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Lv 32,275 points

Trying to care

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I believe the world we live in and the order we have in society is crumbling away. Man has overused this world almost beyond its capacity to provide. Pollution, climatic effects, deforestation, animal extinctions and continuing, oceans dying, social disorder, failing governments, economic turmoil, etc...... All of this and more continue as this world spirals into out of control mode. There is only one outcome for humans seeing this in sight; total anarchy. How do you feel? Secure and safe. Even for the most optimistic person it is hard to deny that these things are very much a possibility. To tell you the truth, I feel a reassurance with my hope for the future. Why? Because I know that all these things are to occur as signs that would indicate this system we live in would be about to close and then God would take over the Earth once again.

  • Atheistic evolutionists, do you ever consider that?

    Atheistic evolutionists, do you ever consider that since the concept of evolution (that is the concept of things not being arranged in such a way as to become as by design, by a designer) can never confidently in a real absolute sense be proved, don't you think that it may be wise to cover all bases?

    Many are quite willing to mock the concept of a creator but if one practiced the concept not considering alternative ideas in the real world in say business, without giving all ideas good meaningful thought, they could be setting themselves up for disaster.

    Just something to consider so come on, let fly with the mockery.

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think that these types of incidents are due to?

    Do you think that these types of incidents are due to a lack of Godly morals?

    You have got to ask yourself, how bad is this world really becoming?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you say that we are approaching a world like this?

    Would you say that we are approaching a world like this? Here is the scripture of what God saw prior to the flood and indicates why he acted:

    (Genesis 6:5) . . .Consequently God saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.


    Given that we are approaching a time very similar; that is the abundance of badness all the time; don't you think it is appropriate that God should act soon to relieve the Earth of this badness once again?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do the writings not actually back up the Trinity doctrine?

    and why cannot it be explained logically when I am sure that if this was the way it actually was, God would have been clear-cut about his description of himself in his inspired writings? Is not the trinity actually a former pagan doctrine adopted to suit a pagan Christianity?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Trinity believers, does this make sense?

    Trinity beleivers, does this make sense?

    We know that before Christianity, the Jews never believed in a Trinity of Gods and still do not. We know that they had close contact with God, at certain times they ruled quite successfully over their nation with God's backing, at other times they were punished from God for their disobedience. Never at any time did they even contemplate that God was a Trinity. Whilst God was with their nation, at the same time we know that the Trinity doctrine was being practiced throughout the pagan nations, we know this by history.

    The Jews were always expecting a Messiah that would rule over the Earth. Suddenly Jesus comes along and fulfills prophesy showing that he was the chosen one. As also prophesied, the Jewish leaders plot to kill Jesus and therefore reject him. Then we have the first century initial Christian disciples who were also Jewish decent but were followers of Christianity. There are the Christian writings that do not really give recommendation and explain the Trinity, even Jesus did not hint that he was God. Now for a reason that is not clearly defined suddenly at some point in history we know the doctrine got a roll on. We do know that the Catholic Church and others earlier gained control of Christianity at a point not that long after the start of Christianity.

    Now here is a question;

    if the Jews were God's chosen nation at the time and had no idea that God was a trinity, did God bless the pagans with more understanding about him since they used the trinity doctrine???

    also, don't you think there is more than enough reason to think that the trinity is a conspiracy???

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • As an atheist/evolutionist, do you?

    As an atheist/evolutionist, do you have 'hope' that the monkey will evolve surpassing humans intelligence so that maybe they can come up with a solution for climate change before it's too late?

    Or do you just have no 'hope' at all?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • An atheist does render sacred service in this context, do you agree?

    An atheist does render sacred service in this context, do you agree?

    There is a scripture that points this out:

    (Romans 1:25) . . .even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen..


    Just think about evolution and how what is in being is so intricate and unexplainable. Think about as we look at the lower based lifeforms and how some have an inbuilt conceptual personality. That personality is instinct of course. Take for instance a chicken and how it cares for it's chicks. Jesus used an illustration about how he wanted to gather the people like how a chicken would gather the chicks under it's wing to protect them; of course they did not want it. And this is so; a mother hen will go to extreme to protect the chicks not that a chicken can do much. See the concept of personality involved; even though a chicken is practically useless at protecting it's young unless it is against another chicken, they still want to try because of the what I call design.

    Chickens did not learn these things and it did not come about by chance as evolution would have you believe. Think about it and there are many other things besides this to consider.

    Now how does an atheist render sacred service to creation or the thing living??? It is because they prefer to explain the living thing by saying it come about by itself. They will put a lot of time and effort into concocting unexplained explanation of imagination and even try to back it up by wishing on evidence, that is no more of value than trying to count the grains of sand on the seashore and make sense of that. Do you see the sacred service they put into these things??? It is much service but useless service. Why???

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Since Christmas is undeniably?

    Since Christmas is undeniably shown to be of pagan origin, then are people who celebrate it pagans or are they just a type of Christian who like to be a little bit pagan?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehovah's Witnesses teach that?

    What can be possibly wrong with this?

    Jehovah's Witnesses teach that God is not responsible for all the suffering and hardship we have on the Earth. They use scriptural concept to do this and show a way out for mankind on Earth under God's eventual intervention.

    I just notice the religions of the world are against these teachings???

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Since the Earth was obviously?

    Since the Earth was obviously made to balance at a rate that was sustainable proportionally to the environment that it was produced for, do you think that the Earth can withstand the artificial environment that humans impose upon it as a result of burning fossil fuels for much longer?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is this how the whole world will be one day soon?

    Is this how the whole world will be one day soon?

    That is; a whole world out of control with no way to fix that works. Does it scare you, what is coming?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Isn't it about time that?

    Isn't it about time that people calling themselves Christian stopped all the "hell" stuff, which was invented by the Catholic's as a way to get fear for control of people? Really those days are well and truly gone because scripture is available for all to interpret and the real truth revealed.

    If we are to believe the first century disciples and the writings from Acts; they believed that Jesus had gone to "hell" (or Hades). If this is the case, there can be no reason under the worldly meaning of hell why Jesus would go to that place. See scriptures quoted below:

    (Acts 2:25-32) 25 For David says respecting him (Jesus), ‘I had Jehovah constantly before my eyes; because he is at my right hand that I may never be shaken. 26 On this account my heart became cheerful and my tongue rejoiced greatly. Moreover, even my flesh will reside in hope; 27 because you will not leave my soul in Ha′des (or hell), neither will you allow your loyal one to see corruption. 28 You have made life’s ways known to me, you will fill me with good cheer with your face.’ 29 “Men, brothers, it is allowable to speak with freeness of speech to YOU concerning the family head David, that he both deceased and was buried and his tomb is among us to this day. 30 Therefore, because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath that he would seat one from the fruitage of his loins upon his throne, 31 he saw beforehand and spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he forsaken in Ha′des (or hell) nor did his flesh see corruption. 32 This Jesus God resurrected, of which fact we are all witnesses.


    Hell (or Hades) is in fact merely just common grave of dead mankind.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the true faith to follow and be taught by was?

    If the true faith to follow and be taught by was the Jehovah's Witnesses; what do think would make it so hard for you to think about making a move in that direction?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you think it is unreasonable for someone who?

    Do you think it is unreasonable for someone who calls themselves a Christian to go to war when Christ advocated peace and to love your enemies?

    I mean think about it; do you really think Christ if he was a man on the Earth today would put up his hand to go to war?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has drifting away from Bible standards really done people much good?

    It has just been reported that suicide is fast becoming the leading killer of men in Australia. That is a big statement and evidence of people being unhappy in general.

    As much as non-believers do not like it you would have to admit that as humans in general, we live in a fractured society. I say this meaning that the motivating force that unites us as a society is breaking down fast. This motivating force is built upon a set of beliefs that make a society combine and function. Without a common road of where we are heading in life, something that we all adhere to as a direction, we are very fractured and never will function to the full potential.

    Don't tell me that you have got your direction sorted out for where you are going cause that is not the point. What is the point, is that people are unhappy in general; the suicide rate backs that up.

    Don't tell me that it must be the Christians committing suicide cause that does not back up the fact that in statistics, to be becoming the leading cause of death in men in Australia is a big call that must generalize the whole community. In saying this last sentence and combining this with my original question, obviously I am saying that most people calling themselves Christian do not live up to Bible standards.

    Don't you think we could harmonize much better in society by looking to older values since where we have come to, is leading to unhappiness as seen by these statistics?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are people really happy without God in their lives?

    I just heard an interesting statistic. If suicide keeps increasing in men at the rate it continues to, it will soon be the leading cause of death in men in Australia. This was brought out in relation to a story of workers in the construction industry so it is not just related to destitute people etc...

    To me this is evidence of people having no direction in life without God. Australia's direction is a very Atheistic future with a real Godless culture developing strong in young ones.

    Surely this statistic is worth consideration by all you Atheists out there. Are you sure you are not just fooling yourself about being happy?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholic's, do you know of or agree with this?

    One of the Catholic Church founders, Augustine of Hippo (354-430 C.E.), said in his famous work The City of God; “The Church even now is the kingdom of Christ, and the kingdom of heaven".

    What he was saying in effect was the kingdom of Christ was shifted from heaven to earth and the paradise would be in heaven when one died. Do you see what actually happened? He took over the rule of Christ through this new state owned church and made the claim through Christ.

    This would be a fitting claim to conclude the events that led up to the official start of and naming of the Catholic Church. In about 313 C.E., during the rule of Roman Emperor Constantine, legal recognition was given to Christianity, much of which by this time had become apostate in its thinking. Religious leaders were willing to be put into the service of the State, and at first the State controlled religious affairs. (Before long, religion would control State affairs.) Thus began Christendom, part of which (the Catholic religion) in time became the official State religion of Rome. Now, the “kingdom” not only was in the world but was part of the world. What a far cry from the Kingdom that Christ preached!—John 18:36.

    (John 18:36) . . .Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world. If my kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be delivered up to the Jews. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from this source.”

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The signs of the times (for non-believers although anyone can answer)?

    Without going to Bible prophecy, I think it is obvious that the times we live in are critical. It is one disaster after another, one extinction after another, one war after another, another financial crisis looming, one civil chaos after another, lawlessness ever more rapidly expanding, environmental catastrophes going from bad to ever more worse, etc….

    All this and more continue as we ride this wave that will eventually smash onto the beach. As we sit back and know that we cannot stop this happening although leaders and the well educated tell us that there is work happening that will stop these things occurring. They may do this but I believe it would be foolhardy optimism to go along with that. Why do I say that? I have seen by the work done thus far that it has had no impact and in fact these things have increased in severity.

    If we are to believe there is no God, someone who can come and fix things up from what mankind has ruined, then there is little hope for a future.

    Who can really believe science and the decisions of man when this is where it has brought us?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, what do you think?

    I will pose this as a hypothetical question to you.

    If it become evident that God actually was real and proof become clear, do you think that you could look back on your life and say; Yes!!! I was given enough warning?

    (Romans 10:17-18) . . .So faith follows the thing heard. In turn the thing heard is through the word about Christ. 18 Nevertheless I ask, They did not fail to hear, did they? Why, in fact, “into all the earth their sound went out, and to the extremities of the inhabited earth their utterances.. . .

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone left who can understand good reason for God before it is too late?

    Ask me a question, if you have an email I will get back to you eventually.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago