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There is, I suggest no "right side" to wear a poppy: Who was first to be told differently?
There is a sudden fashion to try to have everybody wearing a poppy on the Right side and tell us it is wrong to do anything else. Look; I recall at school when we were expected to wear poppies we had poppies on our clothing at any suitable location on our clothing above the belt! - But although they liked to 'nanny' us no one was ever told off for having it on the wrong side. The new Urban Myth of a 'Rule' emerges from uptight people as much as eighty years after the start of poppy wearing for Remembrance how come (be honest) nobody heard it before this year?
Its a free country; if you wear one at all, you are free wear a poppy however you chose.
2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoWhy are people not still angry about the war in Iraq for the 'weapons on mass destruction' they never had?
It diverted resources from Afghanistan and so made that more costly, and there are still tyrants all over the planet meaner than Saddam.
16 AnswersMilitary1 decade agoWhat can be done to end the sad angry Punch & Judy abuse of this Prime Minister on Answers?
Gordon Brown is an accomplished intellectual. He is able to understand Compex subjects and knows there aren't tabloid-style sound-bite solutions to all of them:
If he left office, which many want, whoever was Prime Minister would have as much difficulty and It would be possible to deride them in the same way.
Gordon Brown is an accomplished intellectual. When you have completed a university PhD like Gordon, then think of if your life would be different if you had lost the sight in one eye.
15 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWho has the better character and inteligence to be president: Sara Palin, or Phoebe from 'Friends'?
Enlist Phoebe!
No one told you life was gonna be this way.
11 AnswersElections1 decade agoIs Mike Gravel still running?
5 AnswersElections1 decade agoHow long before someone in yahoo answers calls Mccain a socialist?
Political illiteracy lead many to call H Clinton a socialist in these questions. How long before the same is said of McCain, now several call him 'Liberal'?
17 AnswersPolitics1 decade agothe documentary about the fake moon landings was a hoax!?
The tone of the documentary begins with low key revelations of NASA working closely with Hollywood at the time of the Moon landings. Over the course of the tale, Karel postulates that not only did Kubrick help the USA fake the moon landings but that he was eventually killed by the CIA to cover up the truth. First hand testimony backing these claims come from Rumsfeld and Dr. Kissinger, which lend credence to the story.
It is finally revealed that this is a mockumentary as the end credits roll over a montage of blooper reels, with the main participants laughing over the absurdity of their lines or questioning if particular ones would give the joke away too soon. Besides being a comedic documentary, it is also an exercise in Jean Baudrillard's theories of hyperreality.
5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoIsnt the Sermon On the Mount the best Liberal platform?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoConsider this: The Sermon on the Mount is a Liberal platform(isnt it?)!?
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoRepublican politician Schwartzenegger wants action against global warming. Do you agree? Will his party agree?
"We see that there is not great leadership when it comes to the federal government and protecting the environment," Schwarzenegger said. "So this is why we as a state move forward with it because we want to show leadership."
"I think there is so much scientific evidence that there is global warming created by us and if we don't do something about it, we're facing a disastrous situation," Schwarzenegger said. "Of course there's always people who doubt it, but there's also people who think the world is flat."
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago