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  • should i buy a mac or a PC?

    My PC no longer funtions properly im not quite sure whats wrong with it but im unable to get it out of power save mode.

    This is the second time this has happened and instead of paying for it to be fixed AGAIN i want to upgrade.

    I use my computer for basic things like school work, watching TV and listening to music. I do plan on exploring my musical creativity in the futur and hope to get some software to help me.

    should i buy a mac or a PC?

    12 AnswersDesktops10 years ago
  • music video on youtube in which everything is backwards?girl is getting out of bed. it all happens in a house?

    i know this is really vague but i cant remember the name of the song or the artist. any help? I saw is a few months ago

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • is it normal for my friend to make remarks about sleeping with my boyfriend?

    the other day, a reletively close friend of mine, made a comment about her sleeping with my boyfriend. I got upset and hung up the phone on her. then she called me back and went on with it some more. she knew it bothered me because me and my bf are having problems right now. She said things like "he said you were fat when he was in my bed the other night." i was shocked that she would say that to me. i mean even if it is a joke...what kind of joke is that? she then went on to say that he loves it when she cooks for him. I really want to tell her how bothered I am about it but i dont want to show that right now i am kinda insecure about the relationship. She knows that me and him have issues right now and i think that as a friend, she should be comforting me and not trying to make me feel worse.

    Am i being a baby or do you think i am right. she is really getting on my nerves now. should i confront her about it? I feel like just cutting her off as a friend right now

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • who sings the rnb song about heart beat?

    at one point in the song, u actually hear a heart beat.. its a slow rnb song

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • living at home?

    how many of u are 22ish and still live at home with ur parents? if u moved out, was it hard to get ur parents to understand?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • do u joke about ur friends personal lives and problems with others behind their backs?

    i've had some serious problems with my man in the past and i just found out that one of my long time friends has been joking about it behind my back. she's been telling all her friends and her boyfriends friends and even her mom all my business. i dont trust her anymore and i think it is really childish of her to do that. i dont even want to be her friend anymore because she seriously betrayed me. should i confront her about it or should i just stop talking to her?

    10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • should i let him go?

    i hurt him so much, even when i'm not trying. he hurts me too sometimes. he makes me feel neglected and that he doesnt care for me. he keeps telling me that he is here for me but whenever i dont feel it, i end up doing something like talking to other guys (just talking). i know i seek attention when he doesnt give it to me. i do love him and i want to make things work but everytime something like this happens, i know how much i am hurting him. its so hard to let go because we've been together for so long and i love him dearly. should i let him go?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how many times a day do u talk to ur bf/gf?

    i can barely ever get my bf on the phone nowadays. and it's so annoying that he never answers when i call. he never minded before when we would talk like 5 times a day now it's like he doesnt even want to talk to me

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • has sushi ever made u vomit?

    yesterday, i had some crab sushi from a well known place in downtown montreal and a few hours later it gave me the worst stmoach ache and i threw up.

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • please take the time to read this and tell me what you think!?

    ok so i havent really been honest with anyone about this and i would like an unbiased opinion. me and my bf have been together for over 2 and 1/2 years. in thebeginning, we had some trust problems as he had been hurt by previous girls and i was a bit of a party girl. everything cooled down and we were really enjoying eachother. then this summer, he became very distant. he was working on different projects and didnt really have time to be the bf he was to me previously. i felt alone and as i didnt k now how to handle the change in him. he wasnt communicating with me and i didnt know what he was doing most of the time. he assured me that he was being faithful to me and that i shouldnt worry because he was dedicated to us. time went on and things got worse. i ended up cheating on him. i had a one night stand with a guy i worked with. i really regretted it and i had a hard time coming out to him and telling him what i had done but i finally told him everything about what i did and why.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why can't I stop sneezing sometimes?

    At any random moment i start sneezing and i sometimes sneeze something like 20 times in 5 minutes. I've always had sinus problems but I was never able to find out exactly what was wrong. does any one else have this problem? what is it and how do i fix it?

    1 AnswerAllergies1 decade ago
  • ipod commercial?

    who sings the song in the latest ipod commercial?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • cardiovascular endurance?

    what are some excercises that would help someone improve theri cardiovascular endurance?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • stop this hunger?

    before and after my menstruation, i cant stop eating. i feel like i gained 5 pounds. is there any way to control this ridiculous hunger? i am about the start tricyclen you think it's gonna help?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago