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  • HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Last year, I lost 35 pounds in 3 months on a strict low fat diet. I went off the diet yet still ate carefully to maintain the weight loss. Since then, I have gained nearly 45 pounds. If I "starve" myself (900 calories/day or less) I can keep the same weight. If I eat normally (1500-2000 cals/day) I have been gaining any from 2-6 pounds EACH WEEK!!!! SIX POUNDS IN ONE WEEK!!!! Help me! I don't understand this!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • oil furnace woes Help, freezing!!!?

    I have an older (at least 15 yrs.) furnace in my mobile home that burns #2 fuel (oil/kerosene blend). About 4 years ago I had the whole thing pretty much rebuilt. 3 Yrs ago I replaced the fan. The last 2 years I had it cleaned and checked and it ran both seasons with no trouble. I started having trouble before I had it cleaned this season. It will kick on, but die before the flame comes on. The first time, I reset it and it was fine. The second time, I reset it and smoke poured out of it. I panicked and called the fire dept! My furnace guy came out later that day, turned it on and off about 20 times, and it worked fine for about 10 days. It just died out again. I am terrified to reset it because of the last time and I don't have another cent to pay my furnace man. Help!!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is this even remotely possible?????????

    Is it possible, by sticking to a strict, almost non-fat, 800-1000 calorie per day diet, to lose 25 pounds in 7 weeks?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Coachmen clipper wont crank anymore!?

    Just bought a 94 Clipper. Cranked it up, must have overcranked, and the thing crashed down. Now it wont crank at all. My usually-mechanical brother doesn't even know where to start looking for the problem. Is there blueprints for it I could get so we know where everything is located so we can try to fix it? Does anyone out there have an idea what this could be? I am very new to the popup world! Thank you.

    1 AnswerCamping1 decade ago
  • Solid mass in kidney?

    My husband just had a CT scan for a solid (not fluid-filled) mass in his left kidney. We wont have the results for a few days and everything I've read says 90% of solid masses in kidneys are cancer. Anyone have experience with this where it is not cancer? I'm terrified!

    6 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Diabetes question what does this mean?

    What does it mean for a diabetic to become "brittle"? I have heard this phrase used several times but don't quite understand it. Do all diabetics eventually go "brittle"?

    8 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • The movie "Chicago"??

    In the movie Chicago, the 6 merry murderesses scene, what is the Hungarian lady saying? What was her crime? I don't need a literal translation, just the jist of it. Thanks.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Child support scenarios...

    I have 2 child support questions I need help with. Both cases are in New York State, although in different counties.

    Case #1: Child is 18 and just beginning community college at the end of the month. Child shares costs of an apartment near school with 2 friends.Child works part time and his mother turns over all child support money she receives each month to him to help with his living expenses. Can the father stop paying support?

    Case #2: Child is 19. He works full time but still lives with his mother. His mother charges him rent to live in her home. Mother is recieving about $300 in child support from father. Can the father stop paying support?


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Frequent Hypoglycemia?

    My husband is a type 1 Diabetic for about 15 years. We are working to try to get his sugar under a little better control (his A1c runs about 8.5-9) so his doc started him on Metformin in addition to Humalog and Levemir about 3 months ago. He began having very frequent hypoglycemic episodes about 6 weeks ago. I am talking twice in one day at least once a week, and 2-3 times the rest of the week. I had to call the ambulance twice in a 3 day period last month. I usually can bring him out of them myself, but I am becoming very frightened and stressed. It doesn't bother him at all, he says he'd rather have this low blood sugar than have it in the 300's or 400's which makes him uncomfortable and sluggish. I say there has to be a happy medium! Help!

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Blood pressure medicine and potassium levels?

    Has anyone had an experience of taking Diovan for blood pressure and had an elevated potassium level while taking it? What else can cause high potassium levels?

    3 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Boxer urinary trouble?

    My 3 month old male boxer suddenly has a yellowish, thick discharge when he pees. He is apparently not in any pain, and he is acting completely normally. Do I need to put in an emergency call to the vet or can it wait a bit since it isn't bothering him at all? Is this something common? He is my first little guy so I am learning about dogs.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Kidney stones...?

    I was diagnosed with a 14mm kidney stone on Dec. 20. I am scheduled to have it shockwaved on Jan. 23. The uroligist put a stent from my kidney to the bladder to keep the stone from blocking. Since Dec. 20, I have gone through sepsis and a UTI that is caused by the MRSA bacteria. I am finishing up the meds for the UTI and my question is... Am I still supposed to be in pretty bad pain all the time? Could the stent cause the pain? Some days my urine is bloody, other days not. I have not had one pain-free day in 4 weeks. My doctors treat me like I am a hypochondriac and kinda shrug it off. Has anyone had experience with kidney stones and stents? Help!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Mother- in- Law trouble?

    Hi everyone, I recently became quite seriously ill with septicemia from a kidney stone. I am still not recovered and I am scared out of my mind since sepsis has a pretty high death rate. Anyway, hubby and were supposed to go to mamas house on Christmas and bring a big pot of homemade pasta sauce to feed the family. My husband informed mama that not only was I not coming on Christmas, I also wasn't up to making sauce. She flipped and said "And just where does that leave US?" I was floored and hurt. We told her this 4 days ahead of Christmas so it wasn't like they'd all be sitting around staring at empty plates like something out of a Dickens story. She also has 3 daughters who are capable of making sauce. My husband was not happy with his mother but I asked him not to scold her since she is 80 and in poor health. I am still hurt though. Did I do the right thing?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Sepsis/kidney stone Please Help!!!?

    Hello, I was diagnosed with a 14 mm kidney stone this past Thursday. The doctors placed a stent in my kidney to drain it and since it was so large, I am to go back next week to have the stone broken up. Apparently the pressure forced bacteria into my blood (sepsis). I had been warned that this was a possibility and I was informed today that I had it. Everything iI read about this condidtion says that sepsis has a 40-60% fatality rate and it ALWAYS needs to be treated in a hospital. However, my surgeon's assistant says I am fine at home taking the antibiotic. I got a second opinion from my own doctor and he says the same thing, only to increase my antibiotic dosage. I did tell them I thought I was improving since the fevers don't go as high or last as long now, but still I am terrified! Anyone have personal experioence with this condition? Doctors especially, can you weigh in on this?

    15 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • American Girl dolls...?

    Who know which, if any, stores in the Rochester, NY area carry American Girl Dolls?

    1 AnswerToys1 decade ago
  • Diabetes and work issues?

    Anyone out there or a loved one with diabetes have issues with having episodes of low blood sugar at work and been threatened with termination of thier job?

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Labor laws...Is this legal?

    Can a diabetic (insulin dependant) be fired from thier job for having episodes of very low blood sugar while at work?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • New York residents...?

    Can someone explain to me if the NY child support laws are applied statewide, or are they county by county, or are they just applied at the whims of the judges and SCU workers? For example: One man loses his job and asks for a reduction in his payments. This is granted. Another man loses his job, asks the same thing, and is told no, to have his wife pay the support. A woman asks for an increase in her payments after 5 years of receiving the same amount and is told no. Another woman recieves an automatic increase each year without even asking for it. Can someone help? I would love to hear from current or former SCU workers especially.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Opinions, please... My husband works overnight and he...?

    called me at 1 am to bring him his wallet that he forgot. Although I was not happy about it, I got up and drove to his workplace(in my nightgown) to bring it to him. When I got there, he realized he also forgot his insulin and had to go home anyway to get it. He followed me out of the parking lot and he stopped to get coffee while I continued on home. I was pulled over by a sheriff for having a brake light out, and lo and behold, when my husband finally came by, he drove right past me and didn't even stop to see what was going on! He claims he panicked because he knew I was pissed anyway for having to be out at 1am and I would blame him for getting stopped. Duh! Grounds for divorce???

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can someone explain this to me?

    Why do welfare moms, with no job and no place they HAVE to be all day, get money to put their kids in daycare?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago