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If my new friend (at least in my opinion) doesn't share anything personal about her, does that mean she doesn't consider me a friend?
I know the girl for about 1 year, we communicated not very often, but still I felt we have a good connection and some common interests to talk about. she already invited my to her wedding ceremony and I've been to her apartment 2 times. But I noticed that since about 3 months she's been limiting our communication (also on WhatsApp) and we hardly see each other. Is it a sign that she might not want to have some closer communication/friendship?
5 AnswersFriends4 years agoWhat if my boyfriend (for 2 years) "Likes" photos of girls in bikinis on Instagram?? Is that normal if he swears he loves me so much..?
He had a colleague, a young lady and she likes to upload selfies and to show off her hour-glass shape.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoAmericans, are you comfortable (and enjoying) living in the Netherlands??? Especially those who came there for love!?
Or you have negative feelings/experiences all the time....
2 AnswersNetherlands5 years agoWhy do I meet only stingy and very pragmatic/economical guys for having a long-term relationship? They are not generous at all.?
Even though I'm attracted to generous guys like my dad, but It's my second relationship and the guy is again very stingy and doesn't want to give some presents/gifts. Only very very cheap stuff.
In reality I don't like such guys but they are attracted to me. And then I fall in love with them and have a relationship. And only when starting living together I see how stingy he is. Because while dating he is just a bit economical but still wants to impress me from time to time.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoThe repeated unpleasant situation at work. How come it happens again? What can be the reason?
I noticed that if I start a new job then I find it difficult to find a good contact with colleagues. It starts almost immediately that people in my new team don't really want to relate themselves with me, or they avoid having contact or they always make sarcastic jokes about me and don't invite me for lunch. If I invite them they show not so much interest. It was like that at my 2 previous jobs and now again at the 3rd one. And I'm in general behaving good, respectful and nice to them. Smiling and polite, asking questions about work and general questions about themselves. I don't understand how come people don't like it. They don't ask almost any questions about me. What can be the reason of such avoidance? I noticed as well that it happens more often among women colleagues than men. Men in general are friendly with me.
3 AnswersPsychology5 years agoWhat to do if you love your boyfriend but he doesn't want to tie the knot and doesn't want children?
He is older, and had bad past experiences with women, he would like just to live together with the woman he loves and enjoy constant travelling together. Without having a child. He explains it - that children is a high responsibility and it will also stops his passion for travelling to remote or exotic countries. I'm 28 but wpuld like to have a child in some years...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWhat to do when your mom doesn't want you to move to another country?
My mom tries to manipulate my feelings saying I will forget my parents and won't be in frequent contact with them. I am the only child in the family. Whenever I talk to her she points that the city where I was born and raised is the best. But I already lost connection to that city like 4 years ago when I started to live by myself in another city/
1 AnswerFriends6 years agoHow to overcome fear of failure?
From time to time I have lack of confidence as well, as fear of failure is quite strong.
During my childhood my mom was quite demanding to me, demanding to achieve only the best, pressuring me. It was like - ÿou are not good enougg"- no matter what I do...
4 AnswersPsychology6 years agoHow to improve relationship with my mom?
1 AnswerMental Health7 years agoI eat quite a lot, and often...but it is hard to gain weight...what can be reasons?
I checked my digestion system is ok, according to ultrasound and MRI, a slight gastritis though.
But sometimes I feel some discomfort after eating certain type of food, but no pain.
Blood tests also show good results.
What can help to reveal the main reason?
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoDo you think that 25 is early to get married?
I graduated from university 2 years ago,but haven't got enough work experience.What is your opinion? Thanks in advance!
8 AnswersWeddings9 years agoI want to gain some weight! What should I do?:-)?
I feel that I need to gain some weight,not so much,but nevertheless.What can you advise me?I'm doing some physical exercises in order to have strong muscles.Also,I eat more protein - fish,beef,nuts,vegetables.Maybe the problem is that I'm often stressed-out? idk...Thank you in advance!)
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years agoShould i use DMSO for treating acne?
I heard and read some articles about DMSO.But I wanna hear real exapmle of its effectiveness for treating acne.And also,Can it be harmful for my body? Cause it absorbs to my blood stream! Thank you!!!
Skin Conditions10 years agoMy boyfriend dictates me what to wear and what to watch on tv,is it normal?
After 4 months of the relationships we decided to get engaged.But recently he stated that he also doesn't want me to talk to my girlfriends often...and that we should be more "family-oriented" people.I don't know what to think...I will appreciate your replies,thanks.
21 AnswersEngagements & Weddings10 years agoMy boyfriend tells me not to have my own girlfriends,only OUR friends and they should be married.Do you agree?
Me and my boyfriend are going to be engaged soon,after 4 months of reslationships.So recently he stated that I shouldn't talk to my friends of childhood often,especially because some of them are not married.What does that mean? Is he going to control my life?
13 AnswersWeddings10 years agoMy boyfriend tells me not to have my own girlfriends,only OUR friends and they should be married.Do you agree?
Me and my boyfriend are going to be engaged soon,after 4 months of reslationships.So recently he stated that I shouldn't talk to my friends of childhood often,especially because some of them are not married.What does that mean? Is he going to control my life?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agowhat is your favourite brand of jeans?
I am slim and 5'6 height.Where (what store) can I get sth good quality and stylish for me?)
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years agoIs that normal if my boyfriend(we are going to be engaged soon) doesn't want me to work?
I guess he is jealous and this is the main reason...but...Has anyone faced with that problem?)
5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago