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I'm 32. Living life and learning. Working hard and also looking for more opportunities arg these ruff economical times but ya it's not keeping me down. Learning from the past relationships how to love and be loved and when to just let go and let God. Unconditional love as well. I can be found on look for the user name under this email or just out right ask me. I also have a minimal account on as well under the same email as above. I do enjoy this site and the many views and opinions expressed and the answers. I also enjoy answering and giving my views and thoughts on many things as well. You're welcome to those who my answers have helped. God bless you all. Working a bunch of part time jobs and on my bachelors degree as well.

  • why do most stores that sale captain crunch peanut butter crunch flavor sale the smallest box possible? ?

    Really pisses me off when I'd like the family sized one like you could get at Costco that's if Costco even has em only to find that even there it is in the smallest box possible. Is it the manufacturer trying to piss we the people off or the stinking stores or both? Malto Meal could make a killing off of a peanut butter flavored Captain Crunch copycat if they'd only do it. 

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink2 years ago
  • How do I get rid of the stupid new yahoo coupons bar whatever it is in the lower right corner of my screen?

    It's in a silver colored bar for the background with black lettering for the yahoo coupons tool bar whatever it is, coupons is in white letters with an orange back ground. I got Fire Fox to get rid of it but when I click on it on google chrome it will not full open up to give me that disable option which fyi if it does open is in the lower left corner of the stupid window. So I assume that it would work on all browsers as well and just click disable on all of them and eliminate the problem. Wrong. now I'm really pissed off. Legit tips that work only will get stars and I mean it.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • is you tube down march 4th 2013?

    seems like it just went down I've tried it on my smart phone via the sprint network, two browsers on a pc and nada poof gone.

    4 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • is face book really fully down for site maintenance?

    this morning it worked fine for me from my android phone but now it's totally down and I get this account is down for maintenance try back later bs from them. What the? They shut the entire site down for what? 06/03/2012 at 12:50 PM pacific

    4 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • What in the world is going on with face book tonight? Jan 25th 2012?

    I can't log in and if I do it's short lived, the news feed is down or crap, none of the links work and I mean not a single one, can't even load my "profile" etc. Are they enforcing that damned time line change tonight? GRR. I'm calling my Senators and Reps. You do not force people's private profiles etc. and friends only type pages to become public. Sorry Zuckerberg but you really do suck. I hope we can 9th District your butt from running the company and do a buy out. We demand our privacy and face book our way not yours.

    7 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • Belkin router issues?

    Like many of you who have asked this question before with xyz or whatever your cable internet provider is I am having the same danged issue. If my ISP goes down for even one split second my Belkin Wireless N with a low band signal and a high band signal for the wireless part, goes down with it and it knocks our entire wired and wireless network off in our house regardless of whether the ISP comes back on or not. This is so frustrating. My solution for those of you who can get a new modem or rent one from your ISP that has all the features of the Belkin built in. That would solve the router not reseting itself issues and many many more. I'm looking on Amazon to by a Motorolla 6580 Surf Board Docsis 3.0 type technology modem with the built in Wireless N features and 4 cat 5 type ports on the back so we can then use a switch type deal for our hard wired stuff and then set up our wireless network directly through the new modem/router. Belkin seems to have some attitudinal problems on this crap and I'm fed up with it. 15 freaking resets this week alone and I know it's not my ISP with the problem. It's sure got me all pissed off though irritates the heck outa me.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Why some websites are being idiots about allowing me to log in with my legit user names and passwords.?

    What I mean is ok fine I ain't changed my PW or user name in a while fine so what. I have em book marked with the PW's and user names memorized. I come back a day latter not having done a thing and bam the site won't let me in and gives me this invalid user name or password BS. What the heck? Any of you had the same issues and what'd they tell ya? Face book did it to me I fixed it, yahoo did it turns out my account was hacked and now IMVU is doing it. Wow take a pic. Did the internet up and decide to go stupid on us? Or is it just my freaking PC? I dunno but w/e it is it's ticking me off royally. Any suggestions besides some anti depressants and a punching bag? LOL.

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • How do I stand by her side in all this?

    Just went through a hard mutual break up with my current girl friend now best friend. Her life is falling apart. Family is in the poor house, only one vehicle actually runs to get them around and that's her oldest brother he's younger then her but on the boys side he's the oldest son in the family any who he drives her to work when he can but some times he can't, her child has been ill a lot cute lil 4 year old girl, she failed out of college and she was on a free ride scholarship paid in full from our state, hardly had or has any more time for a relationship, feelings have changed a little mostly because she is kinda shallow and wants me to have the "looks" well sorry I'm trying but I don't sheesh give a guy a break and love me for my heart and who I am on the inside. I don't worship the ground she walks on but I've tried treating her like the queen she is. Can't help but still love her in the boy friend way but she shuns me some times. I own the phone she's using cell phone I mean but we hardly talk and lately it's been ***** ***** ***** about life and her depressing woes. I want to love and support her but it's getting harder. Sure I could have her back and one day I will like a few years from now but how the heck do I get through the hear and now. Yes I deserve to be happy and could find another woman but why? Why risk getting burnt and hurt again? I'm 3 for 3 now in the past 10 years on girl friends. I don't just fall for the first woman who walks into my life I take my time. This one has the physical looks I want down to a T but she's so out there and not with it. Not all that is her fault it's just life and a ruff one at that. Just arg ya. Know. HELP tips advice. Prayers.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do merchants put a one dollar hold on our debit or credit card?

    I mean if there's no charge period like it's free then why the one dollar hold? Seems to me it's a trap to get your info and they charge you or inconvenience is more like it you for that buck then release it back onto your card once the order is complete after what a day or two. But why the dollar hold in the first place if it's "free". Hmm. Seems like another way to "steal" info. If it's free then they don't even need a credit card to begin with right. Hmm.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Why do merchants put a one dollar hold on our credit card?

    I mean if there's no charge period like it's free then why the one dollar hold? Seems to me it's a trap to get your info and they charge you or inconvenience is more like it you for that buck then release it back onto your card once the order is complete after what a day or two. But why the dollar hold in the first place if it's "free". Hmm. Seems like another way to "steal" info. If it's free then they don't even need a credit card to begin with right. Hmm.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to get an ex back after some time?

    What I mean is there's this certain ex gf of mine who in our hearts way down deep we have this ESP connection. Call me crazy but I just know and can feel she's still got some love there as a friend mind you but with the possibility of more maybe. Thing is she's just come out of a bad relationship with a guy who's ten years older, (she dumped him fyi and some how I just know again and ESP thing), two times divorced, dad of four soon to be unfortunately because they did sleep together 5 and now she's like on this ARG attitude that wants nada to do with men certain men that is. I've just recently via her ESP, checking up on her as a friend and myspace found this out in the past 3 weeks. At first she didn't accept the friendship offer nor did she reject it or block me so that was cool and I was able to send her a few hey long time no see dear friend how are you praying for you care bout you emails. Well I dunno what I did because I'd stopped as I'd promised her and she just all the sudden blocks me on her myspace. Now mind you I've backed off. I don't think it's out of hatred or anything it's just as I've said she doesn't really want anything to do with men in general right now. Poor girl. Thing is deep down I still hear her ESP calling me and saying don't give up just give it time, pray, and be patient, yet on the surface it seems as if she absolutely hates my guts but why? Any ways question is here why am I suddenly feeling more turned towards her in love and affection even as a friend who fyi still has yet to meet her in person our friendship and bf gf thing in the past was long distance but why am I feeling so friendly and loving towards her all the sudden? What's going on? Could this be fate bringing us back together? No I'm not the rescue a damsal in distress type of guy but I won't lie I did and do still love that girl as a dear friend and there's always hope. I know this seems strange but that ESP in her don't lie. And I know it'd freak her out if she knew a lot of the stuff I do know that she hasn't told a living soul yet. What am I freaking psychic here? Any ways even if I do find another MRS. right I just want her to know my friendship is open and I am praying. The poor girl is having his baby and all other sorts of crap to deal with last thing she needs is her dear friend slash ex bf I'm one of 4 at least bugging her right? So what's a guy to do here?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you get off some ones blocked list on myspace?

    Meaning even without them knowing. There's got to be a back door or some thing hack or what ever you call it a reset on your own profile what ever that takes you off their blocked list. Mind you out of respect you won't contact them again but should the need arise like in an emergency you could at least send them an anonymous email without being blocked any more any one know how to unblock yourself without them knowing?

    3 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Any clues why she did this? Revised. ?

    Any clues why she did this? ?

    Ok first of all read my profile on here on yahoo q and a. I don't understand how a girl like my former gf could give up on true love which she had with me and unconditional love and she had it with me. Then she's free for a while after we broke up. Yes she sort of cheated emotionally on me with another guy a local guy. Yes it was a long distance friendship and boy and girl friend thing hopefully heading towards meeting in person and taking the next step. Never happened yet that is. Any ways she dated 5 guys at once for a while and now she's with one. One who's totally wrong for her that is. She's 23 he's like 33 now and two times divorced and a father of 4 most of them teens or preteens. My heart breaks thinking here's my girl my best friend and former girl friend destroying her life and why? I just dunno. I do know I still love her and even almost a year later I still have some feelings but yeesh what's a guy to do move on and try to heal, repair and love again with another or just hold it out in faith, pray she comes to her senses and maybe realizes what she lost and hope she takes it (me) back? Also ladies why would she do what she's doing? Longer story yet her dad's a butt head with her and he walked out of her life when she was really young. He's mostly verbally abusive but arg. Buys her a diet plan for her 23rd birthday. ARG. She's been thru a lot and well I really did love her once. Just harder still even as her friend watching her life fall apart and yet she seems to have this I don't care attitude. And on top of that her current looser wanna be bf got her kicked out of her mother's house, has made her loose contact with any and all former bf's me included and other friends and he's controlling her and ruining her yet she just allows it? why? Any clues why? I'm giving it a lil more time but I'm this close to just closing this chapter of my life for good. Just I hate hurting her just leaving and not at least trying to be there just in case ya know. ARG. LIFE.

    * 1 hour ago

    * - 3 days left to answer.

    Additional Details

    1 hour ago

    Thanks for the answers so far. And Cindy I agree. Just scared at the moment. Can I ever love and trust again or be loved? I dunno honestly. Time will tell I guess.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any clues why she did this? ?

    Ok first of all read my profile on here on yahoo q and a. I don't understand how a girl like my former gf could give up on true love which she had with me and unconditional love and she had it with me. Then she's free for a while after we broke up. Yes she sort of cheated emotionally on me with another guy a local guy. Yes it was a long distance friendship and boy and girl friend thing hopefully heading towards meeting in person and taking the next step. Never happened yet that is. Any ways she dated 5 guys at once for a while and now she's with one. One who's totally wrong for her that is. She's 23 he's like 33 now and two times divorced and a father of 4 most of them teens or preteens. My heart breaks thinking here's my girl my best friend and former girl friend destroying her life and why? I just dunno. I do know I still love her and even almost a year later I still have some feelings but yeesh what's a guy to do move on and try to heal, repair and love again with another or just hold it out in faith, pray she comes to her senses and maybe realizes what she lost and hope she takes it (me) back? Also ladies why would she do what she's doing? Longer story yet her dad's a butt head with her and he walked out of her life when she was really young. He's mostly verbally abusive but arg. Buys her a diet plan for her 23rd birthday. ARG. She's been thru a lot and well I really did love her once. Just harder still even as her friend watching her life fall apart and yet she seems to have this I don't care attitude. And on top of that her current looser wanna be bf got her kicked out of her mother's house, has made her loose contact with any and all former bf's me included and other friends and he's controlling her and ruining her yet she just allows it? why? Any clues why? I'm giving it a lil more time but I'm this close to just closing this chapter of my life for good. Just I hate hurting her just leaving and not at least trying to be there just in case ya know. ARG. LIFE.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can our love last? honest and real answers only.?

    Long story short. It's a long distance relationship we're working on meeting soon. It's been over a year as friends and 8 months Dec. 28th this year as boy and girl friend. She has this local guy friend who she thinks she might have feelings for and she still loves me so she's in that stuck between two guys rut. But she's never lead me to not love or not have trust in her. So what do I do and what do we do stick it out and hope for the best or just end it now? Can our true love and yes that's what we have this far last and will it last or is it time to just call it quits? Be honest but don't be harsh. Some of you have no idea how much this hurts none at all. It's like being dead inside. And even when I talk on the phone to her there's still that distance that gap. Sucks all of it sucks. And she needs to do her part to get the communication back in our relationship. Advice. etc. I've loved her and stuck it out this far but now what?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Heart ache and the fear of loosing her.?

    So I was just wondering and wanting to ask what should I do in this situation? She and I have been best friends since Sept. of last year and boy and girl friend since May 28th of this year. We just passed our 7th month anniversary last week. She still loves me but not in love like before because she says the feelings have faded and that we're not like traditional couples do to the fact that it's long distance and we've never met as of yet, she also has mild feelings that could be more for this other best guy friend of hers that she recently met, also she says she wants the freedom to just explore the playing field, and some times she wants all 3. Yikes. What do I do? Dump her and hope the pain goes away? Wait till she breaks up with me and chooses him? Wait till she prayerfully comes back to me and put up with this pain till then? What do I do here? Yes this all hurts and sucks but some times Love has to tuff it out ya know. Advice, oppinions. Be gentle as if I'm not hurting enough.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Am I loosing her?

    Dear Dave,

    I can fully understand what you feel. Especially about the lack of communication. I know that’s my fault. In case you ever wonder I do think about you a lot, and I do miss you. I have been confused lately about us and the future. I can’t see us like I use to be able to see us. Also in all honesty I have found myself attracted to someone new lately. I am only friends with him. But I can see it becoming more than that. And part of me would like the freedom to explore that and another part of me feels it would be wrong to "leave" you. I am pretty confused right now. I have been kinda hiding the last few days to try and get some clarity on this situation. I even left town yesterday with my best friend. She is an amazing Christian woman and talked about these things and I am still confused either way I go I pay a price and I loose someone or something. It feels unfair to be in this position. When I found you I thought you were the one for life. But sometimes I’m not so sure especially lately. Dearest Dave I don’t want to hurt you ever! And I know this is hurting you and I don’t know what to do. I really didn’t want to have to face this but I felt like it was time to say it all. I still care for you dearest and I hate telling you this but you deserve to know the truth. I don’t know what you want to do after this just write me back and let me know.

    Your coupy doll,


    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Help!!!??? Relationship trouble.?

    Most days I'm ok and I actually kinda like an excited kid look forward to hearing from you via the cell phone or in an email. What I really miss is our time. Our personal alone time that we used to have and that connection we felt. I still love you just as much as I did on day one and I'm growing to love you more and more each day. Most of my dreams of us are great but lately with these absences in time and our communication it's been nightmarish and I feel like I have to fight to keep you in my life as my sweetie. It feels like I'm loosing you Elizabeth but to who and to what. I'm not asking you to call me every single day if it sounds like that I'm so sorry. I know you have your life and I have mine but I'm hoping some day we can be together like normal couples are and spend that in person time together. Some times I feel foolish like I'm just over re-acting to all this but honestly it hurts like hell some times missing you so much. I get lonely ok. I can't put it in any other words. Darned it I'm gonna cry now. You're quite litterally the best thing after Christ in my heart that's ever come into my life. It's rare to find such a great friend and potential future mate like you. I hope you don't cry reading this but I've needed to pour out my heart to you for a long time now. Sorry I'm still teary eyed. But you know what it feels good to just let it out. Yes us men do cry when we need too. I don't want what we have or what will be to end ok. All I'm asking for is a bit of commitment from you to make the time to keep in touch. Communication is vital for a healthy relationship. I know what depression is and yes I get it. Shoot I'm in the middle of a bout of it right now. No it's not all just us and our relationship that's causing it. Heck I'm broke as a joke, unemployed basically, failed out of college that's my own fault, basically homeless without my parents letting me stay here till I get back on my feet, and I'm not there with you. It all ads up. Sorry this is a long email I know baby girl but I'm pouring my heart out here. Please don't get angry at me for this. I'm not trying to sound obsessive or demanding here. I'm sorry if it bugs you that I email you almost daily and call you. I only do it because I love you and I want you to know that. In time I know we'll be together hand in hand and have that relationship you were talking about that would make your friends all jealous. I long for your touch and your kiss. Seriously. That romantic kiss that makes my heart stop for a minute. I've never loved anyone and I mean not my parents, brothers, cousins, family, friends etc. except for God as much as I love you. I only wish I could show you just how much I do love you Elizabeth Kelly Blanton. I don't want to loose you the same way I lost my ex. She grew distant and didn't communicate much with me and I knew it was over before we ended it. It hurt like hell. That's what I'm afraid is going to happen to us if we don't get the spark back and our communication going and ultimately decide the both of us that we're committed to each other and to our relationship. Sorry if this sounds like an ultimatum. That's not my intentions at all. Do you remember when we first met? Some thing I read in one of your emails told me some thing. It said maybe just maybe this girls the one. You once told me on the phone that you can't see yourself being married or spending your life with anyone else but me. I loved that. What happened baby girl? I know you get busy with family, friends, church, etc. But please make some time for us. And remember in closing I'm always here for you. Write me or call me if you're having a bad day and need to talk to some one or pray or some thing. I love you more then anything except God Elizabeth. And one day I hope (this doesn't sound too cheesy) to ask you to marry me God willing if it comes to that.

    Your man always,

    Dave XXX OOO's.

    PS: So sorry this is so long. I hope you don't cry. I did writing it.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Will we last and will it work?

    I've been this girl's friend for a little over a year now and we're also in a long distance over the phone and internet boy and girl friend relationship. Yes we became best friends first via email and chat and such. The sweet thing is that she's the one who asked me for my phone number. We officially became boy and girl friend in about June of this year. We first met online via matchwise a christian dating site in September of 2006. Everything seems great but well some times she goes for days or weeks on end without any contact. I call her like every day or at least I try to and I email her. Lately I'll be hearing from her about 4 or 5 times a month some times less. And yes I do wonder what's up with her. No she says she's not seeing any one else. But can our relationship last and is it worth it with her lack of communication on her end and on her part? So far it's be a big yes there but I don't know. I hate to loose her. She's so wonderful and the type I could definately marry some

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago