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  • why are bicyclists such hypocrites?

    They have totally avoided the real issue in my question which is start paying your way for using our roads just like we motorists do. They still act like little children, hoping they can continue to get away with freeloading. They (Elliot) expound reasons why we should love them and thank them for being so efficient, gas savers, pollution savers etc while all the while they know they have been busted and hope they can confuse us by "misdirection". The writer is not angry he just feels fair is fair and that freeloaders like bicyclists should start paying their fair share. Come on children tell me how you are owed free access to our roads-what a bunch of hypocrites

    17 AnswersCycling8 years ago
  • Don't you think bicyclists should start paying their fare share for the use of the roads.?

    We vehicle drivers have to pay for and display a license plate for identification purposes but bicyclists don't, so when they cause an accident they can go on thier merry anonymous way not having paid a dime. They do not have to have a drivers license, nor do they have to have a vehicle safety check. Dont you think its about time bicyclists started paying their way as we vehicle drivers do? Don't you think its about time bicyclists had to have "mandatory bicycle insurance". After all they are riding on the same roads as vehicles do and are totally unprotected. Unprotected? And we vehicle drivers must have seat belts on or get a ticket, We must have fornt and rear lights, we must have brake lights, we must have turn signals, or give proper hand signals, we must have a properly working horn,etc. If bicyclists were required to pay only half of what the average vehicle driver must pay for the "priviledge" of driving on our roads it would generate about $10,000,000,000.00 (yes billion) in revenue for California. Now that might make the "mandatory sharing" of the roads a little more palatable don't you think?

    7 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Why are bicyclists such wimp freeloaders?

    According to the DMV "Drivers" handbook for 2013 "bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as vehicle drivers". Yet they pay nothing for these rights and responsibilities. We vehicle drivers must pay for registration, pay for license plate, pay for "mandatory insurance" on every damn vehicle. But the bicyclist gets away with paying nothing for anything. What a bunch of freeloaders! they can block you in traffic by riding out in the traffic lane or riding 2 and 3 abreast, they can cut in front of you, they can throw water on your car if "they" feel you are to close and you have no way of identifying them- the freeloaders are "anonymous" and they know it big time. You can tell by their smug attitude on the road.

    7 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Why are sound tracks so loud that you cannot understand the dialogue?

    Just saw the GG award winning movie Social Network". It was horrible we could not understand 95% of the dialogue because the sound track was so loud and overbearing. I understand it was supposed to be a good movie but I have no idea what the heck they were saying. I find this in the majority of movies today. It appears to be more about the music today than the story. If I want to see and hear a musical I will go to a "Musical" movie.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Why are we kissing everyones butt? Why don't we abolish unions?

    Unions breed complacency. Unions breed laziness. Unions breed incompetency. Unions breed crime. Unions breed false security. Unions bred exactly what the left progressives want, which is the union leaders in control so they can control you. Soon there will not be any any businessess left to "unionize" - so you will be out of a job anyway and you did it to yourself what a sad joke on you.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Why all the fuss about Carl Edwards?

    He was doing his job and doing it well. Punishing him would be tantamount to punishing a pro football player for tackling an opponent. If you are going to race stock cars then you had better be able to take the hits the same as in football, baseball, soccer, or any sport. Then you have these wimps who want to nail you for playing rough. Well lets kiss and make up and play tag football and make all the drivers stay in one straight line. Cream puff derby is what it's become

    15 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • What are you going to do when Danica Patrick gets punched in the face?

    Gee its ok if a couploe of the guys get into it. But what are you gonna do when little miss snippit causes a smash up and one of the guys punches her in the nose or bashes her with his helmet? Oh my gosh how horrible! I know the goody goodys will say you shouldn't do that in the first place...yeah right and all the drivers should wear makeup. What a down grade for NASCAR the new Cream Puff Derby (CPB).

    11 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • Why doesn't Danica Patrick also tryout for the Angels baseball team this year?

    Her/it driving in NASCAR is tantamount to the same thing. What a down grade for NASCAR!

    3 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • Does a bicyclist have to signal before pulling in front of you?

    If he doesn't can he get a traffic ticket for unsafe lane change and a ticket for not signaling 100 feet before changing lanes?

    7 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Why do we continue to put up with all the "freeloading" bicyclists?

    No license!, No registration!, No insurance!, No real personal safety equipment! requirements, No brake lights! No front lights!, No turn signal lights!, No rear view mirror! No responsibility! No regard for anyone else on the road, It's all about "them". Yes its me again and you are "busted". Watch these guys cry and deny it all.

    10 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the salaries these pro ball players are getting?

    I'm very tired of bad behavior being rewarded. What kind of message is it giving our kids?

    7 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Why can't bicyclists stand the truth?

    Busted and they don't like it! Too bad freeloaders! Everything that is put on our public roads must have a license and registration, except for bicycles! Why even boats (which are on our public waterways) must have a registered CF number which is not free. Watch the answers they will come back with on this question and see just how hypocritical they are. Butt they will not pay their fare share for the use of our public roads. they will probably complain to have this question removed because it offends them to be busted. tooooo baddddd -freedom of speech, freedom of press

    27 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • why are bicyclists allowed to ride on the public streets and highways with reckless abandon!?

    Everyone else who is on the public streets and highways is required by law to either wear or have their means of transportation equipped with "approved" safety equipment. But bicyclists for some reason feel they are above the law and do not have to wear any safety gear (don't try to tell me the little helmet is protective because it is not), their bicycles do not have to have any safety equipment like: brake lights (thats so one can tell if they are stopping), turn signals (so you can tell if they are going to turn and which way. hmm motorcycles have them by law), a windshield or goggles so they are not blinded by bugs (and swerve in front of unsuspecting diligent driver who is not following too close), anti-lock brakes, rear view mirrors, license plate (I know they don't have to be registered but some means of easy identification must be required). If they want to disregard safety (theirs and yours), then they should not be allowed by law to ride on the public roads and highways.

    13 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • If I'm on a public street in Atlanta and wreck on my bicycle and rip off my nose can I sue the city?

    I had my helmet on. Or maybe can I sue the helmet manufacturer? someone has to pay and its not going to be me.

    7 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • If I'm on a public street in traffic in Atlanta and slam on my bicycle brakes can I sue if I'm hit?

    If bicycles don't have brake lights how are we supposed to know they are stopping? I would really like to know before renting a car in Atlanta.

    6 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Can I ride my 21 speed bicycle on the freeways in Atlanta?

    I would really like to know what the bicycling rules and safety guidelines are, if any at all, in Atlanta.

    6 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Why are bicyclists allowed to ignore prudent safety requirements?

    Everyone else who travels on our public streets must wear a seat belt, must have brake lights, must have turn signals, must have proper protection for themselves in the event of a crash, But no not the bicyclist they get away with wearing a skimpy flimsy little token hat that is a poor excuse for a protective helmet. And if you don't believe it just try falling on your face at about 15 mph with one of those itty bitty hats on - you will be lucky if you still have a nose. and they still get away with it - and its at our expense! They are like a person going surfing in a hurricane just for the big waves and then haveing to be rescued at our expense. Sorry for pointing out how reckless bicyclists are, and hope I don't hurt bicyclists feelings but think about harm bicyclists are causing and the total disregard for REAL safety they have.

    7 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Why aren't bicycles registered to drive on public streets?

    driving on public streets is a privilege not a right. It is not fair that we have to register our cars, motorcycles, trailers, rv's, trucks, and everything else that is driven on a public street. I am outraged at having to pay for the roads that bicyclists so smugly ride on for free. Bicycles do not have to be registered. The registration fee and requirements must be the same as they are for a motorcycle. Too bad if the bicyclists don't like it. Please don't cry it will only cost you about $1,000 to get a registration and meet the requirements.

    8 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Why don't they require every bike to have brake lights, turn signals, head light?

    If they want to ride on the streets then they must be required to follow the safety requirements of proper lights. Too bad if you don't like it - it will only cost you about $300 bucks to get set up. Please don't cry.

    10 AnswersCycling1 decade ago