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I need to get rid these fleas! Right now, but how?
I've been trying to get rid of them for days. It's almost like they come from thin air, I used bathing products for my cat but it doesn't seem to get rid of them. So my question is are there any natural non-chemical products I can use instead of this cat shampoo?
4 AnswersCats8 years agoWhat's wrong with my laptop?
right now Im using it and just gets really dim out of the blue and it stays that way for a long then gets bright again while Im not touching the keys. What's going on? I have an Hp laptop...
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoMy friend did this and we became distance aquaintances...why?
Ok so I have this friend that I talk to on the bus every day and we liked hanging out in a friendly way since she was taken. However one day on the bus she started acting really weird like, not herself weird. she barely spoke a word and wanted me to go to my class instead of walking her to her class. I blew it off at first and went back to being silly like always on facebook. but then she cussed me out about being so goofy and not treating her like a young lady and stuff so i guessed she was upset and just blowing steam. So, as a friend I came to her class when they weren't busy and I confronted her like a man would but she told me it was childish to bring her out of class and talk about something that happened on facebook. So again I blew it off and but began to get concerned so I texted her during the evening. She told me why she cussed me out but I couldn't make sense but I just accepted it and let it go. then back at school, she began ignoring me back to back ever time I'd try to speak Im ignored and I didn't understand. I pulled her aside one day to talk about this but she avoided my confrontation. then that night I texted her and she began talking about a guy she wants to date and wanted me to stop hangin with her so much. I didn't understand but she said she didn't want people thinking we were dating and stuff. I was hurt but I accepted it and so we stop hangin out so much to the point of not talking at all. I don't know why but I began getting more and more attracted for some reason cause I was never nervous when I talk to her. couple days later I got and invitation to a special event and I decided to see if she was interested too and I tried looking for her house. I couldn't find it so I went home. We didn't talk for a while until the last few days of school. that's when I wanted to confess but I could never get her alone until the day orehearsalal. She was dimed out that day and I had a hard time confessing cause she sounded so unaware of my feelings for her. then on the day before the last day, I fessed up after leaving school. She was smiling after I told her but she said that I was scaring her really bad. I felt that all was lost so I walked home. I caught her on facebook again and she still was partial with me. then when I told her to stop actin wierd, she blew up on me again and began saying how wierd I've been acting and calling me a pervert and a stalker and how she's not attracted to me at all and Im not cute at all and how she only let certain people touch her and saying how I blow up for no reason and that I walk and talk like a killer and yelling and screaming at me then she told me to go away and never communicate with her again. So I was devastated trying to understand once more but yet again I accepted it, apologized, and now Im down a hole of confusion and pain...So exactly started this whole mess?
P.S. Im a friendly guy who doesn't like trouble at all and try to avoid it. and I'm squeamish around blood and wounds and stuff like that. oh and I consider myself a good-looking guy but of course I know I'm not the best looking
3 AnswersFriends9 years agoMy Hyper Cam 3.4 keeps lagging how do I make it stop?
1 AnswerAdd-ons9 years agoWhy am I so unfortunate when it comes to girls?
I need an answer to why most of the girls I dealt with in this high school just don't like me or just don't want me around. I did many things to them. been nice, never deliberately been mean to them, and I always tried to be different from the wolf boys at my school. Never sagged my pants, nor did I treat girls with disrespect, now I'd jokingly be mean but I would at least tell them Im just joking. but yet those sorry excuses for teenage boys get all the girls (especially the really gorgeous ones too) and yet I have not one girl not even an average or below average girl. Now don't get me wrong I have plenty of self-confidence. I try to respect girls but they don't respect me back. I guess by how I've been raised, I must be a easy target for attention or something. But anyway, I've had several girls try to suck as much attention out of me, but I saw it coming and didn't speak to them anymore. (except for one, she totally confused me, but I guess that's how the game goes eh?) I felt that I had to change myself for girls to like me but I couldn't find myself stooping so low. Now I didn't like it but after I finally told my lady friend I liked her (I knew her for the entire year and confessed before it was over), she told me I was scaring her....truth be told, she was the same one who flipped on me for some reason and I fell into her attention trap for the rest of the year. I just want to know why am I so unfortunate when it comes to girls? I was really hurt after my lady friend did the same attention trap thing with me....
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat's the deal? I thought I chosen my words correctly?
First off answer this, does saying your into/interested in someone make you sound creepy?
Next thing, me and many other students were going on this trip and this one girl I sat beside was super cute. I wasn't interested in her but did share a couple words. So when we got to the first college tour, I stayed by her so we could share more words if possible; however, instead of talking, she would occasionally bump into me and we end up rubbing against each other sometimes. After the tour, we ate at the cafeteria, and she sat in front of me I noticed that, while sitting in front of me, she would never look me in the eye while we speak and (since I'm super clumsly, but probably would not count) she'll laugh whenever I trip or stumble (like 500 times lol). Before we left, I joked around asking her to lick her ice cream like those attractive women do in the movies. She smiled and shook her head "no". I laughed and told her that I was just joking around. At another school, we where listening to our instructor and as she was talking the girl said something to me and was rubbing her boobs on me. Couple hours later, we went to Golden Coral and i think we had lunch or something there. Anyway, I sat in front of her this time and moments later this guy was talking about condoms. We asked what he said, and he was asking me if I needed them. I looked at the girl with a huge smile and said that i don't need them tonight and started laughing. She smiled and moved from her seat to the table beside mine, then started smiling at me and calling me a freak. I was relaxing after I finished eating and was just looking around. When I glanced over at her she looked at me and told me to stop staring at her. I told her I just glanced over and she show me the way I was sitting and told me I was masturbating while i was looking at her. From then on she would smile and call me "nasty" or "dirty" and even a "freak" sometimes. But all of this changed when we got to the hotel and woke up the next morning. I called her room up and told her that I was kinda into her and she told me that she has a boyfriend already and she told me that she has to get ready for today and hung up. Since then, whenever I speak or look at her, she would pay me no mind. But when I ignore her, she would pull subtle attempts to get my attention. Ex: sitting next to this tall guy beside me after a tour and putting her booty all over me. Throwing paper balls at me then looking away. Explaining the call I made to her that morning whenever I'm being talked about. Did I make a mistake by telling her I was into her or what? Let me know something so I don't make the mistake again. Thank you!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWould this work and when should I stop?
Okay there's this really attractive girl in my high school that I like, but since she gets hit on by a lot of guys, she thinks she can get any guy right now. Now I managed to brush up against her a couple of times in the halls and managed to get her attention. Then, I asked a simple question and when she pretended not to hear, I simply asked someone else and she got upset. During lunch, I walked up to a buddy of mine and she was there staring at me, and as soon as I began talking with him I saw a quick movement from the corner of my eye then I heard her talking with one of her friends. I got the feeling that I caught her attention, but I don't know if I should continue brushing against her shoulder and ignore her or stop the shoulder thing and just ignore her every chance I get. What do you think I should do?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat just happened in this situation?
Ok this girl senior girl, who I was checking out a couple times, approached me when I was going to the restroom. She said hey and I got somewhat nervous and asked for a name(so stupid of me). Later in the day, I saw her again and tried starting a conversation with her but whenever I asked a question to get to know her, she always gives me small, barely two worded answers. I freaked out cause I thought I was boring her, so (in panic) I asked for a number. She told me that she's a private person and doesn't give numbers out in school, so I say ok and I left. I also asked(she agreed) to add her on Facebook. Puzzled, I went to my best friend for advice on it. Since she was a female teacher, I could get a better understanding. She told me that what she said meant she not into me at all. So I figured that I must've been extremely rude and childish. She would say hey to me whenever she saw me so I was still a little confused. If she was not interested in me, why would say anything to me? So at the end of the school day, I decided I was going to apologize about how I approached her. I started apologizing, but she started looking at me like I was ugly or something and I began to stammer because she wasn't paying any attention, so I couldn't say it how I planned to. When her friends came by, her attention totally left me in the dark and I walked off mortified. Tell me, what in blazes just happened?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoWhy are they laughing at my music choice?
I like Dubstep and found numerous amounts of awesome songs and dozens of remixed ones on the net. I saved some on my computer and even put some on my phone for my friends to see the type of music I'm into and to use to focus on artwork. But now I'm beginning to realize that some of the other people that hear it starts laughing and whispering amongst their friends. I don't know if they're just laughing at me because of the music I like or they think that the songs are cool and it's unique how the song was put together. I really need help, I'm just trying to be myself but all I get is a bunch of snickering and comments that hard to understand. Sometimes I just want to ask "What so funny?" and have a straight-forward answer, but I know I'll never know that way. Is there something wrong with my taste in music?
4 AnswersOther - Music9 years agoAre they jealous? Are they intimidated? Whats up?
From my time from middle school (7th) to high school (Senior) I realized that a lot of guys are always aiming to get on my bad side and almost every girl I try to talk to won't talk to me or aims for my bad side too so as a result, I became introvert or I stay to myself most of the time. Now the school environment would change several times, but the same thing still happened each time. The guys are still getting on my nerves. But I noticed that the girls aren't as open to reject me. They still do, it's just that they seem a little shaken then tell me to "go away" or "get away from me". Now that I realize the changes the guys are getting even more ferocious and taking drastic measures and coming out of the woodwork and pulling stuff from under the hat. So as I reach high school, the guys aren't as vicious (but has not stopped) I'm now sadly the oldest guy in the school right now (I think) and everything went calm. The girls are hesitant to the point of avoiding me...Am I intimidating or something? What about the guys though?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoI sent a friend request...?
I sent a request one day, I waited for answer...but there was none. I waited till the end of the school year...still no answer. I waited up till now...nothing...I went to this person's profile to see if it was declined, but the request was still waiting. Tell me, is this person working on my emotions or am I giving the other thought too much thought?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoOh and another question for future reference...?
There was this 11th grade girl I was into during school and I noticed some things that told me she was into me too except she was very shy(and she had a nice figure). But one day on the bus she began openly and strongly flirting with some other guy in fact, it was the same guy I just met and became cool with. But anyway, while she was flirting him up I was getting that infamous feeling of "why him?" but at the same time I was feeling a little hyped up and I'm pretty sure you know why (lol and pretty much I was giving moderate chase) but yeah lunch time came around and I didn't see her at all. I was guessing she got picked up early, so I went ahead and got in line. After getting up midway to the end I turned my head slightly and there she was right next to me I panicked so bad I turned my head frantically. I lost my composure and started breathing heavily. She then put the icing on the cake by skipping and standing directly in front of me. I almost folded like a wallet. Now every time I say hi she gives me a nonchalant "Hi <my name> and I choked up and couldn't say anything else. For the next two days the bus story repeats itself. Can tell me what's going on and am I being weakened?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoWhat is the best the best sight for channel Rating?
1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade agoAnother Power Rangers question and the last...?
Why are there so many types of Power Rangers. I heard they made six of them including the Mighty Morphing Power rangers(Which my sister likes and she's 18 but she likes the red, white, and green Rangers...She thinks they're cute...)
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoPower Rangers peeps...?
This I never got... check this, on power rangers they have trouble on Earth, they find out about it, they go to save the day. NOW after they're transformations, they get into lame stances and begin fighting. They are really starting to annoy me with their head movements and cheap effects. For starters their armor. If they have on helmets why are they effected by gas or smoke and they always lose enemy. Next their weapons. No matter what type of weapons they have, all of them form together to form some of super weapon to destroy their foes. And why can't every bad guy stay small? They pull something out that makes them grow huge and stuff. The robots... don't let me get started on them. If you're wondering why I'm putting down the power rangers it's because they're so fake.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoFor people who seen and know StarTrek...?
Every time an away team is sent down to a planet or another ship, they end up in trouble with enemies or atmostsphere and have to be beamed back to the ship. But, SOMETHING'S always blocking the signal to their coordinates. I mean what's up with all that.
3 AnswersDrama1 decade agoStargate Atlantis fans and others...?
Why does the Stargate heros shoot the Wraith in the chest instead of in the head. And if do shoot them in the chest, they always seem to come back on their last breath of life and kill somebody before they die permanently.
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoIf you heard of pokemon...?
Why does every weak pokemon end up evolving into a beasty pokemon crushing there opponets in one swing. But then on the next episode they crushed by another standard pokemon with ease.
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade agoHow come at the end of every Jerry Springer show...?
the girls in the audience just have to show they're breast, It's not like some of the the guys want to see that. I just don't understand.
14 AnswersTalk Shows1 decade agoWhat is song called...?
It goes like this... feel the rain on your skin/noone else can feel it for you/ only you can let it in/noone else noone esle... then something something, well that's all I no right now do you know what it is?
8 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago