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  • Are we moved in our beds?

    Has anyone noticed on awakening that their position in bed has changed to one related to the points of the compass?

    Our bed is E - W and I remain that way, but my wife moves to N - S shortly after I get up.

    Strangely, when the bed is N - S she hardly moves yet I go E - W.

    Perhaps a study should be carried out. This is a genuine question from a curious old man.

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • I own a cavalier king charles. At 8 months he has developped a rear leg limp. He was the runt of the litter.?

    He is a very handsome dog and I'm concerned for his wellfare. Any advice or similar experience with your cavalier would be appreciated. Thanks

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why is female circumcision allowed to continue?

    This and male circumcision is a subject that is often swept under the table because it is rather sensitive - too right it's sensitive as all those who have had it done could tell us.

    The subject was on the BBC's news today and infuriated me. Let's have these barbaric acts stopped. BUT HOW??

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Baby and household noises? Help needed.?

    Bro and sis - in law have 7mth old baby (their first) and insist on 'silence' - whispered conversations and the tv sound so low that it can hardly be heard - during feeding and when she's asleep. It is noticeable that the baby is attracted to any normal sound and does slow down when having a meal (bottle). I feel that if normal household noises were allowed she would eventually get used to them and feed/sleep just as well which would be much less frustrating for her parents and others.

    Any thoughts on the subject would be welcome.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Are we becoming too clean?

    Being brought up in the 30's/40's I was taught that 'cleanliness was next to Godliness'.With our very limited hard soap and no hot running water (particularly during the war years) our washing facilities were basic, yet we kept ourselves clean and tidy. When we fell and scraped ourselves the wound (if it was bleeding) would be washed with water and iodine applied before bandaging. The next day, still sore, it would be left open to the elements to scab over. Colds? Wrap up and stay indoors for a couple of days. Central heating? None, boil the water needed even for a bath.

    I remember Tyrozets (spelling ?) having to be prescribed for throat infections, but can now be purchased over the counter.

    Yesterday on the news it was announced that those suffering from nut allergies can be cured when given small doses over a period of time. What a surprise!

    Surely it's better for us to develop our own immunities as we grow - 'a bit of good honest dirt won't hurt you, son.' my Dad used to say as he applied salty water to my grazed knee.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Your Thoughts? Man is expelled from a womb and spends much of his life trying for re-entry.?

    To a woman a womb is a place which, although constantly invaded by foreigners, remains the home of love and hope for the future.

    Man gives love for sex and a woman gives sex for love.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • NADJA LIZ what did you mean?

    At 73 with a lovely wife, a gf would be the last thing on my degreed mind. May I suggest you grow up.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • MOOFIE"S MOM have you tried this?

    We take supplements each day and have found them to be very useful. Do email me for a list of them if interested. Ev. Primrose is good.

    Weather was quite good after-all on Thurs.

    03.00 Fri now. Good night to you and sleep well.


    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How many will send me a birthday email on 2nd July?

    Arrival 2-7-35

    Surrounded with shades of red

    And warmth never known before.

    Awakening thoughts in the head

    At the sound of a knock on the door.

    The floating suddenly drained away

    As new sensations came from within.

    Pressure from above the order of the day

    Propelling me forward in the bin.

    The pressures changed as did the light

    To soft white, blues and grey.

    Sounds of water off to the right

    As damp cloths were taken away.

    Suspended by the feet in the air,

    Then a slap on the back was the ploy.

    A loud cry followed and a stare

    As the doctor said, “It’s a boy”.



    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Why do we not now live and let live?

    History has brought us to this point in Time. Many religions have the same God, so why fight over it?

    People are starving yet their rulers refuse aid, why?

    What are your views and reasons for holding them?

    What are you, personally, going to do to ensure change?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do we not now live and let live?

    History has brought us to this point in Time. Many religions have the same God, so why fight over it?

    People are starving yet their rulers refuse aid, why?

    What are your views and reasons for holding them?

    What are you, personally, going to do to ensure change?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do we not now live and let live?

    History has brought us to this point in Time. Many religions have the same God, so why fight over it?

    People are starving yet their rulers refuse aid, why?

    What are your views and reasons for holding them?

    What are you, personally, going to do to ensure change?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Have you seen a UFO in the last few days?

    Whilst taking a photo of the moon and an aircraft flying passsed on Monday evening, I became aware of a shape below and to the right of the aircraft. On the PC it looks like a cylinder and my reporting it to BEAMS here in the UK it has been noted as a UFO.

    I am not sure how to upload the photo for you to see - please help.

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Can I be infected whilst at work?

    I work in the sterilisation unit of a hospital, wear protective clothing/visor etc, but no mask. I feel unwell (headaches, shivery, various aches/pains and drowsiness) increasingly of late.

    Is it possible that I have 'picked up'something at work? Has anyone experienced similar?

    Can MRSA or any other infections be picked up

    simply by breathing it in for example?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • How can the standard of youth bevaviour be improved?

    The standard has fallen greatly over the past 30 years or so. The yob/mob culture is one that just has to be sorted out. There's a lack of respect for parents/authority these days and we seem powerless to punish offenders meaningfully. Of-course the general mass are ok/fine, but the others ---------- ! Ideas please.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Punishment?

    Should harsher punishments be brought into schools for wrong-doers. If so what? If not why not?

    9 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • My Lab keeps licking her leg?

    For a year or so she has done this and her actions makes the areas sore and fur-free. Vet says she'll get over it and that a lot of Labs do it!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it really that bad now?

    Back in the '70's an educational survey showed that at 16 yrs of age brighter children were outnumbered by 30 / 1. It predicted that by the year 2000 it would be 200 / 1

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is our mountain here in Cwmbran, S Wales, on the move?

    One end of our kitchen worktop is supported by a steel pole. For the last year or so I have noticed that when leaning on the worktop, as one does, there are times when it moves down by a couple of mm.. That occurs after dry weather and the pole can easily be moved around, but after a period of wet weather there is none and the w/top is firm. I am just curious to know what is going on. Can it be ckecked out and if so by whom?

    4 AnswersWeather1 decade ago