Virginia, New Hampshire, Florida and Ohio but loses Pennsylvania, Colorado, New Mexico and Iowa to Obama, both candidates could end up with 269 electoral votes.

    Other, less likely scenarios -- McCain losing Virginia and New Hampshire but winning Michigan, for example -- also could result in a tie.

    Under the U.S. Constitution, the House would then decide the election when it meets in January, with each state getting one vote -- regardless of its size -- if the chamber has to break a tie.

    Democrats, who control the 435-seat House, outnumber Republicans in 27 state congressional delegations and could see that number rise in the November elections.

    Republicans have a majority in 21 state delegations. Two states have an equal number of Republican and Democratic representatives.

    * While the House picks a president, the Senate picks the vice president in the event of a tie. The Democratic-controlled chamber could pick Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden even if McCain wins the House vote.

    * The newly minted vice president could become acting president if the House doesn't reach a resolution by the time President George W. Bush leaves the White House on January 20.

    * House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would become acting president if neither chamber could settle on a president or vice president but she would have to resign her post."

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why were the Emmy Awards so ignored this year?

    This year's ceremony received one of the lowest Nielsen ratings in Emmy history. Lots of theories out there. Why do you think this happened?

    14 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Who cares about the Vice President, unless the President dies in office? What does the VP really DO?

    The media made fun of Sarah Palin for asking "what does the Vice President really do?" But she made a good point. What actual duties go with that job, other than falling into the Presidency?

    How many Vice Presidents in history can you name, unless they later became President? What has Dick Cheney actually done to influence anything?

    Shouldn't we focus on the President-- and, even more important, on electing a Congress who will support what the people want?

    Why focus so much on the VP?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you like cilantro? Is it an actual addiction, or a craving?

    I love this flavor, especially in salsa, and sometimes I think about it and wish I had some! Is that considered a craving? Or, because of its nature, is this actually an addiction? I don't like the idea of being addicted to anything.

    I have read that it has cleansing properties. Have you ever noticed a true health benefit from eating this? Is it considered an herb, or a vegetable?

    It is interesting to find that many people intensely dislike the flavor of it and most people either love it or hate it. In fact there is a website called I find that hilarious.

    5 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Do we REALLY need the capability to give answers a thumb down?

    Think about it. What real advantage is there to a thumb down? Other than to conceal the responses that are insulting or upsetting to the person who asked the question, that is. Most of the Yahoo Answers community can ignore answers they don't like.

    Maybe it would be good to have that available only to the person who asked the question.

    But all too often, trolls go through and give thumbs down to answers that do not deserve it. I think they are littering the website with them.

    Who agrees that only the person who asked the question should be able to give it a thumbs down?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What would you do if your son's dog tried to bite your brother in law for no reason?

    Our son is 24 and moved back home so he could finish college and work to pay his own tuition. We want this for him, and we accepted his dog, too, but the dog is a Staffordshire Terrier, often mistaken for a pit bull. She has a nasty reaction to strangers, but likes other dogs. She has bitten a few people already, not bad bites, but enough to know there is a risk. He loves the dog, but he admits she doesn't have a good disposition and doesn't know what to do. I think we have to put our foot down and make him get rid of the dog before we end up with a lawsuit if she bites a neighbor. I saw my brother in law walk past her, and she went after him, completely unprovoked, even though she had seen him visit here many times.

    What would you do?

    18 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What was your favorite episode or moment of Frasier?

    I have just started to notice how hilarious that show was. I guess it must have been playing opposite some other show when it was new, because I don't think we watched it very often. Now I love to stay up late and watch it, then I have trouble getting up for work in the morning.

    Anybody else wish they showed the reruns earlier in the evening?

    I laugh out loud sometimes at their subtle humor, and I love how Niles and Frasier are so different from their Dad and how he makes fun of them.

    Once, when Niles was helping Daphne zip her dress (before they got together) and he was so nervous, he caught his tie in her dress and Frasier walked in. There was a moment of silence, then Frasier said, "Niles, you have something on your tie."

    There was a funny scene when Lilith came for a visit and the dog Eddy hopped up on the couch next to her. She looked at the dog and said "Go away." and the dog jumped down and ran away, then Frasier's Dad says, "Oh! For a minute there, I thought you were talking to me."

    8 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know why this question was removed?

    "How would you package a lamp shade for shipping?

    In Small Business - Asked by mia2kl2002 - 0 answers - 6 days ago- (Question has been removed)"

    It was a valid question, but received no answers.

    I would really like to know why it was removed, and by whom?

    I would never post a question that was against the rules.

    This makes no sense.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are there psychics on here who have answered your questions, and turned out to be right on?

    I noticed a few questions directed to psychics here, and just wondered if there are psychics on site who are willing and able to help in this venue.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why not have assisted living facilities for the homeless?

    OK, we all know that a very large number of homeless people are not employable because they have mental problems and/or they are hooked on drugs or alcohol. They cannot afford medical care or medication to treat these problems. They have no family who will house them because they are hell to live with. These kinds of people used to be committed to insane asylums, but that is no longer legal, and the institutions are all closed.

    What if the government established facilities where they could live, but be required to take medication, not alcohol or illegal drugs? It would give them a place to stay, help them get better and back on their feet.

    If they are not homeless, this could get them out of the family homes where they cause trouble. If they are on SSI, they would exchange that income for a better place to live, which would help fund the project.

    3 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago