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hobbies studying the origins of superstition studying how con artists work studying the art of changing the perceptions of other people

  • Numbness in face, neck and collarbone?

    last week, I suddenly developed numbness in my face, and neck. I am 24 years old. This numbness fluctuates, but never completely dissipates. Two days ago, it changed location and left my face to reside in my neck, and collarbone and top of my left shoulder.

    I am uninsured, a student, make $8,000 a year and am poor. very poor. I am afraid of going to the doctor because they will charge me over $100 just to talk to me. Anybody know possible free treatments?

    1 AnswerMen's Health8 years ago
  • Syntax of lisp is confusing a c++ programmer?

    I am a c++ programmer, and am completely new to lisp I am running with common lisp, and am trying to wrap my head around the lists structure. I have wrote a function to search a list that has sublists in it.

    (defun deep-member (a lists)

    (cond (and(atom lists)(equal a lists)) (print 'found))


    (or (deep-member (a (car lists)))(deep-member(a cdr lists)))))

    (deep-member 'a '(b c d (a f) g))

    I have spent the last forty five minutes trying to write this, according to what I have read its similiar to a tree traversal in c++ but for the life of me I cant get a handle on the syntax! My algorithm:

    member (a b)

    if (b == atom)


    print found;



    member (a (first member of b))

    member (a (rest of b))


    any help with getting the syntax down would be great, all the online places I have visited don't have concise syntax rules compared to c++. I told myself I would at least give lisp a shot but so far, not having much luck.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Motherboard serial number?

    I am coding a program that will allow users to see all of their system info quickly and fast (for other gamers like me) And I have finally gotten to the motherboard. What API's allow you to pull the motherboard information? Also, is there a way to pull the serial number and mac address reliably across all the different versions of windows?

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • How do I approach American women?

    So I am from Denmark. I am a computer science student and I transferred over here for my last year of college. I am very busy all the time, but it seems that American women are not interested in men? I can't say that I like a woman at work, according to the handbook because that would be "sexual harassment". I tried to start a conversation in the grocery store, but they just look away. I went to a few churches but I am the only one my age there. There are no women in the calculus 2 class I just took and none in my computer science classes. I graduate next semester, and I am afraid I will never find a woman in America. Where are all the women? Do they just not like men? I am fit and I work out. I shower every day. I have a job. I am on track for the future as a computer major. Why am I all alone?

    6 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • Foreign thought construct growing in mind?

    So lately my math and analytic skills have taken a dive, which is unfortunate because I am in calculus 2 in college. My ability to remember step by step procedure has been replaced with a feeling. I am not going to say it is a voice, because it isn't defined enough to be a voice, but it certainly has reached feeling status. This feeling apparently can solve extremely complex mathematics, instantaneously factor large numbers and yet it fails at basic arithmetic. In over the course of three weeks my error rate in simple math has gone up.

    In addition, my memory for names also crashed. It feels like there is something in my brain eating up extra processing power and memory. If I was a computer, I would claim virus. Meditation helps relieve, but doesn't solve it. At the same time, I have gotten what feels like a sixth sense. I can feel people who are nearby. I can find my way around in a pitch black room, merely by stretching out this sense and feeling for stuff on the ground. I f u c k i n g HATE this. I want to go back to being purely analytical. I am a computer science major and this needs to stop.

    extra info that may or may not help:



    single (never had a gf)

    christian/jewish background

    meditation style/goal: achieving complete emptiness

    mom dead

    father active traveling businessman

    No drugs

    last time I drank was this summer, and It was two glasses of wine


    Psychology9 years ago
  • Scripted website replies?


    Hi I am web developer I know c++ html javascript, python, and enough php to be dangerous and im just getting my feet wet with java. What I don't know is socket programming in any of the above languages and I am working on that.


    How do I write a userside script that opens a webpage, performs xyz interactions and then closes the webpage? specifically I want a script that can open a tab, search for a keyword and if the keyword exists to store all of the webpage data. Filling out forms would be nice to learn, but I don't need to learn it at the moment.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • What foods are potentially toxic?

    I am doing a safety in the home cooking presentation and I am wondering what foods are toxic? I know the whole old eggs and milk bit but I am talking about genuine toxins like green tomatoes slow cooked low temp red kidney beans and rhubarb leaves. anything asides from the list I stated that I should know about?

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • How do I get a girlfriend?

    So I am 23 years old a computer science major in college and I have never had a girlfriend. I really don't need advice of "wait it will be ok" or "it will come eventually". I haven't even kissed a girl. My problem is not that I a hardware problem. It is a software problem. I don't know how to attract them I don't know how to play the game, and I am tired of being so lonely. I am tired of being teased by other people that I don't have a gf. I am tired of having my dad comment on how I did everything but get a wife. And I am fed up with the whole "maybe he is gay" thing. So please yahoo answers educate me. Tell me how to attract a girlfriend, because so far my luck has been abysmal.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Extremely Viril ideas....?

    So assuming somebody created a virus that modified the egg cells in its victims to include a RECESSIVE strand of dna that cause a fatal congenital birth defect in males and caused females to be a carrier with a 50% chance of infection for females seeing as this would be carried on the x Chromosone? how soon do you think the world population be altered from a 1 to 1 ratio male/female to something like a 1 to 2 ratio male female? And how would such a virus be created? Would such a virus ultimitly lead to less warfare? And are there any viruses like this today that cause birth defects in the children of their hosts?

    1 AnswerGender Studies9 years ago
  • So I had a dream of canabalism...?

    I had a horrible dream about living in a zombie apocalypse and the only way to kill a zombie is to eat it. The zombies were bloodless chalky cold and hard. I woke up in a cold sweat with a killer stomache ache. So I had breakfast and could barely keep it down, I wanted to throw up so badly. I am still having a horrible sensation of having eaten dead human body parts and I have already thrown up twice today. Food is starting to taste like the zombies from the dream, and I can't stand the sight of it. I would like help of any sort to get past this dream, and help for perhaps interpreting it and/or making sense of it, for those shrinks and mediums and pastors out there lol.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • so this girl said this...?

    Sorry it has taken me a while to respond to you but I have been extremely busy. I just wanted to let you know though that through everything I will always be your friend, and although sometimes I might be too busy to talk I will try to be here if you ever need to talk to someone. However, I'm not interested in getting in a relationship with you, so friends is what we will always be:) also I'm too busy for a relationship right now, I think both you and I need to focus on our school right now.

    I know I need to go for the long game to get this girl and I'm really serious about her. She has no boyfriends as of now, and she told me this statement in the above paragraph a while ago. Any ideas on how to court her? She is the one for me and I have had a crush on her since highschool we are both in college now. She is going for a psychology major and I'm going for a computer science major. We are both Christian, ummm she is a country girl, she likes dancing, her fav movie is the titanic, she plays violin, yeah... Any feedback on ideas to make her life so wonderful she falls in love with me are awesome! I am willing to put everything on the line for her.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • so if an artificial gf program succeded would women be lonely?

    So I am wondering if a artificial human software program succeeded, would ladies be less picky about "mr right"? Cause I am a computer science major, and I am writing an AI to do just that. If you guys think that it could make the girls more lonely and the guys less so, I will continue with this beyond a thesis project. I will write this into reality.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • trying to implement security on my website?

    Hi I am trying to disable the ability of users to veiw my websites diectory, and I am using godaddy as a server. Any ideas how to do this?


    2 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • How does this rhyme sound?

    Ashes to ashes

    Dust to Dust

    Even your soul shall turn to rust

    Angel wings fall

    devil horns fade

    In my light of entropies black parade

    So sing with me now,

    sing as I kill,

    Tell me, why is your voice so shrill?

    I am the cancer that rots your belly,

    I am that fungus that makes you so smelly,

    I am the insanity creeping in your brain, screaming that all is in VAIN!

    So look at me know,

    feel my cold sickle,

    Frostblights chill I'll trade for a nickel.

    Oh you haven't got one?

    My that is grand,

    I think I shall simply rot your hand!

    I shall Cut you to pieces,

    I shall feed you to time,

    And then watch as you fall apart before then end of this rhyme.

    Into the grave with you!

    To be laid to rest,

    While you scream and writhe in death's cold chest.

    Ashes to ashes,

    Dust to dust,

    Your soul, your name, all that you own has now crumbled into rust.

    Hopefully sufficently chilling?

    2 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Is there any radio frequency cameras?

    I am wondering if there is any cameras around that can "see" wireless communications. I would like to integrate a camera that can see into the wireless (hopefully along with infra red) into a wearable set of glasses, so that you could see wireless emmissions

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • I love her... Alot...?

    Ima guy she is a girl, both 22, both in college etc...

    but she lives 4 hours driving time away. She has always considered me as a friend. The good thing (at least for me) is that she is staying away from the dating scene, devout Christian, but honestly she is the most beautiful girl in the world.

    any ideas on how to win her heart?

    Ima novice

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I am scared of death by dehydration and heatstroke... help?

    I live in texas and I am worried about heatstroke and dehydration.

    What drinks will cause an onset of dehydration?

    What drinks will mask the symptoms of dehydration without curing the cause?

    What drinks will exacerbate dehydration?

    What foods if any, will increase the effects of dehydration?

    Can dehydration cause heatstroke?

    What foods or drinks can increase the effects of a heatstroke?

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • My mom just died an hour ago?

    My mom just died a little over an hour ago, I am sitting here in the college, trying to get a ride with some friends to go see my family. I always ask when I don't know what I am getting into... is there any way to deal with my mom dying? I am crying so hard now. :*(

    7 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Wondering how to build an emp generator.?

    Hi I am wondering how to go about building a small emp generator? The supplies I have are as follows:

    lots and lots of copper wire

    minor explosives

    electrical energy source

    I have heard that you can make an emp blast by wrapping a coil of wire around an explosive, charging it up, and then letting the explosive blast blow a short circuit all the way from the core outward causing an emp wave. For those of you who don't know what an emp wave is, it causes low explosive damage but temporarily disables all electronics within a certain radius.

    Don't worry, I am following all safety precautions, we test in the desert, we have a blast barrier and the explosions arent *that* big :D

    3 AnswersEngineering10 years ago
  • What is a good horror movie?

    What is a good horror movie? I am thinking along the lines of the trueblood series. The bloodier scarier and more horrifying the better. Also the protagonists should not make dumb escape plans.

    4 AnswersMovies10 years ago