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Location: Macleay Island, Australia

  • what would be good to add to a pumpkin curry to add more substance?

    I'm making a pumpkin curry with a Malaysian curry paste, coconut milk plus the usual other vegetables. I'd like it to be more substantial (and different to the massive amount of curried pumpkin & carrot soup I just made). I'm thinking lentils - red or green is what I have, or chick peas or something similar. I'd prefer to keep this vegetarian and also suitable to freeze.

    Any suggestions, hints, tips please and thank you.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years ago
  • How important are anchovies in a Caesar Salad?

    I'm planning on a Caesar salad for Christmas so want it to be as special as possible. The recipe calls for 2 "salt-packed anchovies". I won't be able to access any anchovies, let alone salt-packed.

    How much difference to the flavour will it make to have no anchovies and what would make a decent substitute?

    17 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • If anyone here is into opera, can you help identify this song?

    I've just heard this beautiful, transcendent song on radio & was so entranced I missed the name of both the song & the composer. I suspect it may be a Mozart piece & probably from an opera. It's quite light rather than heavily dramatic. It starts with 2 notes, then something of a trill, then the music & voice just soar into a high, long note.

    I've heard it before so think it may be a well known piece of music & I'd certainly recognise it if I could hear it again. It's light and delicate, sung by a woman and completely stuck in my head. Any ideas?

    5 AnswersClassical8 years ago
  • Substitute for red lentils?

    I normally make lentil dhal with red lentils but don't have any. What I do have is green lentils and French style lentils. How will they go as a substitute? How much difference will there be to the flavour and texture of the dish?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Packing to move, found mildew. What's the best option for packing?

    I'm wanting to start packing to move but, with the weather being so hot & humid, I've just discovered mildew on the back of a picture frame - a good coverage. The air conditioning is broken so there is no way to dry things out thoroughly. I'm wanting to pack well in advance but now worried as to what might happen in enclosed boxes with potentially mildew affected items - especially the acres of books I have.

    Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions gratefully received.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • Stroke, heart attack or vestibular disease in my 17 year old cat?

    About 3 1/2 days ago my elderly cat, Circe, had a very disturbing episode. Initial thoughts from the vet (when I phoned) were that it sounded like vestibular disease. She woke up in the afternoon & was acting like a drunk - extremely wobbly, barely able to stay upright though she did walk (after a fashion) and kept rearing up on hind legs, twisting & falling on her back. It was absolutely horrible to watch.

    Took her to the vet that night. About 3 hours after it first began she appeared slightly better with a little more control.

    Blood tests were done & were inconclusive. Nothing obvious showing other than what would be expected for a cat with Renal failure. The vet who saw her ruled out Vestibular disease due to the lack of the generally associated eye movements.

    We already know she has a heart murmur & probably has somewhat overactive thyroid. I opted not to do the thyroid test (and other tests) because it didn't lead to any useable treatments, given her advanced Chronic Renal Failure.

    The vet prescribed Fortekor.

    She continues to improve & is almost back to normal. The head tilt disappeared fairly quickly. I would love to have some idea of what really happened, so if anyone has any experience of anything similar or could shed some light on the matter, please answer this question.

    5 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • neo-platonistic view of God?

    I'm currently reading a book that at one point refers to a passage from a book by Stephen Hawking where he refers to "the mind of god" and describes the god referred to as Neo-platonistic rather than theological view of God.

    Could you please explain what is meant by a neo-platonistic view of God. I obviously know who Plato is but, not having studied in this area, don't fully understand what is meant.

    4 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Age related kidney failure in a cat?

    My 17 year old cat, Circe, has been diagnosed with kidney failure. She's been admitted twice to hospital to kick start the kidneys with IV fluids, with a six month gap between treatments. The first time was last October; the last IV hospital treatment was in April.

    There have been a couple of scares since then but blood tests have shown that the kidneys are still functioning, though with reduced function, and they have also shrunken.

    I have tentatively decided that if the kidney failure re-occurs in less than 6 month intervals, then that is the time to consider euthanising her.

    Does anyone have any experience or informed opinion regarding this? How frequently or for how long might the IV fluids continue to work? I'd welcome any sensible and thoughtful advice.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Probable cystitis in my cat?

    I'll be taking my cat to the vet in about 7 hours (can't get there any sooner). She is struggling to pass urine (and small quantities of faeces) and it's coming out in 2 or 3 drops at a time, every few minutes. Poor girl is currently in the bathroom with water & the floor covered in newspaper. Is there anything I can do to keep her comfortable while I'm waiting to see the vet?

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • using plaster with a mould (or a mold if using US English)?

    I've just made my first ever plaster cast using a packet of 'pottery plaster'. I doubt it's a particularly good brand (I bought it from one of the cheap shops several years ago) but a little better than plaster of paris. I used a plastic relief mould of face masks for the casting.

    It seems to have set well enough but, while it was still in the mould, there was some water sitting on top which I soaked up with a paper towel. Is that normal and will it have any effect on the strength or durability of the product? Should I use a little less water next time?

    The masks are only small and are going to form part of an art project so they don't have to be very strong though they also can't be too brittle as I want to post the end project.

    Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersSculpture9 years ago
  • What would be the best substitute for Star Anise in making Chinese Tea Eggs?

    I'm wanting to make Chinese Tea Eggs and don't have Star Anise. (5 spice powder is often used, too, in place of the anise) I do have carraway seeds and cardamom. Would either of these make a decent substitute in this recipe?

    Alternatively I also have a mixed spice blend or Garam Masala. Would either of those work? See a recipe here:

    1 AnswerEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Clear liquid after making yohurt?

    I made my own yoghurt using UHT semi skim milk. It seemed to be set well until I spooned it out when it was obviously split. It still tasted good so I strained it to remove the excess liquid and get a smoother, thicker consistency.

    There is quite a bit of the liquid - it's clear, pale yellow and with a nice yoghurt flavour. I'm wondering if there is any way I can use it - perhaps in baking. Would it substitute for milk or buttermilk in making muffins or pancakes, etc? Are there any other possible uses?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Fostering a 10 week old kitten - will she ever sleep?

    About 6 hours ago I brought home this little kitten that had been abandoned. She had been rescued about a week ago by the breeder of my 2 year old Ragdoll. (I'm only going to have her for about 5 days over the holiday period.) I thought young kittens slept a lot but no sign of it yet.

    I realise that she's probably so stimulated by the new environment and that is why she's so active but I'm wondering when she will ever sleep and if there is a good way to calm her down ready for sleep when the rest of us want to sleep :)

    She was undernourished when found but has been eating a lot since then. I kept her in the cage for about half an hour but both my cats were so laid back about it all that she's been let out into a part of the house with them. My 15 year old female just watched her at first and is now ignoring her. My 2 year old Ragdoll is fascinated and following her everywhere with some gentle play.

    I'm thinking that, for safety, when I'm asleep or not here I will put her in the bathroom with a bed, litter, food & water. Any other ideas for her care.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Adding a dog to the family with a 15 year old cat - Is it too soon?

    Last November I had to let go my beloved 16 1/2 year old cat. We were very close and I still mourn her loss deeply. It has only been in the last week or so that i have even been able to consider adding another animal to the household - just me and my 15 year old cat - Circe.

    I have seen a lovely young Pomeranian; he's gentle, used to cats and being bossed by them. I think he might make a nice companion for Circe as she still likes a gentle play. I initially liked the idea but now am running hot & cold on it. I'm not sure if I'm ready for another animal just yet.

    I would like some other views, especially from people who have experience or knowledge of this type of situation.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Senior cat - vomited and gagging?

    Just to assure people first - I have already spoken to the vet and will be going tomorrow but wanted to find out if anyone knows what this could be.

    About 2 hours ago my 16 year old cat vomited violently, (almost projectile vomiting) then continued to dribble from her mouth. She put her head right back, and was making some strange sounds and with her mouth partly open. It sounded like she was either gagging or having difficulty breathing. I felt it was more gagging so rubbed her neck hard - the way I do when giving her a tablet to make sure it goes down properly. That seemed to help and she lowered her head though the odd sounds kept up for a few minutes - maybe 2 or 3 minutes at most.

    She drank a little water from my hand and I went to clean up. I heard a noise and came running - she was lying on the tiles. The noise was from a plastic stool in the room. Now, I don't know if she simply lay down and bumped into it, collapsed against it or fell trying to jump onto it.

    She seemed to recover quickly; she ate a little wet food I gave her, drank water and a little while ago was purring.

    I'm wondering if she choked on a piece of dry food (that was what she vomited - not long eaten going on the look of it) or if it is something more serious.

    Does anyone here have any experience with this?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • reoccurring infectious cystitis in a senior cat - what would you do?

    My 16 year old has had 4 bouts of cystitis in rapid succession. The cystitis was preceded by a serious kidney infection. One time it started only 2 days after the previous lot of antibiotics had finished. The latest lot of antibiotics is due to end in 3 days and, while I am hoping they will end this cycle, I want to be ready for the possibility that they may not.

    The antibiotics have made her very sick, messing up her digestive system badly. One time she didn't eat or drink for 2 days and I had to force feed food and liquids. I can't see this continuing interminably.

    I would like to hear opinions from experienced and informed cat lovers as to what they would consider doing.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Need help for a baby gecko?

    I've just found a little baby gecko - it's tiny about 1inch or 2.5cm long. One leg looks to be injured and it is barely moving. Is there anything I can do - I don't realistically think there is as it is so small, but hoped someone here might have some suggestions

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Why do some cyclones track down the coast while others make landfall?

    Cyclone Hamish is staying off the coast while many in the past come across the coast.

    1 AnswerWeather1 decade ago