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  • Montgomery Ward UHT J1980 Sewing Machine?

    Does anyone know what kind of bobbins it takes or where I can find a FREE user manual?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • Where to buy crystals in San Antonio, Texas?

    I'm looking for a sort of metaphysical shop in San Antonio where I can buy crystals such as black onyx and rose quartz. I've been looking online and there was one metaphysical shop on the north side but crystals weren't listed for what they sell. Thanks for any help.

    5 AnswersSan Antonio10 years ago
  • Looking for stereotypes for a school project?

    Hi everyone, I'm working on a project for my intercultural communications class. It basically has to be a visual representation of stereotypes about myself. I know I can just work the Google on the internet machine but I thought it would be a lot more fun to see what others have to say. I'm curious to hear what others have to say about specific groups.

    Note: I promise I won't report anyone for anything offensive and I hope nobody reports anyone else. This is not meant to hurt any feelings. I just want to hear different stereotypes to satisfy my curiosity and get some good ideas for my project.



    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups10 years ago
  • What is your favorite Dean Koontz novel and why?

    Mine is Watchers. It was the first novel I read and I was amazing. I felt so sorry for the monster though. I felt he was justified. But I do have to give Odd Thomas an honorable mention because so far it's the only Dean Koontz novel to make me cry.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Was the National Anthem protocol always to put your hand over your heart?

    I'm currently having a debate with my father about the protocol regarding America's national anthem. He's claiming that Obama isn't a patriot because he didn't place his hand over his heart at the 2007 Iowa caucus while the National Anthem was playing.

    I looked into it and Obama claims he was taught by his father, a WWII veteran, that during the Pledge of Allegance, you place your hand over your heart and during the National Anthem you sing.

    The current flag protocol as described by United States Code, 36 U.S.C. § 301, clearly states that you are supposed to place your hand over your heart while the national anthem is playing. HOWEVER, this was last updated in 2008, the year after the Iowa caucus incident.

    So my question is, has this always been the protocol? When did the hand over the heart actually become a rule? Can anyone find me the link that shows the protocol prior to 2007?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I need a repair Manual for a 2005 Hyundai Accent?

    I've been looking for a Chilton's type auto manual for our 2005 Hyundai Accent. I haven't had any luck yet and so far the only thing I can find is a repair CD. I don't want something that goes onto a computer. I want something I can read while I'm actually working on the car.


    6 AnswersHyundai1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of tonsil stones?

    I've started getting tonsil stones within the past few years. They haven't caused any major problems like bad breath (I've asked my husband) and they don't get so big as to require surgery to remove them. Usually I just cough them up. But every once in a while I get one that gets uncomfortable. It's like when you get that popcorn skin stuck in the back of your mouth. I brush my teeth twice a day and use mouthwash every day but it doesn't seem to help. I've read on a few websites that using oxygenating toothpaste and/or mouthwash helps. Is this true? Has anyone actually tried it or are these just crazy ads? I've already talked to my doctor and she just says they're food particles (Which I already know is incorrect. Some of us just don't have good doctors). Any advice? Anybody try anything that actually works? Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Different styles for long hair?

    I've only had long hair twice in my life. I cut it short when I was in the second grade and kept it short until I was a junior in high school. I cut it short again in my senior year. I'm almost 26 and I've been fighting with my hair for most of my life. I've colored it all sorts of shades and kept it super short most of the time. I attempt to grow it out from time to time but every time it starts to get long, I cut it short again because I just don't know how to have long hair!

    Seriously, I can do a bun, pony tail, pigtails (braided low of course) and twist it up with a hair clip but that's about it. I've never liked head bands because they just don't look good on me. I've also sworn off bangs shorter than my chin because they make my already round face look rounder and therefore fat. My hair is naturally blonde. I used to color it a lighter shade of blonde but now it is in its natural state of ash blonde. It's just past my shoulders and I plan on growing it longer (if I can learn how to deal with long hair).

    If I let it air dry after a shower it tends to get a bit wavy. I don't like to blow dry it too often because it's damaging. I do own an ionic blow dryer and I use a heat tamer spray when I do blow dry. If I blow dry it, it will be straight all day. I don't have to use a flat iron or special sprays to make it straight.

    I just want to find a website where it will show me how to put my hair up into new and interesting ways. I see so many women with beautiful styles but I don't know how to do any of it. I would like to learn how to french braid my own hair. Or how about using harigami? I know it's "so five years ago" but has anyone tried it? Is it easy to use? Oh, and forget about bumpits... that just looks awful to me. Thanks for any advice!!!

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • My cat doesn't like the drinkwell fountain?

    My husband and I own 3 cats. We bought the drinkwell years ago and I love it but only one of our cats won't use it. He will only drink from it the very minute I clean it and replace the water. He won't drink from it again until I replace the water. The other two cats happily drink from it all week. I clean it every 4 days but it wouldn't matter if I cleaned it once a day because he won't drink from it a second time after I've cleaned it.

    He wakes me up at all hours of the night to turn the bathtub faucet on so he can drink from that. He meows all day and begs for the faucet to be turned on. I feel like I'm at the end of my rope! I tried cleaning it every day and that only gets him to drink from it once a day.

    I've asked about this before and it was suggested that I move the water away from the food. The water has been in a separate room now for a few months. I think the other cats drink more frequently but the other one just won't use it.

    I also took another suggestion and moved it close to the sink where he also likes to drink but that didn't work either.

    I have noticed that the fountain tends to get slimy after just a few days. While the other two cats don't care, I'm thinking that this picky cat may be more sensitive to it. All the fountains on the market seem to be plastic. I did see a ceramic one in a Skymall magazine when I was flying recently. It claimed to keep clean longer because of the non-porous surface. Does anyone have a ceramic fountain?

    Please, I need help on this. I've tried everything I can think of. I've been losing sleep for years because this cat won't stop until he gets fresh water. He's destroyed many things in his quest to wake me up. I've even tried ignoring him to force him to drink from the fountain but that just doesn't work. I'm afraid he's going to have kidney problems later in life. He's only 3 now. Any suggestions? Anyone have this problem too? HELP!!!

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Looking for a supplier for honeysuckle vines?

    I'm looking for a supplier either in the San Antonio, TX area or an online vendor who can supply the lonicera x heckrotti (pink lemonade) honeysuckle vine. Thank you.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I can't figure out what's making me nauseous.?

    First of all, I'm not pregnant. I've been on the pill and I've already tested negative for pregnancy. Recently I've been waking up in the early morning hours feeling like I'm going to vomit. I usually wake up with this nausea between 2 and 4 am. I never really do throw up and some pepto seems to take care of it. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or how late I eat. Once I had pizza and I was sick nine hours later. Then more recently I had pancakes and was sick six hours later. Another time I had ravioli from an Italian restaurant (I've had the dish before) and I was sick in the morning over ten hours later.

    The food isn't always greasy and I don't over eat. I stay away from greasy food after I had my gallbladder removed over eight years ago. The same foods don't make me sick during the day. I just seem to feel nausea between 2 and 4 am. I just don't know what's causing it.

    I really don't want to go to the doctor because stomach disorders are extremily hard to diagnose and I'm sure they'll just tell me it's stress or gas. It took ten years to get diagnosed with gallstones. I had to end up on the E.R. before anyone took me seriously. This isn't a serious problem and I just know it will be dismissed.

    I just want to know if this sounds familiar to anyone and if they have any ideas on what may be causing this. It's happening more and more frequently and I'm starting to lose sleep.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Red itchy bumps on chest and behind knees?

    My mom sent me an email and in it, she told me she had these red itchy bumps that started on her bra-line and then spread to her stomach and then broke out behind her knees.

    She lives a few states away so I can't really give a better description than that. Nobody else in the house is having this problem. They haven't changed laundry soap and she doesn't have any allergies that we know of.

    She's thinking it was a woman that she works with who practices black magic. I don't know how to tell her that crap doesn't exist without offending her because she's very religious and thinks that God is protecting her... well, apparently not good enough. She believes in good forces and so she believes in evil forces as well.

    I've tried to google the symptoms and didn't come up with anything. Oh, and these places where the bumps occur are usually places where we sweat.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • The bestselling author of all time?

    I'm doing a report on a popular writer who many claim is the bestselling author of all time. I've also heard this claim with other popular authors as well. I want to know, who is the bestselling novelist of all time... regardless of genre.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Old Irish way of writing using lines with dashes?

    My older sister had a tattoo down her ribcage that was a vertical line with a few lines on it. It looked like stitches where some of the lines on it were tilted and some were curled on the end. I don't remember where she got it from.

    She was the only red-head in the family and was very into our Irish heritage. I can't remember if it was Celtic or Gaelic. I do know that they used to use it as markings on the sides of buildings. It was meant to be read up and down.

    I would ask my sister but she killed herself a few months ago. I want to find out this old style of writing so I can make a memorial tattoo with her name using this style.

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • I would like to know more about my china dishes?

    My Grandmother recently sent me her set of china. It's Four Crown China. The style is Primrose 621. I would like to find out a little more about it, like how old it is and how much it's worth. I'm not planning on selling it, I would just like to know.

    I have 16 of each:

    Tea Cups and Saucers

    Salad Plates

    Dinner Plates

    Soup Bowls

    Dessert Bowls

    and I have 1 of each

    Serving platter

    Gravy Boat

    Small Cream Pitcher

    Small Sugar Bowl with lid.

    I also only have one pepper shaker because the salt shaker broke years ago. I'm currently looking for a replacement.

    I know I can get it appraised online but I can't find a place to do it for free. I was hoping someone on Yahoo Answers could be so kind as to help me figure out some of this.

    I've asked my Grandma and she doesn't know. She said it was a gift and she's never figured it out.

    Any help would be great. Thank you!

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • 2005 Hyundai Accent front alignment?

    My husband and I made an appointment to get the front tires aligned because there is uneven wear on the tread. The guy behind the counter told us it would be $49 for the front-end alignment. When I went to drop the car off this morning, he told me that he thinks the car is one of those cars that needs a four wheel adjustment because it's normally only trucks that need front end alignment. He said he would double check and let me know. After lifting the car he told me it was a four wheel alignment. I told him I couldn't afford it and left. My husband and I both think there is something fishy going on and he's lying. I've been lied to a lot at auto shops because I'm a girl and they automatically assume I don't know anything about cars.

    So here's my question, does my car always need a four wheel alignment or is this guy just trying to get more money from us? The front tires are the only ones with uneven wear.

    2 AnswersHyundai1 decade ago
  • Superstition about train tracks?

    When I was in Elementary school, I remember going on a field trip. As we approached some train tracks, one of the girls in my class told us to raise our feet off the floor as we went over them because it was bad luck if you didn't. I've never heard of this before and even after, nobody knows what I'm talking about. I did a google search for superstitions and found nothing about train tracks. Has anyone heard this superstition? If so... where did it come from?

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Do I have Migraines or something else?

    So I've started working for a Doctor who says my symptoms sound like cluster headaches. She says she doesn't think it's Migraine because I don't get an aura like other Migraine sufferers.

    It starts out like a tension headache. I feel a tightness in the base of my skull. I feel a dull ache in my head and it gradually grows stronger and stronger. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes to become a full blown headache, sometimes it's a few hours. As the pain grows, I become more sensitive to light and noise. I can't think straight and I feel nauseous. The roof of my mouth grows numb along with my nose and I start to slur my words. It hurts to move, talk, look around. I've found that Excedrin Migraine works, but Ibuprofen makes it worse. Sometimes putting heat over my eyes works. I'm talking hot enough to barely stand.

    If I don't take any Excedrin, I'll get to a point where I'm throwing up and crying from the pain. I've looked at Cluster Headache symptoms and I don't get a runny nose, red eyes, pain in my eyes, or droopy eyelid. The pain I get feels like my whole brain hurts.

    I've kept a health journal to try to find out what causes these headaches. I write down everything from what food I eat to the time I woke up that day, how the weather is outside, and where I am on my menstrual cycle. So far I have yet to find a connection. Sometimes I'll eat a food and get a headache a few hours later but if I eat the same food either the next day or a month later, I don't get a headache. Sometimes they hit while I'm on my period, a few days after, a few days before, so it's not my menstrual cycle. They've hit on rainy days, cold days, hot days, dry days, so it's not the weather. They've hit on days where I've had 2 hours of sleep and on days where I've had 10 hours of sleep. I've had them on days where I wake up a 6am and days where I've woken up at noon so it's not a matter of how much sleep I'm getting. They don't hit on a schedule. Sometimes I'll have two in one week and sometimes I won't have one for a few months.

    My mother gets the same kind of symptoms where it feels like a tension headache then builds up to Migraine symptoms. I have two sisters who also suffer the same symptoms. My father doesn't get them.

    I just don't know what to do!!! Does this sound like a Migraine or what?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Valknut Symbol interpretation today?

    I've been dabbling around with tattoo ideas for my sister. She passed away in February and her name translates to "Beloved Warrior" I came across the Valknut as a symbol with a few different theories as to the meaning. One meaning is "Knot of the fallen warrior" which I think is pretty fitting for what I'm getting it for. I've done a little research and discovered that there are two different designs that are true Valknut knots and a third closed link chain that is used by neo-nazi groups. It looks very similar to the others and I don't know if it's such a good idea to get that as a tattoo anymore. I know it's not the exact same design but it's very hard to tell the difference. I'm a white female and I don't want to be mistaken as a white supremacist. So here's my question... Is the Valknut more widely recognized as an old Viking symbol or do more people see it as a neo-nazi symbol?

  • Need a Tattoo Design for sister's death?

    I want to get a tattoo for my sister. She passed away this February and I was very close to her. I wanted to get something around my left ankle but I don't know if I want an actual anklet or just a design somewhere in that area. I have three other tattoos on that leg so it won't be a big deal. She loved a lot of things and had many collections. She collected Elephants after a friend told her she goes on a rampage like an elephant when she gets mad. She collected Shamrocks and Irish things since she was the only natural redhead in the entire family (grandpa had red hair, he was half Irish). She was very very sick with not only Type 1 diabetes (from the age of 5) but M.S., and a list of other autoimmune disorders that destroyed her body. She took her own life to escape the pain. I miss her dearly and really want a tattoo to celebrate her life, not her death. Her name was Amy Louise. Amy means "beloved" and Louise means "Warrior". I want something that would translate into beloved warrior but I'm stumped. If you could design my tattoo and send me a picture, I promise I will not steal your art. If I like the design, I will gladly pay you for it and even allow your artist's signature on the tattoo itself. And when it's done, I will take a picture and send it to you for you to show it off to your friends. So if you're up to the challenge, show me what you can come up with.

    2 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago