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Hey I'm David. I'm 19, a sophomore in college, 5'10" dark hair dark eyes 100% italian and pretty good shape I'd like to hope. ummm I'm nice! Musically inclined, reasonably intelligent, and I love to talk to anyone and everyone, any age or any interests or whatever Message me or IM me.

  • Effective workout & weight gain strategies?

    So I'm 19, about 5'9" 150 pounds or so and a sophomore in college. I'm pretty lean, just under 8% body fat, but I've always been just a bit on the skinny side. Since the beginning of summer, and carrying over into the school year, I've gone to lift weights 7 days a week for 60-75 minutes, doing a full-body workout each day.

    I've heard before that working out every day is counterproductive to building muscle, because your muscle tissue doesn't have time to rebuild, which sounds reasonable enough to me. Then my question is "about how long does it take to let your body rest, as to get the full benefits of a workout?"

    Also, as a busy college student, I don't usually have the time for 3 big meals a day. Therefore, i thought it would be a good idea to take protein supplements to boost the results from my workout; what kind of protein is good to take, because they have a bunch of different kinds of supplements and I don't know anything about any of this.

    Thanks a bunch!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Airfare search engine?

    Can anyone help me? i remember finding a site a few months ago and it would compare the airfare rates of some of the biggest companies and it would add them to a big list of all the flights based on the parameters you set and it would sort them by price. Can anyone tell me what website that might have been? I'd appreciate it a lot

    6 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • "I love you"?

    when do you think is a good time to start saying I love you, when you're in a relationship?

    and do you think that's something you should reserve for your partner in a relationship? or is that something that's acceptable to say to opposite-gender friends as well?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Help with windows restoration?

    Hi my friend got a virus on his computer that he can't seem to get rid of, so he just wants to restore his computer to default windows xp. the problem, however, is that he doesn't have a restore disk or anything because he got his computer built and it didn't come with a restore disk or anything.

    So what can he do? Is it possible to acquire a windows xp disc with just the operating system on it that he can use to restore his computer?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Recovery disk?

    my friend has a computer that is pretty much virused beyond repair, so I suggested that he restore it. He got it privately, so it didn't come with a windows xp cd or a recovery cd. Is there any way that I can make a recovery CD for him, either by using my computer (which has windows xp) or by downloading something from the internet that will allow him to restore his computer? Thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • The question of the century....?

    They tried it on Seinfeld and it didn't work haha but here goes:

    Can you have sex and friendship with the same person, without having anything more?

    Can you care about someone as a friend and not let it develop into anything more, while you two sleep together?

    24 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Taking things too seriously?

    I see questions that some girls ask about "what did this mean?" and it's like "some guy looked at me once, what does this mean?" or some gesture that a guy made, or some little thing he said to one of his friends one time.

    It always seems like the girls asking these questions think that guys are clever and cunning and are trying to hint at something with the most subtle of actions......

    But you have to remember we're talking about guys, and we aren't exactly the most subtle creatures on earth.

    Don't you think that (in most cases) this is just overanalyzing something that a guy didn't mean to have any meaning whatsoever? It just seems like a big waste of time to get upset or anxious over such unimportant crap.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Socially awkward???

    A lot of people seem uncomfortable in social situations with members of the opposite sex.

    Do you think this is a result of soooooo much nowadays (in terms of relationships or whatnot) being done indirectly?

    I mean a lot of girls try to hint at everything, they try to get guys to ask them out by telling their friends to hint to a guy.

    A lot of guys ask girls out or to a dance or break up with them in a text or on the phone or online.

    I mean seriously, it seems like human interaction is on the way down and indirect.... crap is on the way up.

    Am I completely wrong?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do any of you guys...?

    actually like girls who play hard to get? Whenever I get the impression that a girl is leading me on and just playing hard to get (friendly and saying she would like to go out, but then makes up dumb excuses to not go out, or that kind of crap) I just automatically lose all interest in them and find someone else to take out who will actually appreciate it.

    Some girls I talk to are under the impression that guys love being controlled in such a way. Ummm does anyone?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • One sex has it easier?

    Often I hear girls say that it would be so much easier being a guy because of blah blah and guys say that it would be so much easier being a girl because of blah blah.

    that's all easy to say, but do you honestly believe that? Are there any guys who think that you have it easier or any girls that honestly think you have it easier?

    32 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • getting someone you care about to stop smoking?

    I've heard plenty of people (guys and girls) say that they would really like to be with someone, but the fact that (s)he smokes is a real concern.

    If you really care about someone, whether they're a friend or a potential dating interest or whatever, but they smoke and it really concerns you, do you try and do anything about it?

    I know you can't force people to do something against their will, but do you try to encourage them and let them know you care or what? Are there any proven effective ways of trying to convince someone that it's really a bad thing for them?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do you think about about...?

    Public displays of affection (PDAs)

    A lot of people (me included) complain about people who go just over the top with PDAs.

    Do you think that guys tend to be more into stuff like that, whether because they like the girl or because they want to look like they're getting some in front of friends?

    Or does it seem like girls would rather show people that they have a boyfriend, whether for just showing him off or genuinely caring?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else hate the term....?

    My baby's daddy?

    I'm not insulting men or women with this question, I'm just saying I hate hearing it and would be perfectly content never hearing it again.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Intimidation?

    How natural do you think it is for guys to be intimidated by girls?

    Guys: are you intimidated by girls often?

    Girls: does it make you self-conscious if guys seem intimidated by you?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ahhh I feel like an idiot?

    a lot of people struggle to lose weight and get in shape and are really dedicated into making themselves look and feel better....

    and then there's me:

    I'm 17, 5'10"ish and low enough on body fat and with a ridiculously fast metabolism that makes me look buff as hell..... but I'm not at all really.

    I just feel bad because people try hard to look fit and stay fit, and sitting around isn't really an option. I mean I'm pretty active and try to stay fit too, but I just feel guilty more often than not because I don't need to do a whole lot for that.

    Does this tend to come back and bite you in the *** later?

    13 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What would you rather be called?

    I've heard a lot of girls say that they would rather be called "beautiful" or "gorgeous" than "hot" or "sexy."

    However, it seems difficult to imagine a lot of girls taking it well when a guy calls them "beautiful."

    It seems like they would think that means the guy wants a relationship or is falling for them, whereas "you're hot" just means "let's make out."

    So do most girls actually want to be called things like "beautiful" by guys?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • girls do you...?

    feel self-conscious if you're dating a guy who is skinnier/lighter than you?

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this?

    99% of the time, when people (male and female, and usually the younger, the more this applies) are hurt when they get out of relationships. Even breakups that aren't violent still are hurtful and uncomfortable.

    Why, then, do people rush into relationships and feel as if they always need to be with someone? If you ask almost any 16 year old girl if she's looking for a soulmate, she's going to say no. She knows they're going to break up eventually (in almost every case) so why do people set themselves up so often for being hurt?

    I'm not against dating by any means, I just think a lot of people tend to rush into it.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • That's confusing...?

    So I recently asked a question about why younger girls tend to go for older guys and most of the answers were "girls mature faster than guys so they go for older guys."

    Understandable, but then does that mean that girls are attracted to maturity? With all of the girls that go for "players" and "bad boys," people obviously just out there for sex and not a mature relationship, it doesn't seem like girls are attracted to maturity....

    But then again, I don't know a ton about girls, so I could be very wrong. But let me know what you think!

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • When teenage girls date older guys....?

    I know some guys that exclusively seem to date girls who are 2 or more years younger (Like 17-14, 18-15 etc)

    Why do you think this happens as often as it does? Do you think that younger girls are flattered to think that an older guy would be interested in them?

    Do you think a younger girl would put out more for a guy that's older than her than she would for a guy who's her age or younger?

    So in general, why do you think some guys go for younger girls and some girls go for older guys, and why is it more common than the other way around?

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago