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  • What are three allusions in the article Summer Bummer?

    I have been reading this article over and over but can't seem to find three allusions in it. I have this assignment but finished the other parts, but I couldn't seem to find it it. Can you help me?

    The link is

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • What are three allusions in the article Summer Bummer?

    I have been reading this article over and over but can't seem to find three allusions in it. I have this assignment but finished the other parts, but I couldn't seem to find it it. Can you help me?

    1 AnswerHomework Help7 years ago
  • Cheerleading Advice Please Help?

    I always wanted to be a cheerleader my whole year. Now varsity cheerleading has 12 people on the team. I always been back and forth between Poms and cheerleading so both coaches know me but I was better in cheerleading. When I first tried out for cheerleading for JV I was so close to making it but they didn't have enough uniforms so that's why I didn't make the team. Could I just ask the coach and do you think she will put me on the team on the phone? Thanks I will probably contact her tomorrow or by Sunday... Thanks and I hope everybody for the best.

    2 AnswersOther - Sports8 years ago
  • Poms Tryouts? Read Details?

    Thank you for reading this. Hi I'am a sophomore in high school and tried out for poms for the second time. The first time my friend taught me the dance right before the tryout so I understood why I didn't make the team but the coach wanted me to tryout again so I did. We got new coaches for my school and I was exicted because they were looking for girls with potential and hard workers. I tried out and didn't make the team again even though the coach pulled me a side saying I have potential and I have to do is practice which made me happy. I practiced during dance class since we wern't doing anything with the other girls. Also with my partner during lunch after school whp made the team and even went to the bathroom and practiced. I saw the video and understood why but went to Open House and got depressed again.I really wanted it bad and I actually liked it and all of my friends made it. Could you give me advice about how I could convince the coach to give me a second tryout? Also when I was trying out I wasn't feeling good which made me do bad at tryouts. Thanks for anybody for reading this and please be kind. But since then I have practiced the dance all summer.

    2 AnswersDancing8 years ago
  • Poms tryouts help? Second chance?

    Hi everyone I am Betheal a freshman that tried out for varsity poms. I tried out for cheerleading and poms and both did not make the team. The reason I did not make poms was the me and my friend tried out together and I learned the dance she made up the day of the tryout. She already knew the dance for 2 days she tried to teach me the dance but she kept getting distracted. Do you think I should ask the coach for a 2nd chance because now I know the dance perfectly and had been practicing for a week? The coach said I should tryout next season but if she says no? Should I practice with the team to get experience? Thank you

    2 AnswersVolleyball9 years ago
  • Where can I take Honors Algebra 2?

    In 7th grade I did not do well in algebra

    because of family issues. I retook algebra and got like a 97% in the class. Without knowing my counselor put in honor geometry in 8 th grade even though I did not do well on Algebra. Now I retaking Honors geometry all over again and I could see what I was doing wrong the whole time. I really want to take Honors Algebra 2 during this year because they have algebra 2 regular in the summer but not honors which I like. I want to take a online class but I live in Maryland and I could not find a free public school. Where can I take Honors Algebra 2? I want to take it because I want to finish at least 2 years of calcus Thanks.

    2 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • Spanish and Algerba 1 during the summer?

    Last year i really didn't do well in algebra and i want to be in physics next year so i really want to finish algebra up. On to Spanish , i was originally suppose to be spanish 2 with all my friends. My counselor messed up my schedule and didn't even change me back. My uncle passed away at the time so my mom was not even in the mood to see the principal or counselor, so i let it go. I right now take French and I am not really interested in the language anymore. I want to be in Spanish 3 with my friends next year! What should I do? I am planning to take spanish 1 during the summer. How will I catch up with spanish 2? Should I take it during the school year at Montgomery Community College and take spanish 3 during school? How will it all work out? I need advice and help! I am not even speaking to my counselor she really missed up my life!!!

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • Do They Something Like This?

    Hi, everybody my name is Betheal!! I was wondering do they programs during the school year when people are not happy with their grades for high school to re-take them on saturday or sunday!!! It is basically like taking a high school class but on the weekends and they give you mid-terms,finals and grades for the quarter and if you get good grades, better than your orginial they will change the grades in which you took that high school class???

    Do they have this programs in Maryland too?

    1 AnswerLyrics10 years ago
  • Should I retake Algebra at a Commmunity College or Retake the whole course next year without my friends?

    Well, I have taken algebra in 7th grade, this year!!! I have gotten mostly B's on everything and a D on the final exam!!! I tried to talk to my counselor she didn't do anything at all!! She just said to take it high school and that D will come up and that colleges doesn't really look at finals!! I have crying all summer about this and it has made me jealous of other people!!! I want to be with all my friends in honors geometry next year, but my counselor said that even if I take summer school algebra it will not affect me at all!!! My question is what can I do over the summer to take honors geometry next year with all of friends??? What should I do? I heard that I could taking community college and get the credit (2 semesters) could that work for a 13 year old?? Please Help Me?? I want to feel happy again and so does my parents!!!

    Thank You For Reading My Question

    And Hopefully Answering It

    And Making Me Happy Again!!

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Getting A Scholarship To Any College?

    Hi, My name is Betheal!! College is my dream and all of what my parents talk about!!! My dream college is either UCLA, UM, Standford or Ivy League!! I have taken algebra in 7th grade!!! My final grades were B's and Final:D!!! I am planning to talk to my counselor next year about retaking algebra to cover the D and hopefully get A's in algebra!! I am also taking Introduction to Engineering next year and also GT French 1A/1B!!!! My dream high school is Paint Branch High School, which offers a lot of math and science courses as well!!! I have done at least 46 hours and doing more hours over the summer as well!!! Also planning to do girl scouts and even try cheerleading next summer!!! Do I have a chance at getting a scholarship to college to any of my dream colleges???

    P.S. To get a A in algebra, should I get a new calculator Ti84 plus or stick with my Ti83 plus???

    P.S. My parents are really on a tight budget!!!!

    Thanks For Reading My Question!!!!

    And Hopefully Answering It!!

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 years ago
  • Jealous of My Friend?

    Well one of my friend wants to be a actress really bad, recently!!! I have wanted to be a actress like forever!! I have went to Youth Film Academy like last year and it was scam, but I still paid!!! My mom will not go back to acting school because she says she gave it a shot and didn't receive the money back and will not go back again!!! I am working with her to conceive her I really like acting and it is my dream goal!! When I started middle school they had drama club!! I didn't join because I was scared of what my friends will think of me!! My friend has joined a lot of clubs including the two clubs I am going to join next year drama club and rock n soul!! Rock N Soul is basically singing and a little bit of acting!! She is going to Imagination Stage in Rockville this summer and getting training for 3 weeks!!! I am planning to take free classes at this theatre for the winter, if my mom says yes!!! What can I do to gain my experience as well!! If you know can you locate stuff that can gain experience in the Silver Spring, MD area that will be great!!! What can I do to get over my jealously with my friend!!


    Thanks For Reading My Questions!!

    And answering it!!!

    2 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Will this affect my dream college?

    My dream college is Ucla or NYU or maybe even UM.. My grades as followed all a's and one B in algebra... I am in the 7th grade taking algebra and next year honors geometry.... I got a B on the mid-term and HSA. I got a D on the final exam!!! I studied so hard and also a lot of friends that are really smart got E and and some D.. though passing. I asked my counselor would this affect me later for college she said no, i mean they( college people) really look at that you passed the course.. not really on the grades... Will this affect me later for getting a scholarship to any of my dream colleges??? Plz Help?????

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • Should I get training from Round House theatre or Imagination Stage or Drama Learning Center?

    I went to Youth Film Academy during the summer for training!! I found out it was a scam and was do mad! I am deciding to take acting classes over the summer, but I don't know the acting school in which that will not give me another scam again! I am either deciding to take acting classes from Round House Threate or Imagination Stage or Drama Learning Center! Also when I finsh training I would like to get some experience to build up my resume.. will any of these places give me experience as well? I need a acting school that will give me professional acting and experience in acting! Is that to complicated!!

    Thanks For Reading My Question

    And trying to make me unconfused

    Thank You!


    1 AnswerTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Join SAG now or later?

    Well, I want to be actress really bad!!! I have went to Youth Film Academy for training for 6 months!!! I found out it was a scam!!! So mad... but I want to take classes again over the summer with Drama Learning Center in Columbia.... I have also planned to do Drama Club in 8th grade (next year)... Also Rock N SOul in my school... it is mostly singing and a little bit of acting but not a lot of acting!!!! My goal is to get those down on my resume to join a agent, which is non-union... The reason want to join the agent is because she has done a lot of commercials, films, movies and I want to build up my resume with her... Should I or not!!! Once I think I have enough experience and training I will join a SAG agency near my area.... Am I right??? Or No??? Explain this to me I am really confused???

    Thank You

    For Taking Your Time To REad and Answer My Question

    Please unconfused me... please???

    Thanks Again


    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Need Help On My Acting Experience?

    Well, as you guys can tell I want to be a actress!!! I love to make act and perform!!!! I am thinking about doin my dramma club in school next year with my friend because she wants to become a actress too!!!! She already has experrience from my school but doesn't have training!!!! I have training but not expereince!!!! I am thinkin about join drama club and this ither club next year (involving film)... My question is I need help on getting my experience like example community threate!!!!! My parents are in a very tight budget!!! Do community threate cost money????? I really want to go during the summer because I really don't have anything to do during the summer!!!!! Also, I am playing to be a SAG actress but needs a lot of experience to do so!!!!! I need a community threate in Silver Spring, MD that doesn't cost a lot of money and can give me a lot of experience during the summmer!!!!!!

    4 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • How Will Being Educated Affect My Future?

    Today in school I had a awesome day. My consuelor called me and a few people from my class to give us STAR Foundation packet. She said my grades were awesome and I am a loving girl. At the back of the packet they gave us a STAR Merit Award Essay. They want use to write a essay using 300-600 word essay on " How will being educated affect my future". Please type or print cleared. I need help!!!

    Thank You for using your time to think about my question!!

    Thank You!!!


    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Should I listen to my acting teacher or not?

    Well I have went to acting school late in 2009 like in December. They gave me a list of agents in my neighborhood. I found agent that I would like to work with really bad!!!!! My acting teacher said to write the experiences we did in acting school. For example for in acting school they would film us to see our process. She said to write that on our resume for as a start up or build up for your resume. Also we had a showcase for ever 4 weeks. She said to write on theater the monologue or scene we did on that showcase. We did actually had to performance stage and did have a audience, but it was for acting reasons. I do have a lot if training,but my experiences hard to think about. Should I write the showcases we did as for theater. Also should I write for film when they filmed me for process.

    I really don't want to mess up with working with this agent



    7 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • How to Delete Your Myspace Again?

    I have delete my myspace a while back. I am wondering why I search my name. It still shows my old myspace? How can I delete it for good!!!!!!

    Thank You


    1 AnswerMySpace1 decade ago

    Okay.. well as you guys know report cards are coming out tomorrow. My goal was to have all straight A's, so I can get a full scholarship for college,when I get older. What happened was in math {algebra} I got a B in last quarter. This quarter I got a B again. I was wondering do you think my parents will still proud of him? Also do you think I still get that full scholarship when I get older? Is that B going to hold me back?

    P.S. My GPA is 3.85

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How To Improve My Grade In Algebra?

    Well, I have a tutor with is also a algebra teacher as well. I have been getting B's in algebra this quarter{so far} and last quarter. I have almost all A"s in my classes except for Algebra. I really need suggestions on how I will get a A in that class. Also hurry the quarter ends on February 1. I am going to talk to my teacher about my grade in that class as well. Also my brother got his B into a A and when I show my grade in Algebra I would like to say" Hey see I also got a A in math class too". I want something so bad but I have to get Straight A's in all my classes.

    Thank You, For You Guys Help


    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago