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  • Physicists/Math Gurus - need your help (re-posting)?

    Re-posting in hope of getting some numbers (I realize I will need two numbers for R in order to get two different Forces)..

    I am creating a puzzle based upon Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation (F= G((m1 x m2)/r squared) I am trying to work backwards so that F gives me two pre-selected numbers: 4328804 and 11201129. If we assume the mass of the two objects are 45.3592kg and 56.600kg respectively (converted 100lbs and 125lbs to kg) I get the result of 2571.8212808. So that should be decided by the distance between them squared. The result should be multiplied by G to get my desired results. But for the life of me, I can't work it backwards to find the value of the distance needed to get each desired result (I seem to come close, but off). I have been using an on-line scientific calculator so maybe the limitations there is screwing me up. Just as an FYI - I am making a puzzle and the results should be North and West coordinates. (geocaching thing). Thanks for your help.....I'll post the link to the puzzle when I am done and thank you in it (your user name unless you tell me different). Newton's Formula:

    2 AnswersPhysics7 years ago
  • Physicists/Math Gurus - Need your brain power.?

    I am creating a puzzle based upon Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation (F= G((m1 x m2)/r squared) I am trying to work backwards so that F gives me two pre-selected numbers: 4328804 and 11201129. If we assume the mass of the two objects are 45.3592kg and 56.600kg respectively (converted 100lbs and 125lbs to kg) I get the result of 2571.8212808. So that should be decided by the distance between them squared. The result should be multiplied by G to get my desired results. But for the life of me, I can't work it backwards to find the value of the distance needed to get each desired result (I seem to come close, but off). I have been using an on-line scientific calculator so maybe the limitations there is screwing me up. Just as an FYI - I am making a puzzle and the results should be North and West coordinates. (geocaching thing). Thanks for your help.....I'll post the link to the puzzle when I am done and thank you in it (your user name unless you tell me different). Newton's Formula:

    5 AnswersPhysics7 years ago