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Lv 6
Alan asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 7 years ago

Physicists/Math Gurus - Need your brain power.?

I am creating a puzzle based upon Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation (F= G((m1 x m2)/r squared) I am trying to work backwards so that F gives me two pre-selected numbers: 4328804 and 11201129. If we assume the mass of the two objects are 45.3592kg and 56.600kg respectively (converted 100lbs and 125lbs to kg) I get the result of 2571.8212808. So that should be decided by the distance between them squared. The result should be multiplied by G to get my desired results. But for the life of me, I can't work it backwards to find the value of the distance needed to get each desired result (I seem to come close, but off). I have been using an on-line scientific calculator so maybe the limitations there is screwing me up. Just as an FYI - I am making a puzzle and the results should be North and West coordinates. (geocaching thing). Thanks for your help.....I'll post the link to the puzzle when I am done and thank you in it (your user name unless you tell me different). Newton's Formula:


For the first one, I did this: (2571.8212808/rsquared) * G = 4329904 So, then 2571.8212808/rsquared = 4328802/G. Which gave me: 2571.8212808/rsquared = 64857992172938510. So I then thought Rsquared = 2571.8212808 / 6485799217293851 so R would be the square root of: 0.0000000000000396500000010359293504 with r being= 0.00000019912307752. My math wrong (it has been nearly 30 years since I took algebra).

Update 2:

Oops (typo in my digits)...I meant For the first one, I did this: (2571.8212808/rsquared) * G = 4328804 So, then 2571.8212808/rsquared = 4328804/G. Which gave me: 2571.8212808/rsquared = 64857992172938510. So I then thought Rsquared = 2571.8212808 / 6485799217293851 so R would be the square root of: 0.0000000000000396500000010359293504 with r being= 0.00000019912307752. Is my math wrong (it has been nearly 30 years since I took algebra).

5 Answers

  • Amy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not going to check the actual numbers because you have way too many digits, but your logic looks correct.

    R = sqrt (GMm/F)

    Make sure the G you are using has the correct units to match up with M,m, and F.

    Also, it would probably make more sense for the answers to be 43.28804 and 112.01129.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    With 2 masses you will get only 1 value of force at any particular distance.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Gravity is heat-attraction of colder objects, with the sun being an example of its heat pulling on all colder objects. So, Newton was right about several things, but he, Einstein and everyone else were totally wrong about the false mass-attracting-mass thing.

    That is nothing more than fantasy theory.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    ??? study vector differential calculus for about 4 years at the university level. then get back to us.

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  • 7 years ago

    r = sqrt( G m1 m2 / F)

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