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jedi knight

Favorite Answers16%
  • Why do my cats have a bloody stool?

    A little over a year ago my husband and I adopted a kitten and we call her Lucy. We already had a much older cat named Peyton. Anyway from the very beginning when we adopted Lucy, Lucy always had problems pooping in the litter box and still does till this day. When we had her for about 2 weeks my husband and I noticed she had blood in her stool. We took her to the vet and supplied them with a stool sample to examine. The vet said it was nothing serious and blamed it on digestive issues. So we switched her food and still the problem persists. Now about 3 months ago I began to notice blood in the stool of my older cat Peyton. We have never had any issues with Peyton like this and still the vets don't really seem to give me clear answers other than that they are ok. They both seem happy and healthy and they love each other so much. But I can't help but worry. Has anyone seen anything like this before? Does this normally happen to animals? Thanks again in advance for your help.

    5 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • How long did it take to get a tax return this year?

    A couple of months ago I completely forgot about filing my taxes. I finally did them on the 29th of June and I recently started using the Where's My Refund? site to track it. But it still says "Return Received". I am entitled to a refund this year and I'm just wondering how long it normally takes to see my refund.

    6 AnswersUnited States6 years ago
  • A child who shakes in their sleep?

    There is something I have always been curious about. When my brother was about a year old till about the time he was about ten, he would shake in his sleep. It didn't happen every night, and there were times it seemed like he was awake during these "shakes". He never spoke and it seemed like he wasn't aware of what was happening. When he would wake up, he would never have an recollection of what was going on. He's 20 now and these occurances have stopped. I have just always been curious. Has anyone else experienced this? What is it?

    2 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • My kitten farts a lot and has bloody poop?

    We have taken our kitten to the vet and he said she was healthy it could just be digestive problems. But it has continued now for a couple of weeks after the visit. She farts a lot and sometimes decides not to use the litter box. But she does know how to use it. She is 8 weeks old and had kitten food for a long time. Why would her stool be so bloody if she is healthy? And why does she fart so much?

    3 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • What is the name of this country song?

    I haven't heard it in so long, but it starts out about this guy sitting in a traffic jam and he notices a homeless guy with a sign. Everyone avoids him and the song goes on to say what if it was jesus testing us or something. Then it goes on about a couple fighting in an apartment and so on. Its an old country song, but cant figure out what it is. Please help

    1 AnswerCountry8 years ago
  • Can my cat survive breast cancer?

    Lastweek my cat was taken to the vet where she had a biopsy and some blood work done. For about 2 weeks, my parents had noticed one of her nipples was inflamed. Today they got the results of her tests and they said she has a severe form of breast cancer. It hasn't spread to her lungs yet, but he is giving her 2 weeks to live. My family has had this cat for 10 years and losing her would be so devestating. When I got the news I was literally crying my eyes out at work. The vet says they can perform a surgery to try to get rid of the cancer that is still in the tissue. Its scheduled for tomorrow. I am now hoping and praying that she would be ok. She really is a big part of my life and I want to do whatever I can to save her. Has anyone gone through this? and if so what are the chances and the possible outcome? I really will try anything.

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • Can my husband and i take another route to have a baby in the army?

    My husband and I have been trying for a baby for about 3 years. We decided to get some tests done to see what has been holding us back. We found out he has abnormally low sperm and I don't ovulate like I'm supposed to. He has been in the army about 5 years and the process of trying to get our problems fixed has not been easy. He needs to see a specialist in Texas, and my doctor won't do anything for me until his problem is taken care of. How to get him to Texas for his appointment its never easy. He goes to the field quite often and his higher ups never give him the time off he needs to go, no matter how much paper work he turns in. Its never as easy as resscheduling because every time he can't go to Texas we have to call my doctor for another referral which takes about 3 weeks to get. And about another two weeks to make the appointment. The doctor in Texas never even calls him to make an appointment that's best for him. Transportation calls him to tell him when his appointment is. This is getting ridiculous. Is there anyway we could just go to a sperm bank and make it happen on our own. I'm really getting tired this.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Who's fertility problem is worse?

    About 2 months ago my husband and I got the news that we are considered infertile. He has abnormally low sperm and I am just not ovulating. We are in the process of tying to get everything straightend out so we could conceive. It's just been hard because he is active duty army and they want to send him 8 hours away just to fix the problem, if it can be fixed and my doctor won't do anything for me until he is done with his his visits. But out of curiosity who's problem is usually the worse? The male or the female?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • What is a healthy cat food to give my cat?

    I noticed about a week ago that my cat has gotten kinda chunky. His fat rolls over his little feet. So now I'm looking for a better cat food for him. I need some suggestions please.

    4 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • My cousin could be in danger. Please help!?

    I have a cousin who as a 3 year old son. She has been trying to get away from her ex (her sons dad) for awhile now. But it has gone to the point that she doesn't know what to do. When they were together he hit her and even when she was pregnant with her son. He has even threatened to kill her. She is scared out of her mind and she spends her nights crying. She lives alone and she has even heard of him spending nights outside her apartment just making sure she isn't with anyone else. She changed her number and he took her to court saying she changed her number because she is trying to withhold the child. She tried to plead with the court about what was going on but the court says the physical violence has to be present not prior. He hasn't hurt the child. She is afraid to call the cops and it hurts me that she has to go through this. I have had another cousin go through this in 2009 and she and her baby were both murdered by her ex. I just don't want to see this happen again. Please help!!!

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Why does my cats eyes twitch?

    About a week ago I found a stray cat outside my work and took it home. I tried to find the owner but no body clamed him. He is really gorgous and so sweet but today as i was getting ready i noticed his right eye just randomly twitches and now looking at him both his eyes are shaking from side to side. And they still twitch. Should I be worried?

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • I've never been pregnant before. Could I be now?

    I am 24 and never been pregnant before so now I'm wondering if I am. I'm a week late with my period and I have been having lower back pain and on my way to work I started having dizzy spells. I haven't had morning sickness but I have been exhausted lately. I just started a new job about a month ago and I'm wondering of the new job is throwing me off. I wanna take a test on Saturday so I can be with my husband but does this sound normal?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Should I be worried about not getting this job?

    Ok I'm stuck and wondering if I'm worried over nothing. I just recently applied for a position at a bank and I passed the interview, the drug test, the credit check and everything else they threw at me. But there's one thing that's kind of bugging me... I don't have a high school diploma. But I do have a Certificate of Completion. I finished all four years of high school and I excelled at it. I was just not able to pass an exit exam in high school. I was able to find work with it without a problem. I am experienced in the bank world. But now I am about to start a new job and I'm worried they wouldn't take my certificate. I have never had a problem before but could it be a problem with this new job?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Could my husband have breast cancer?

    My husband came home a few days ago complaining of a pain in his left nipple. He's in the army and we both figured it might have to do with chaffing from his training he had done that day so we didn't worry about it. It has been about 4 days since his first complaint and his nipple has actually swelled up and looks bigger then his other nipple. We felt around it and he has a tiny lump on the top of it. Should we be worried?

    6 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • Would using internet from at&t in another country cost a lot?

    My husband just flew to Bulgaria and he has been IMing me from his phone. we have over 5000 rollover minutes. How much would it cost. I just need a ball park figure.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How long does it take to release a 401k?

    I used to work for a credit union and awhile back I decided to take out my 401k and pay off my car and some bills. I submitted the paper work 3 weeks ago and the credit union said they would put a rush on it. It has been 3 weeks and I havent gotten anything yet. How long does it take to get the money from a 401k?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Soldier Food Ration Pay?

    When my husband was single in the army he had 280 dollars taken out of his pay for food ration. Now that he is married there is no money taken out for the food ration but his pay is still the same. Should he be getting paid the extra 280 dollars for groceries?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is going on with my body?

    I am a norma 22 year old and I have a regular 28 day period. I seem to have a problem trying to figure out when I ovulate. I had gotten my period on the 21st of April and I had bought an ovulation test. I followed the instructions on the box and started testing 11 days later just as the box said. RIght now I am finished with the box and each test came out negative. At the same time I am getting a mucus clear white discharge that is rather uncomfortable. For some reason Im just not ovulating according to the test. Am i testing wrong? what other ways can I find out when I ovulate? because the 14 day thing isnt working for me

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago