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Lv 2438 points

Kissing Harley

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im a girl and i have horses i have 2 a 11 year old Qh and i just got a 5 year old and he needs to be trained to ride he was ridden last year and he just needs some time. i have been ridding for 10 years but still learning and my friends mom thinks i can go to the olympics with her horse because the way i ride him and the way he responds to me is just wow i cant belive what this horse can do i have done everything with him games, trails, jumping, dressage and a lot more!!!!!!

  • my ex still likes me what do i do?

    me and my Boyfriend have been going out since April and I really like him and we can talk about everything. we talk all the time, he's in a different state because his in the military. I don't mind much I can focus on college and get stuff done.

    my Ex started to snapchat me tonight and I snapped back because were friends first and after we broke up we were friends for 4 years before we went out and broke up because we weren't a couple, but stayed friends after that. we stopped talking and I got busy with everything else in school and around my home.

    how do I tell my boyfriend? I still wanna be friends with my Ex as we were pretty close before we dated...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Buying dresses online?

    Im looking for a military ball and I found a dress on but not sure on how reliable it is and if they are a good place to shop at for right sizes and dresses looking like the pictures..

    anyone shop here or hear anything about them? or any other good cheaper dress places online?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • swimming? this weekend?

    my BF is coming home for 3 weeks and wants to go to the lake, I wanna go but my period is back, my BC hasn't been working right and I changed it 2 months ago and it has been none stop. not very bad very very light, but still a pain when wanting to go swimming... I wanna spend time with him its been four months since I last saw him. im heading to college this sunday so I wont see him much while hes home. I don't like tampons.. and it stopped for 3 days and came back. if it doesn't stop by the time I need to go get more packs im going to talk to them (again) but that doesn't help for this weekend.

    Anything I could do or do I have to sit it out if it doesn't stop?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • dog Agility? for young dog?

    id likt to give my 10 month old GSD female something to do. she doesnt like playing and if she does have a toy my other dog will run and take it from her no matter what we do. and she gets distracted easy when giving her tricks to do, she knows Sit and lie down, and come. when trying to get her to learn soemthing new she finds ways out of it. and i thought agility would be good for her and if she likes it i could do it with her for an hour a day just her and me.

    how to teach it? what to use?

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • fattening an active dog?

    i have a VERY very active Black lab German Shepard dog, hes almost a year and a half (ive owned him seince he was 2 months) and you can feel Every rib and his hip bones very easy and his waist is very small. i would like him to gain some weight not ot get pudgy or anything but just a couple pounds, it worrys me that hes not eatting all his food everyday. hes 77lb and 2 feet tall. all day hes running around playing, chasing, messing around, playing with my almost 10 month old GSD whos normal weight and LOVES to eat and not play as much as he does, if we are out side hes running around none stop and she will play with him and they will run all around the property in and out of trees in ponds and just run!

    how to get him fatter not over weight just a few pounds?

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • when does the iphone 5 come out?

    when does the iphone 5 come out for verizon?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • MSG free food list for migrains?

    MSG free food list? i get very bad migrains and we are tring to see if this would help.

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Make up advise?? (20)?

    okay so i wanna really make my eyes stick out. i have brown hair and it has blond upder the bangs that are side swiped.and its about to my mid upper arm lenght. and blue eyes.

    my mom said shed get me a makeup thing that has like 20+ eye shadow, lip gloss ect.... for X miss. so i was jsut wondering what colors would look good and stuff.

    6 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • how to get my puppy....?

    how to get my puppy more submisive? hes a german shepard/lab and he gets rough and trys to be the lead dog, we don't let him get away with it but he still does it and thinks its a game.

    how to get him submisive? more willing?

    3 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • mini blackouts? please read?

    so for the past year ive been lossing my vision it can be from a few seconds to minutes, they are random. never happen same time. i can be hungry/full/tired/wide awake, anything i wont fall or anything i just get dizzy and maybe stumble if its bad. im pretty use to it but its a pain some days.

    im 17 and im a girl. what could cause it? any reason why it happens?

    2 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • Calming my horse down?

    so i have a 3 year old paint/mustang. hes about 14.3 hh and hes a wonderful horse when your on him or have him in hand. but in the pasture hes a spaz!! anything spooks him, he wont catch easy and he loves to run away from everyone.

    he doesnt like whips, bags, things near his rear end like sticks, whips... so today after my ride on my QH i got a halter on him and i used a riding whip and rubed him with it and just moved it around him he was tense for a while them lossened up. ive tryed to get him to be more calm by letting him see stuff. but if he doesnt calm down and not spook by stuff ill have to find a supplement to get him more clam its been a few months and hes hyper. help? any advice?

    i have a pasture and a round pen right now, no stalls or seperate pastures

    5 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • how much feed to get?

    so i have 3 horses a 3 year old 14.3hh, 4 year old 16.2 hh, 13 year old 16hh, all geldings. we get 50 pound bags of oats and we give them 2 - 3 scoops together. how much should i get of oats? 8, 9, 10 bags?

    we also have 2 bags of beet pulp left and i dont think we are getting any more of those

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • harness help. please!!?

    so i have this harness

    and was wondering how to keep the front and back thing up without having a cart, im teaching him right now and this is preventing me from ground driving any advise? help? thank you!!!

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • horse blankets??? what do you think?

    okay so i wanna know what you guys think about lycras? some one made a hood for my first horse and i made one last year but i havent used them. my horses get blankets during the winter on when its cold below zero (thats when storms come around here... ND btw) or if there is a storm. but i noticed they rubed a bit and had a little gap in the neck. and saw shoulder ones and thought it would be nice to have for blanketing. but i dont wanna spend a bundle if they rip/break/tear/dont fit. how could i measure for one? or is there a cheap one i could buy to make more? my horses range from, 14.3hh to 16hh to 16.2 hh.

    i was thinking about these,

    what do you think?

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • horse stalling? when to put them in?

    okay so my Parents said that my barn will be done soon, we need sand so that we can put our satalls in and i will have an arena in there. not huge jsut something to ride in and let them out with out going out in the harsh enviorment of our winter. we have 10 by 10 stalls but im going to ask to put on 2 more feet on the one side adn maybe 2 feet on the end two. we are having them on the 56 foot side, and in the middle of the 4 stalls will be tack and feed (blocked in) so teh 2 outsides will be 12 by 12 and then the 2 middle one will be 12 by 10. so anyways i was wondering what would be a good schedual? i have school from 8:15 to 3:30. when should i let them in adn out? they have been out 24/7.

    13 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • So my QH has been acting weird...?

    so lately he seems distant for the other horses and when they got out wouldnt go to my parents, but yesterday when i went to see them he came over and walked past me and looked at the farmers feild/gate area and when i went over to him he looked at me and touched me with his nose, and looked back at the gate area. he hasnt acted like this seince the death of his compaion last march he was depressed for months till few found a hrose that fit our needs, and when we brough thim home he was soooo happy. he cant be ridding hard and everytime i get on i have to work him hard and then we can go and walk around, hes ranch broke and thats how he listens, show him whos boss and he will be perfect. but i dont wanna hurt him so i havent taking him out to ride in a long time and i take the other, 3 and 4 year olds and ride and put them back.

    what do you think? should i ride him? take him somewhere? advise?

    hes a 16hh qh VERY muscular, bay. 13 years old ive had him for 4 years

    4 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • my puppy does something ive never seem before...?

    okay so he will randomly put his paw on my arm or hand and keep it there. he did this on the way ot the vet he put his paw on my arm adn pulled it back and rested his head on my arm, and just layed there. why does he do this?? any explination?

    hes a lab/german shepard mix, almost 6 months old

    10 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • what are these saddles worth?

    what bit is this and how is it used?

    how much could i get for theses saddles?

    this is a 16 inch, i got it brand new never been used.

    15 to 16 inch, i used it for 3 years, still in good condition.

    16 inch used on my moms horse that coliced isnt as wide as the others, used 1 5 to 20 times tops i rode bareback A LOT!!!!

    so what do you think? i have 9 saddles and 3 horses... :) and tons of bridles trying to down size.

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • okay i have a few dog training questions.?

    okay so we got a puppy from a lady who got him with her BF and they broke up so we took him adn he was 2-3 months old, now hes almost 6 months and 56 pounds, and still likes to rough house, but getting over that. hes a German Shepard/ black lab.

    this is him. a few months ago.

    he love to chase things (haha) but he wont bring it back he will just stay 2 feet away so i cant get it from him. how could i get him to come closer and give me the ball?

    also any good training treats that are cheep?he really focuses when he knows i have a treat and sometimes gets destracted by it.

    also when he becomes a well mannored dog id like to teach him to be more pretective, sometimes in home alone or my parents work late and with my old dog ( that to be put down) would come in with me and i felt really safe with him, even if he was outside. my other dog will be 15 this month and shes getting up there she cant move like she use to and thats why we got our old dog last year, he had to be put downn, then we got Chase a few months later.

    what are some good ways to get him to be more pretective??

    8 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • how to remember my dog we had to put down?

    so we had to put down my year and 5 month old Husky/Wolf/collie a day before easter, that holiday will never be the same, he got Lyme's and that triggered a auto immune disorder and his body attacked itself we tried pills and it worked for 5 to 6 months, we went to the vet a lot and everyone knew us by name and they would all say "hello Scooby how are you feeling today?" and they all looked like they knew something i didn't. but my and my brother were trying to get him better and we took him in every time something wasn't right and we missed a few hours of school bringing him in. and my parents spent tons of money trying to get him better. and before it happened i spent days and weeks getting him to stop chewing and destroying things. he stopped and became a wonderful dog that everyone said had a bond with me, he didn't listen the best to other people and tried to 'save' me from my moms horse when we were just standing around talking to my dad and mom on my horse, he sat right under the horse i was on. and me and my brother took him to the vet monday of easter week and had to keep him there and 4 days later we had to put him down there was nothing else to do my mom was willing to go 5 hours away to a vet place that could help but it was to bad for then to treat and he was put down later that day. when we all were there. and i got his ashes the next Wednesday and now are in my room. but i want to have something that i can remember him by he was my dog and i didn't even get him for a year and now we have a 5 month old lab/shepared cross and hes nothing like him hes really playful that turns into rough housing but can be sweet and nice and i feel like he not my dog hes my dads he listens to him better!!! how can i get him to stop all the rough housing and be nice? and remember my old dog?

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago