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who pay you when you win a option trade? and who take your money when you lose?
Recently I interest in binary trade,but many things I don't understand.People say it is a gamble. Other say it is not and say if you find a right program and will guild you to win and be rich. Who is the big boss behind this trades. Brokers just do the trade for you as I understand.
3 AnswersInvesting6 years agoA man marry a woman who is the only owner of the house,he move in.Is he owner or tenant?
Is this woman has to share her ownership with this man after marry if without a special agreement to say no?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agowireless to internet lose connection after router pass word change.?
My laptops connect to internet through wireless router.Recently due to security reason I reset and change the pass word of this router.Because these change my two laptops can not reconnect to the router.My laptops use window xp and window 7.Any time I try to put the new pass word to them but they all show the old pass word and say that because the setting of laptop and router not match and refuse to connect but my tablets has no problem to accept the change.How can I change the old setup in my computers to match the router setting?Any way to erase the old setting from my computer and change to the new setting.I try many way all failure please help.
2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years agohow much chance my id be steal by e-mail my ss# for life insurance application?
By mistake I put my SS# through e-mail for insurance business.Since people tell me that my id could be steal.How much chance this would happen?
5 AnswersInsurance9 years agoWhere can get help for possible life insurance fraud?
My uncle is 84 years old he has an annuity account from an insurance company.According the contact He should get check every month,but he told me that he only received 7 checks last year.He call this company and they said that all 12 check send out but some may not cash yet and don.t want to send more.Since he is old and hard hearing and no way to fight with them.Where he can ask for help to correct this problems.He also said this happen for a while.
9 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoreceived return mail from other mail server which I never sent what it mean?Account stolen?
recently I received return e-mail from mailer-damon of other mail server which I never sent and not know the e-mail address which said I sent to.I change my account pass word and stop a while but come back again.Are some one always spy me and steal my pass word?how to prevent?
2 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade agoHow to find out what back ground program is running which not show on task mgr.?
My computer very slow but much faster in safe mode.I know must be some programs(including virus programs) is running in the back Gounod but not show in taskmgr.I want to find out those monessental programs and disable them. can you help.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoContinue use safe mode with network in window xp will it harm to the system?
My computer run very slow but when I run it in safe mode with network it function very well and fast.I use it for few days seems no problems.I only afraid that since many programs not running in safe mode will it including anti virus program? possible virus get in and don't know?
7 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoHow to prevent small mice get in my cars?
I live in northern part of usa,winter is very cold.We have problem with small mice invade our cars despite park out door or in garage.They not only get in truck or engine part also get inside the car.I try many thing suck as seal up the garage,use electronic device and all not work.How they get in the car? any way to seal up all the en trans?We afraid not only they destroy things most afraid of spread disease.Any one has good idea to solve this problems,it will be very thankfully.
1 AnswerReptiles1 decade agoHow to deal with calls from unknown caller also show no call number?
Recently i received a lot of calls from unknown caller also show no number.Some day even 3-4 times a day.When answer the call they hangup.It make me very uncomfortable and try to stop it.Please help.
5 AnswersOther - Education1 decade agoPlease interprete the OBH2 scanner result help to pinpoint the bad part.?
2000 maxima on 103,000mile engine servic night on check by auto shop code P0171,HO2S11 and MAF sensor problem r/o sugest to dealer.i brought a code dectector and scanner come out rsult as following;1)trouble code;02,fault code P0171 system too lean,Pend code p0171 also system too lean(bank 1).2) freezen Frame;troub code p0171,fuel sys 1 n/a,fuel syst 2 n/a,catalytic load 34.5%,coolant 187f
st.ftrm 1; 3.1,lt ftrm 32.8%,st ftrm 2 3.8,lt ftrm 2 32.8%,engine (rpm) 2188,veh speed 59.LIVE data;fuel sys1 ol not ready cl,fuel sys 2 ol not ready cl,coolant 100(f).I/M status;MIL on,misfire mon ok fuel sys mon ok,com.compotment ok, catalyst mon inc,htd catalyst n/a,evap sys mon inc,sec air sys n/a,a/c ref mon n/a,,oxygen sens mon inc, oxygen sens mon htr ok,egr sys ok.Please interpreta this result and help to pinpoint the bad part if possible.thanks.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agomy 2000 maxima service engine light on?
After 102,000 miles drive the light sudden on.I went to autozoon and obtain a code p0171 and belong lean mixture code also they delect this code for me.I continue drive for around 20 mile (2 cycles(stop,go,idal and high way speed the light come on again.Since I don't thing the problems is the O2 sensor(pre CAT) I only change the gas filter and clean up the injector,after 40 miles 2-3 cycles) the light still on.My question is will the car computer delect the code after mlies normal drive? Do we have a devic can detect the histry of code record in the car computer because I intended to buy a used car and want to check the histry of code by a code dectector.
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHow to paint a out door project as smooth and shinny as show on soda can?
I am painting a out door metal project and want it as smooth and shinny as possible but I try different paint and the result is dull and not shinning and I see the small soda can it paint smooth and shinny.How they do it and what kind of paint use?
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agohow to repair small dent of plastic car fender?
Last night I hit a post when I back my car and make a small dent(orange size) on rear plastic fender.My friend told me that it will pop up itself give some time.Is it true or I need to do some repair work.?
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHow can I prevent my ID not to be stolen?When I visit doctor or lab test,they insist my personal data;SC,etc.?
My friend,his ID being stolen and has a lot of troubles.Later police told thim that his personal data could be leak from his medical and lab records.How could prevent this happen to me.
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowindow not response to arrow pointing command in normal mode?
My friend ask me help.She has a dell laptop 2 years old mordol work well on verizon internet DSL .run with window xp work well with verizon internest DSL untill recently start with slow respose to arrow point command and last week complete not response(arrow can move freely).but work n when change to safety mode.this computer use MCfee security program,recently she down load verizion security program.I restore system to few weeks ago also scan virus from all files through safety mode but still not work.Since work on safety mode,the malfunction of the connection,.EXE and mouse be r/o.Then what problems should be.I dick in futher it show; misshield.exe kick in error.what should I do?Is it due to conflict of the present security program,should I disable one of them? please help.
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agosear gold card,one day late pay off 647$,4months later charge 131$ penalty,how can I fight this unjust?
I had a sear gold card,I pay off all I own 647$ But they charge me 39.00 because they say I was late for one day to pay this bill.I wrote letter to chanlenge their decision.They don't respons my letter and continue charge late fee.I have to close my account and sent back the card,they contiue charge late fee.Four month pass by I end up own then 131 dollors.How can i fight for this unjust?
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoAre there life span change due to early( before62) or late( after 65) retirement?
My uncle will be 70 on next month.He is holding a well pay and professional job in goverment.His son and daughters all want him to retire because they want him to live longer(although he has no major medical probles at time) and enjoy the pension which he accominated,may also need him to baby sit his grad children.But he insiste continue to work because;1)want o keep his title which he enjoy.2) want o keep his present living standard(retire will be less income)3)conttinu work will live long he said that many people whom he know died few years after retire.They ask my opinion.I rather ask yahoo answer.
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago