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  • Oklahoma Custody Laws?

    Okay I had my daughter in 07 I was with another man who is the father of my daughter we went to court and everything I was awarded soul custody of my daughter. Well I married my ex husband in 07 too and I left him Jan 08,2010 it was a nasty divorce my ex husband and i were fighting constantly in court. So i was stressed out on how i was going to take care of my sons, an daughter and get to court. Well her father and i have talked during my whole marriage about him cheating and everything. So i asked him if he could take my daughter for a little while so i can concentrate on my boys. Her father is in the national guard he told me he had to go to iraq on jan 1, 2012 well guess what he is now taking me to court for full custody of our daughter now suprisingly he doesnt have to go to iraq yeah right but i live in Arkansas now and courts in Oklahoma can anyone help me find a site that i can go by the laws there instead of arkansas

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I am so confused why am i bleeding?

    Okay it's been two nights since my man and me had sex i started bleeding during but it hasn't stopped i had my pap smear and woman checkup two days ago. it's wasn't a heavy flow at first now its like every time i wipe its a thin light pinkish red what is going on? And i mean it shouldn't be pregnancy my tubes are tied but what could be wrong cause all my test came up negative i am so scared

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • had sex with my man last night now im slighty bleeding whats going on?

    Hi sorry if this is weird but last night my bf an i had sex i am not a virgin im a mother of 3 but this morning i woke up just small drops of blood n when i wipe its not heavy its as if my period ends like normal and its not time for my period i just got done with it last week. i had a doc appointment yesturday for a check up so i know its not anythin diese wise it was my monthly check up and i know i dont have a yeast infection can anyone help me? why am I bleeding

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • okay re asking my question please help?

    okay let me start from the beginning. I met *Jason back in March of this year well after first we were just friends and everything then we agreed to be friends with benefits. Well we were for a long time till i had to move to my dads due to my divorce and had to get a bunch of stuff straighten out. I moved back the beginning of December I had no place to stay. I couldn't stay at my moms due to problems with her and my brother. Anyways *Jason's mother said i could stay here and sleep on the couch till i got a job and saved enough for my own place. We agreed just friends nothing more i agreed due to i just left a bad relationship. After a couple of weeks being back he sat me down and talk to me and we agreed to be friends with benefits again but didn't sleep with each other that day due to me having to be at work in 5 minutes. I texted him the next day cause i work nights and everything asking him when i got home from work since i was getting off early if he wanted to go a few rounds. he texted me back saying he has been thinking about it and didn't think we should do it due to we will let our feelings get invovled. I agreed due to the bad relationship cause i wasnt ready for a serious relationship again well i was okay with us just being friends and took the advice of someone on here and started talking to another guy and have been talking to him for a while night and i really like him but almost every other time we talk on the phone *Jason comes into the living room grant im sleeping on the couch and it is his house i want to tell him leave the room but its his house and i dont want to be rude or nothing cause we been through a lot and i mean a lot during our short period of time of friendship. Anyways he sits there during my call waits till i get off and wants to stay up for hours talking. The more I talk with this one guy the weirder he gets, I maybe looking at it from a diffrent point of view due to my feelings and my involvement with him and everything so can you please help me i want to move on if he cant make up his mind cause its going to do nothing but hurt me in the end and so I mean why is he acting diffrent if we agreed we were friends and nothing else?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • really really confused?

    okay i have been friends with this guy for a long time now well here recently i just started having feelings for him and visa versa. Everything was great we werent together together with a title or anything but we were together but anyways one day he started distanting himself from me then the next day being all caring and loving dovey then the next back to being distant idk he tells me its nothing but according to his mom hes scared to love again idk any advice on what to do or say so he doesnt feel pressured or to think our friendship is over. cause even if i cant be with him as a couple i rather have him as a friend then nothing at all

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • my friend had a crazy dream and wants to see what it means?

    okay my friend wanted me to ask and see what answers he get. He had a weird dream he was married to two diffrent woman they were at the amusment park with the kids and one leaves cause she got sick and he left the other wife to go check on the sick wife what does this mean

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • two periods last mth none this mth am i pregnant?

    my periods r always on time 1st thru the 3rd. never late or longer. i had two last mth n havent had this mth. could i be pregnant? i have been having sum of the symptoms i am worried i am 21 n this never has happened

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I get over this pain I am feeling?

    Okay here is the story the night before easter my brother come to stay the night with us * I was 6mth pregnant k* well anyways my mother and sister were staying with me and my husband due to the tornado that came through lone grove, Ok anyways my brother was drunk off his butt. he kept bringing up touchy subjects and I kept trying to stay away from them but he asked why I wouldnt let him around my kids so much and I told him. The liqour, the drugs and his friend josh. Well when I mention josh all hell broke loose he started get violent and physical with me and my mom throwing us around and everything. Well my husband n my bedroom is in the far back of the house you can barley hear anyone or anything when you are in the room well my husband was sleepign for work * oilfield* but anyways then my brother switched the whole ordeal to my husband threating to kill him and everything so I protected what was mine and kept him from my bedroom well he got pass me and attacked my husband in his sleep well I got my brother off my husband and told my husband to get out by the time my brother got back to the living room police officers were there. Anyways I had court here recently cause he pleaded guilty to my husbands case and non guilty to mine my mother dropped the charges on him. Well my brother was found guilty and sentencing will be in November but that isnt what i am asking how do I get over the pain on knowing I sent my own brother to jail or worse he may get prision due to the fact it happend while i was pregnant with my new born son at the time. My mother recents me for doing that to my family but yet he attacked my mother and me and my husband in front of my kids and my baby sister I know what I did was right and I dont recent it I just recent the fact that my mother does not see that my brother needs help and now she hates me for sending my brother off. What am I to do?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What would you do or say?

    Okay here is the story the night before easter at midnight my brother came over to stay the night so he would be there Easter. Well my brother was drinking and he is a alcholic okay well he asked me why I wouldnt let him around my kids a lot and I told him the drugs, alchol, and his friend josh I do not like them around my kids okay. Well he flipped when I mentioned his buddy josh and went to attack me * I was 6 months pregnant at the time* anyways my mother was there stepped in to stop the most physical blunt of the abuse. Anyways he threw my mother around and me around and everything then went after my husband after he was done with me and my mother. When the police officers showed up my mother said she was filing charges cause he needed to learn his lesson well when the Court summon papers popped up thats when she changed her tune.And dropped the charges on her end me and my husband did not. So she sided with him cause according to her * he has no one* But the point is what would you do or say when your mother pretty much sides with the wrong side of the fight and then if it was you say let her sit in there and learn her lesson. * has done it once before* but the point is. My mother is texting me telling me how bad of a sister and daughter I am being when I choose my husband and kids over them and everything. But how do I deal with this cause when I was growing up my family actually hasnt been a family my parents fought all the time, my brother raped me growing up * another reason I wouldnt let him around my kids* and my father beating me but what am I to do to get over all this **** going on

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • would you be laughing like me?

    Okay I will start from the beginning I am a mother of two currently third baby is on way but anyways. I have been married going on two years now and during our marriage my husband has cheated on me with his ex it was the first year of our marriage and well I have looked past it and been moving on with my marriage. My husband changed his number and cut all ties from her and its been going good. Now when I found out about the cheating I called the woman up and chewed her a new one and everything and we were also texting cause I wanted her side of the story and his okay. Well how dumb can someone be that months laters on you txt the phone number of your ex's wife trying to get a hold of your ex lmao. She thought my number was my husband's new number since he changed his number and hasnt been around here or talked to her or anything but how hilarious is it when you are trying to talk to your ex but instead you are talking and text your ex's wife lmao but the question I was meaning to ask is this hilarious to everyone else just like it is to me. That someone can be that dumb lmao

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how do I get my mind past it?

    Okay here is the story last year fathers day my husband got a new job and had to leave to go to the hotel where they were staying at. And that following thursday June 19th,2008 my husband cheated on me with his ex girlfriend while he was out of town and that one year anniversary of what happend is coming up. I decided to stay with him and make it work out I mean come on I took the vows for better or worse so I am tending to make my marriage work. But how would I get my mind off of it so I am not a complete wreck when that day comes? What would be some good things to do to get my mind off of it? And how would I be able to sit there on that day and look at my son in the face and not cry cause I was pregnant with him when my husband cheated and I dont know how I am going to get through this any ideas??

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I am so confused and stuck in the middle.?

    Okay I am stucked between my husband and my brother. They are two alpha males in one family ok. They got into a fist fight before for the simple fact that me and my mom got into it all my husband tried to do was tell my brother what was going on and my brother snapped in his drunken rage. This time my brother was drunk again but first he snapped on my mother and me at the same time we went round and round for a hour or so okay my mother has bad knees and I am pregnant so we was physically taken on my brother trying to protect ourselves. My son was in his play pen the whole time I kept trying to calm him down to get him to stop my son didnt need to see or be around this he is only 7 months old ok. My brother didnt care he threatend to snap my mothers neck then mine then my husbands. HE snapped my brother is in court right now in front of the judge for domestic abuse in the presence of a minor child for 3 counts okay. Well when I was growing up if I got into trouble my mother never stepped up for me she just told them lock me up and throw away the key. I only got into trouble with the law one time and that was before I was 18 but here is my brother 23 years old okay and he psychially abused my mother and me okay. And yet she feels sorry for him trying to make it all okay by standing by his side to make up for the rough past them two have okay. Well how much more of the psychial abuse does my mother have to go through to finally have enough and take a stand!!! My mother is not understanding the fact that my brother done his wrong let him do his time for his wrong but does she care to listen NOOOOOOOOOOO she wants to say oh he was drunk he doesnt know what he was doing. When he was perfectly capable of comprehending what is going on. HE KNEW excatly what he did yet he doesnt give a rats ***. Then on top of it he kept calling me last night and this morning a grand total of * drum roll please* 55 times come on you would figure if I didnt pick up I dont want to talk but yet he keeps calling he is in front of the judge right now getting his punishments so i dunno what to do anymore help

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How am I to get rid of this built up anger?

    I have years and years of anger built in I am 20 years old and I have seen 15-20 different shrinks and they have never helped me with all my problems they would stick to one subject and not go to the other. I have been raped by a family member, I was beaten by my father, cheated on twice by my husband with his ex. My family tearing family apart. Me being used to get what everyone else wants. My mother leaves me to take care of her 9 year old all the time. While she is at work which is understandable but when she is off work she is either out dating or going to the casino or just sitting in front of this computer . And doesnt even cook dinner to feed her daughter okay so I am left taking care of everything!!!! I have two kids of my own and now pretty much i have three i been raising my sister since she was born. How would you suggest me getting rid of all this anger, hurt, pain and just depression??

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • what to do stuck between husband and his best friend?

    Okay here is the deal I am married have been for two years in September. His best friend that I have been friends with way before we got married just told me the other night that he has fallen in love with me he recently just went through a divorce with his ex. And he was telling me how he feels and everything I kept telling him hey look I am happily married to your best friends James and I honor my vows and there is no way I am leaving him for you that is just wrong. Well he made me promise not to tell anyone way before he told me he fell in love with me. But my husband is the type were he will go out and just whip his *** and be done with it and go to jail for a night or two. But I cant have that cause we have two small kids to take care of and a third one on the way. I want to tell my husband but he is so hot headed like his dad I dont have a clue what to do. Here recently he has been wanting to go over to his friends house and hang out more and more but I cant be in the same room with him without feeling bad or guilty or anything cause I knwo something I can't tell me husband. What do I do I mean he knows I am happily married to james and he knows I wont leave but since he told me that our friendship hasnt been the same what should I do??

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What am I to do stuck between hubby and best friend?

    Okay here is the deal I am married have been for two years in September. His best friend that I have been friends with way before we got married just told me the other night that he has fallen in love with me he recently just went through a divorce with his ex. And he was telling me how he feels and everything I kept telling him hey look I am happily married to your best friends James and I honor my vows and there is no way I am leaving him for you that is just wrong. Well he made me promise not to tell anyone way before he told me he fell in love with me. But my husband is the type were he will go out and just whip his *** and be done with it and go to jail for a night or two. But I cant have that cause we have two small kids to take care of and a third one on the way. I want to tell my husband but he is so hot headed like his dad I dont have a clue what to do. Here recently he has been wanting to go over to his friends house and hang out more and more but I cant be in the same room with him without feeling bad or guilty or anything cause I knwo something I can't tell me husband. What do I do I mean he knows I am happily married to james and he knows I wont leave but since he told me that our friendship hasnt been the same what should I do??

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is my husband Bipolar or is he just mentally unstable?

    Okay here is goes my husband has his good days and his bad days. comes in a good mood later turns into a bad mood, or comes in a bad mood and later it turns to a good mood. The reason why i ask is i been trying to get him treated and I think tonight he got the shock of his life that he might be Bipolar his mother is diagonesed with Bipolar II I believe he has just Bipolar I and not II. Our kids are under the age of two our oldest is 16 months old, our youngest is 5 months old. Well today she tried to help mommy change bubba by picking him up with me supervising of course and putting his head in her lap to talk to him. Well she picked him up in the wrong way okay she is a child my husband spanked her then picked her up in the same way she picked our son up but my husband had so much anger and fire in his eyes it scared me I took our daughter out of his arms checked to make sure she was okay then we went into another room and fought over it. He just busted out crying he didn't know why he picked our daughter up that way. He didnt even remember doing it which is crazy cause I hit him in the jaw for putting his hands on our kids and he doesn't remember it can anyone help me please cause if these are signs what do I do? I need to get him treated asap but I am not sure if he is bipolar or not he says if I can't find evidence that he is bipolar then he will not go to the doctor so please help me

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is my husband Bipolar or is he just mentally unstable?

    Okay here is goes my husband has his good days and his bad days. comes in a good mood later turns into a bad mood, or comes in a bad mood and later it turns to a good mood. The reason why i ask is i been trying to get him treated and I think tonight he got the shock of his life that he might be Bipolar his mother is diagonesed with Bipolar II I believe he has just Bipolar I and not II. Our kids are under the age of two our oldest is 16 months old, our youngest is 5 months old. Well today she tried to help mommy change bubba by picking him up with me supervising of course and putting his head in her lap to talk to him. Well she picked him up in the wrong way okay she is a child my husband spanked her then picked her up in the same way she picked our son up but my husband had so much anger and fire in his eyes it scared me I took our daughter out of his arms checked to make sure she was okay then we went into another room and fought over it. He just busted out crying he didn't know why he picked our daughter up that way. He didnt even remember doing it which is crazy cause I hit him in the jaw for putting his hands on our kids and he doesn't remember it can anyone help me please cause if these are signs what do I do? I need to get him treated asap but I am not sure if he is bipolar or not he says if I can't find evidence that he is bipolar then he will not go to the doctor so please help me

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • what am I to do about a biological father in Oklahoma?

    How is it that when you try to do the right thing for your child agree to something you hate the most just so there is peace around your child that . My daughter is going to be 16 months old next mth and i am in a on going court battle with my ex bf. who to begin with denied her as his child wanted nothing to do with her. Never gave a rats *** about her till he heard i was in labor with her then all of a sudden she was his. And now we are in court battling it out I agreed to change her name to included his along with my husband's last name who has been there since me and this jack a** broke up. He was there for every doc appointment he was there for every ultrasound he was there for it all through thick and thin. Then I agreed to the standard visitation in carter county in oklahoma for him to have. But somehow he managed to make it where I didnt get ONE christmas with my daughter. He gets her for xmas every YEAR. Okay here is what the standard visitation schedule consist of ok. odd years he gets easter, thanksgivig, christmas then even years he gets memorial day , labor day, christmas . On top of it he gets every father's day if he has her for mother's day i only get her that day and not that whole weekend then summer visitation consist of he shall have her june 15th to june 30th and then jully 15th to august 1. I have done nothing but agree to **** and try to be nice cause every time i step up and disagree to one thing the judge thinks i am a bad guy and so does my attorney i had another lawyer before this one and he royal screwed me in court. This guy is getting away with everything but when i ask for one thing for him to agree upon i am the worst guy on this planet. I dont know what to do anymore any suggestions

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Don't know what to do?

    I am about to just scream my head off. My husband is NO HELP we have two kids okay both under the age of two my body has a hard time adapting to birth control cause of all the medical history i have had since i was 3. So here I am again we tried the shot a month deal and it didnt work there was a hole in the condom we didnt know about so here i am with two lil ones and pregnant again with our third child in three years. He gets on to me when I try to sleep in as late as i can cause I am up all night with the kids and he chews me a new butt. But yet he comes in from work doesnt tell me he is laying down or anything doesnt say good night or anything just goes and lays down and sleeps whenever he WANTS to but when I try to i get my butt chewed out i asked him to get up and help me out with the kids and he didnt wake up he just laid there and then the second time I asked him to get up was cause our cat got ran over by some neighbors who doesnt care and I couldnt go out there and pick the cat up without throwing up and yet he still couldnt go and get the cat out of respect for our cat we had she was a good cat a loveable cat. BUT NO of course not so I called my mom to come over and get her and so she did. WHICH is pissing me OFF BIG TIME i just want to go in there pack him a sack of clothes and throw it at him and tell him to go to his dad's he IS NOT HELPING me out with the kids or anything he just wants to freaking sleep all the time i admit he works a psychal job but I need help every now and then can you guys give me any ideas

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how can I handle this problem?

    Okay my daughter's biological is national guard okay he recently got back from Iraq. Well lets start from the get go we found out I was pregnant and told his family and his mom demanded a wedding and even went out bought a wedding dress for me and put the money down on the place we were to be married. Well dont get me wrong I believe in marriage but I believe it should be for love not just cause you have a child okay. Well that royal pissed me off I had a black out at work 3mths pregnant okay the day before my mom got into a car wreck so i had everything just hit me. Well anyways we split cause it seemed he was dating his mother and not me. So the rest of the pregnancy he denied her said she wasnt his or anything but then yet slipped when he told my best friend he got me pregnant on purpose hoping I would marry him okay. well like I said he is in the national guard he just came back from Iraq before he left we had a dna test done she was his like I told his stupid butt. Now that he is back he thinks I should bow down and kiss his *** give him everything he wants. Now I live in Oklahoma and the visitation law for 12-18 months is 2 hrs monday night 2 hrs wensday night and one 24 hours visitation unless there is not a bond. They don't have a bond so now he is demanding to split the 24 hours up within the 7 days adding the 2 hrs so she is away from home 5-7 hours a day okay thats is a unstable enviroment for my daughter. Well anyways we are in a court battle and we made a agreement out of jail out of courtesy for me * I have two kids her and my son okay* to call before coming over in case they are taking a nap or bath or whatever. The other day his mom came banging at my door at 8:30am!!!! woke both my kids up they been up all night sick and everythign I was pissed so I called his phone we dont have visitation set it is at my disgression till the judge says other wise. Well I told him on the phone I am tired of our agreements being twisted to benifit him and not the person it should be about MY DAUGHTER and there was no visitation till it was settled in court cause I was tired of being used and minipulated. And now he is threating to come to my house one day and take my daughter away from me and saying there's nothing a police officer can do cause he is the father and he is active soldier. I am so confused I try to compremise with him and everything and he always twist the compremise to his own benieft how can I get this straighten and everything??

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago