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  • is it safe to drive a short distance on a flat tire?

    my tire is flat, on the commute to work this morning, about a 1/2 way from my destination, i hit a bump pretty hard...i didnt think anything of it, because everything seemed fine, no wierd noises or anything...there is a tire place about a mile away from here, will the car be ok if i drive it with a flat tire to the tire place...i asked a friend, and he confused me because he said they cant patch it if the tire was blown out...if a tire was blown out completely, that would be pretty obvious right?

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is the procedure for an incedent like this?

    my ex stole about $6000 cash from me...when confronted, he was ashamed of course, and promised to pay me back when he could...we never wrote a contract, because he told me he'd pay, i figured id give him the benefit of the its months later, and i've recieved nothing, i let him know that i'm gonna have to go to the police...he basically laughed and said that there is nothing the cops can do, that its his word against mine, and he will deny it if he has to...i cant prove that he did it, other than he has admitted it to me and another there anything the cops can do...or do i have to have some kind of concrete proof?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Tax Return question...Is it possible to get a check on the spot?

    I was thinking of getting my taxes done at H&R block, or one of those places.I know they have the emerald card, but I don't qualify for it. Do they have a service, where you can get your taxes done, they can take whatever fees they need, and then they cut you a check that day?...what are the qualifications, and if you know, what kind of fees do they charge?

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • check cashing at Big Y grocery store?

    I cash my payroll check every week at big y, its about 350 each week, i was in a car accident, and was cut a check from my insurance company, which is a little over 2000, as i dont have a bank account, i need to know if a grocery store will cash a check with a larger ammount. thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • attention mechanics?

    my anti-lock light and brake lights tay on in my 98 buick regal, it is obviously a sensor problem...i take my car to a place that always tries to add on other things...last ime i was there he told me i needed to fix a ball joint which wasnt even hes telling me that not only do i need a sensor, but the master cylinsder and 4 hubs...i think hes full of it....opinions please?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • trying to find an old mad tv clip, can't find it anywhere...?

    it was season 9 episode 902, and that was all i've been able to find out so far, it's aries spears spoofing the old joe boxer commercials for's the dude jumping around in his boxers....if u can help me...please send a link.

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • how does child services work?

    i recently made a report with child services, i wanted to remain anonymous, so i didnt give every detail...i gave them the mother's name and address, and let them know that she has a felon on probation living there, whichh is against the rules seeing as she just recently got the kids back, and second of all sh'e lying to child services about him staying there. it seemed to me that the operator didnt believe me as i couldnt give her every detail in order to remain anonymous...MY CONCERN IS FOR THE CHILDREN, AND EVEN THO THEY MAY DOUBT ME, WILL CHILD SERVICES STILL LOOK INTO THIS?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • child services?

    k this might asound a bit confusing...i made an anonymous call to the child welfare hotline, i do know the people involved, but as i wanted to keep it anonymous, i think the operator might have thought that i was lying...anyways here goes....i have a friend who is a convicted fellon on probation, although i told the operator i didnt know him, and that someone just told me that about him, i didnt even give his name, which is ok, because.....)so anyways, he has been staying with this woman who just got her kids back from of the rules is that you cant have criminals living in the basically shes sneaklily letting him live there....he works and everything, but also does drugs on ocassion. over the weeken he was running up and down the street completely anyways the operator is asking me names and how i know these details, and i'm trying to be anonymous, cause i like these people, but it's not fair to the kids, and she must not care too much if she's ris

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • about asking for a raise....?

    i'be been at this job for a little more than a yr and a half, i was hired as a manager, and have def increased sales here, business is business tho, some months are awesome, some are a bit slow... so we had one slow month and he cut my hours. he has never offered me a raise. i've been thinking about asking for a raise, but am not sure how to bring it up...he just told me that if i meet a certain goal this month, he will give me a $500 bonus, should i also ask for the raise?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • legal stuff....?

    someone stole money from me, i know it, and the person has admitted this an arrestable offence? all the person has to do is deny that they stole the money in order to avoid arrest, correct? there is no written or recorded this hearsay? is this a small claims court matter?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • ball joint...i have a 98 buick regal...and i am conflicted because, i have 1?

    mechanic telling me it's fine and another telling me to replace it....what are the symptoms that a ball joint is going? does it make noise? the only thing my car does, is it shakes when i'm going 70 or 80 on the highway.

    5 AnswersGMC1 decade ago
  • cumputer problem...i was trying to shut down the comp. cos it kept freezing, and now the pic on the monitor?

    has shifted 90 degrees, basically the tool bar is vertical on the right side of my computer, and i'm holding my head sideways as i type this...HELP!

    3 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • 98 buick regal ls, brakes pads, and rotors...?

    my steering wheel had been shaking, and then making a squealing noise, when my foot was off the break...the mechanic said that my pads had worn down and that i would need all 4 brakes, pads and rotors....he is a friend of a friend, and gave me a deal, he said he would do it for $408 including parts and that really a deal? and even if he is taking me for a ride, and all 4 need to be replaced, isn't it something that eventually needs to be done anyways?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • please help me find my father...i know its a lot to read, but im crumbling to pieces?

    Web detectives...i found out what town my father is living in and i need to locate him...please help me!?

    k...heres the father took off when i was a baby..we always knew he was in florida, and now that my mom is all over the news "magically" he comes out of the woodwork to talk to the papers(article below)... then he can't even admit that he's my father...i have struggled with abandanment and everything else due to him, and thought that i had done well in therapy, but now i am completely unraveling...due to the fact that my mom is all over the news, i absolutly cannot contact the newspaper, not that i even think those vultures would help me...i know that theres public records and all that, that i can look into, but i dont even know where to begin...please help me, i feel like i'm crumbling to pieces with whats going on with my mom, and now that my dad is back on my mind, i need to find him. thanks in advance.




    BUSINESS IN A BIND: Sandra Chemero (above) ran an S&M brothel in this Bedford mansion, cops say. Her ex says she wasn't into kinky stuff during their marriage.

    March 5, 2007 -- Years before she allegedly began using whips and chains on eager clients of her S&M business, kinky Westchester mansion mistress Sandra Chemero endured the real thing in five stormy years of wedlock, her ex-husband admitted yesterday.

    Christopher Chemero, 52, owned up to being "somewhat abusive" during their marriage, which lasted from 1979 to 1984.

    He was nonetheless shocked to learn of his ex's arrest on a prostitution charge and her efforts to earn a living off S&M sex games, which, he insisted, played no role in their marriage.

    "I wasn't into that . . I'm really surprised to hear that about Sandy," Christopher Chemero told The Post at his home in Daytona Beach, Fla.

    The marriage was the first for both. Sandra was 18 and Christopher was 24.

    Christopher, who is now single, said he was an alcohol abuser when he wed, although she "wasn't much of a drinker."

    He said he gave up drinking long ago.

    He said he hasn't heard from his ex in more than 20 years and, "I really don't know what's going on in her life."

    "It was a vicious breakup," Christopher said.

    Although divorce records say the couple had two children, "I'm not sure one of them is mine," he said.

    "I could never say for sure if she cheated on me."

    Christopher Chemero said he lives off disability payments, and is waiting for heart bypass surgery.

    "The men in my family don't live very long," he said.

    Meanwhile, Bedford cops pressed ahead with their investigation yesterday as a woman who used Sandra Chemero's rented house as a place to sell makeup and clothing to cross-dressing men said the accused madam had a female partner in the S&M business several months ago.

    After an argument with Sandra, the other woman moved out of the house in September, the makeup artist said.

    Asked if a second woman was involved, Bedford Police Lt. Robert Mazurak replied: "I'm not going to say no, but I don't want to mislead you . . . It's under investigation."

    Sandra Chemero, 46, is the only person charged thus far, and police have said that they believed she was working alone.

    The makeup artist also said she believed Sandra had a boyfriend from Manhattan who worked on Wall Street. But that could not be immediately confirmed.

    A number of Westchester County men are named in Sandra Chemero's records, Mazurak said.

    "We are continuing to investigate. Where it's going to end, I don't know," he said.

    Sandra Chemero, who is free on bail, was nowhere to be found yesterday.

    She's due in Bedford town court next week to answer misdemeanor charges of prostitution and possession of a stun gun.

    The rabbinical school that owns the $3 million home has evicted Sandra under a clause in her lease barring illegal activity.

    Her Web site advertised the "century-old stately manner" as "The Sovereign Estate," describing it as a "female-led household, headed by an elegant, attractive dominant woman."

    Additional reporting by Patrick White and Bill Sanderson

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • web detectives...i found out what town my father is living in and i need to locate him...please help me!?

    k...heres the father took off when i was a baby..we always knew he was in florida, and now that my mom is all over the news "magically" he comes out of the woodwork to talk to the papers(article below)... then he can't even admit that he's my father...i have struggled with abandanment and everything else due to him, and thought that i had done well in therapy, but now i am completely unraveling...due to the fact that my mom is all over the news, i absolutly cannot contact the newspaper, not that i even think those vultures would help me...i know that theres public records and all that, that i can look into, but i dont even know where to begin...please help me, i feel like i'm crumbling to pieces with whats going on with my mom, and now that my dad is back on my mind, i need to find him. thanks in advance.




    BUSINESS IN A BIND: Sandra Chemero (above) ran an S&M brothel in this Bedford mansion, cops say. Her ex says she wasn't into kinky stuff during their marriage.

    March 5, 2007 -- Years before she allegedly began using whips and chains on eager clients of her S&M business, kinky Westchester mansion mistress Sandra Chemero endured the real thing in five stormy years of wedlock, her ex-husband admitted yesterday.

    Christopher Chemero, 52, owned up to being "somewhat abusive" during their marriage, which lasted from 1979 to 1984.

    He was nonetheless shocked to learn of his ex's arrest on a prostitution charge and her efforts to earn a living off S&M sex games, which, he insisted, played no role in their marriage.

    "I wasn't into that . . I'm really surprised to hear that about Sandy," Christopher Chemero told The Post at his home in Daytona Beach, Fla.

    The marriage was the first for both. Sandra was 18 and Christopher was 24.

    Christopher, who is now single, said he was an alcohol abuser when he wed, although she "wasn't much of a drinker."

    He said he gave up drinking long ago.

    He said he hasn't heard from his ex in more than 20 years and, "I really don't know what's going on in her life."

    "It was a vicious breakup," Christopher said.

    Although divorce records say the couple had two children, "I'm not sure one of them is mine," he said.

    "I could never say for sure if she cheated on me."

    Christopher Chemero said he lives off disability payments, and is waiting for heart bypass surgery.

    "The men in my family don't live very long," he said.

    Meanwhile, Bedford cops pressed ahead with their investigation yesterday as a woman who used Sandra Chemero's rented house as a place to sell makeup and clothing to cross-dressing men said the accused madam had a female partner in the S&M business several months ago.

    After an argument with Sandra, the other woman moved out of the house in September, the makeup artist said.

    Asked if a second woman was involved, Bedford Police Lt. Robert Mazurak replied: "I'm not going to say no, but I don't want to mislead you . . . It's under investigation."

    Sandra Chemero, 46, is the only person charged thus far, and police have said that they believed she was working alone.

    The makeup artist also said she believed Sandra had a boyfriend from Manhattan who worked on Wall Street. But that could not be immediately confirmed.

    A number of Westchester County men are named in Sandra Chemero's records, Mazurak said.

    "We are continuing to investigate. Where it's going to end, I don't know," he said.

    Sandra Chemero, who is free on bail, was nowhere to be found yesterday.

    She's due in Bedford town court next week to answer misdemeanor charges of prostitution and possession of a stun gun.

    The rabbinical school that owns the $3 million home has evicted Sandra under a clause in her lease barring illegal activity.

    Her Web site advertised the "century-old stately manner" as "The Sovereign Estate," describing it as a "female-led household, headed by an elegant, attractive dominant woman."

    Additional reporting by Patrick White and Bill Sanderson

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • help!!auto mechanics....whats wrong with my car?

    i have a 1998 buick regal...recently i had the whole brake line system i noticed that when i stop(it only does it sometimes, and it snowed last night, so it was doing it when the car was sliding) the car sounded like it was making a "scraping" sound...could this be the abs system? someone also told me today that it sounded like a cb joint....i really don't want to take it to the mechanic cos i feel like he's a liar and a theif....any suggestions? have you ever seen this before?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago