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If God were viewed as a female, would our attitude towards religion be different?
While I was watching the " Born This Way " video by Lady Ga-Ga, A thought occurs to me. Most of the religions I'm aware have a dominantly male figure. Just for a moment, let's visualize " God " as a woman. How does that change your opinion? Do you believe the " Christian Religion " would differ from this considerably? Your thoughts, please.
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow do I turn off the WoW headset?
According to the quick start manual, I press and hold the on/off button to power it down. I do so for about 5 seconds but all I get is this beep and it seems like the head set is turning its self on and off. What am I doing wrong?
1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade agoEve Online, is this a good game, or just another space shooter?
I'm an avid MMO'er and have enjoyed games like Everquest, WoW, and SWG. Now I see this Eve online game, and all I can get from it is that it's a space shooter game with customizable fighter craft. Is there more to this game?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWiccans: Do you have " holy " places?
I'm sure you've heard of places that different faiths find " holy ". I was curious if wiccans had any such places.
Thanks much.
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMMORPG's, are they all hack and slash?
I've enjoyed several MMORPG's. World of Warcraft, Everquest, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, City of Villains. But when you look at them, they are all the same. Killed baddies, get loot, buy better gear, gain levels, kill bigger baddies, rinse and repeat. The only exception to this was SWG Before they did the combat down grade....I mean UP grade. Are there any good MMORPGs out there that don't involve this overplayed cylce?- thanks
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoCatchy " gotcha" phrases please?
Okay, I'll looking for some fun phrases that are used when you win a competion. such as, ' For the Win' or 'Gotcha'.
I've heard "checkmate" and " snake eyes " used in this context.
Anything at all. more the merrier, thankyou.l
4 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoAdultery, biblical definition please?
In my previous question about the banning of homosexual marriages, the whole question was based on my understanding of adultery.
However, with many insightful answers that I recieved for that question ( thankyou all very much, by the way ) I feel I may have misunderstood what adultry is.
With that in mind, please answer with a definition of adultery and any supporting data ( be it scripture or what ever ).
Again, thankyou for all your answers. This has been something that has been bothering me for some time. I appreciate all your thoughts.
22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat inspired banning same sex weddings?
Okay, I have a disturbing thought I hope some one help me with. In the Ten Commandments of the bible, there is a law that says" Thou shalt no commit adultry " which I believe means ' don't have sex with anyone your not married to'.
With that in mind....
The Catholic church is against same sex marriages. I understand that in laviticus, there is a " don't lay with another man " law, but the law of the levites hold the same standing as God's law?
Wouldn't banning a marriage between two people who love each other encourage adultry? That being the case, what is truly inspiring this anti-homosexual legislation?
The conclusion I'm comming up with is quite disturbing....
Your thoughts please. Thankyou.
25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWiccan Icons?
Are there any symbolic people in Wicca? I mean like Christianity has Noah and Jesus. Does Wicca have anything like that?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo wiccans have holidays?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs it true that there is a " Jedi Temple " forming in the UK?
I saw a few questions that suggested this. If you have any information about this, links would be appreciated. Thanks.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHas the R&S section become a battle ground between Atheists and Christians?
Seriously. Out of all the faiths why is it a chat fight between Christians and Atheist? Is it possible that there are other religions in the world? Is it possible that we don't care about what you believe? Is it possible that we've heard this crap for far too long and it's high time we change the subject? Seriously! So if you "Divinely inspired " and " Scientifically Enlightened " people could go take a nap and let the rest of us have some real discussion please?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWould Jesus be like God's Yahoo Avatar?
Yeah, I know, I'm going to hell for this one, but it's the only way I think I can explain Jesus and God being the same person.
Odindmar is not my real name, but you are still talking to me. Odindmar and <my name> are the same person. Odindmar is <my name> made digital!
Does that make sense?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf Christianity just has the 10 commandment with out the bible would The faith be easier?
If there was no bible. If all Christians had were the 10 commandments. Would their be a lot less politics in church? Would the simplisity of the faith bring Christians closer to God? If all Christians had to do was live by the 10 commandments, how would that change Christianity?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSuicide. At what point is it considered an acceptable option?
I know this is a touchy subject for some, but I need to ask. All beliefs welcome.
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWiccans, I am so sorry....?
I don't think there has ever been a day where I'm been so ashamed to call myself a "Christian " as today. I was reading the Wikipedia on Wiccans, and my heart just sunk when I saw what " Christians " were doing to Wiccans.
In short, "Christians" where taking legal action to remove a Wiccan's right to worship here in the USA!!!! This is ubsurd! My question is this...
What gives you the right do decide what faiths can be worshiped here in the United States of America? Where the same law that allows you to practice you faith allows them to practice theirs? And if you're so opposed to Freedom of Religion, why are you still here?
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat if the Christian Savior was a woman?
Would we view the Crusifixion any differently if the Savior was a woman? Let's through a hypothetical savior out there and see what happens..
Christina ( as good as any other name ) was the one that went to the people and preached the will of God, Christina was the one that was almost whipped to death, and was later crusified. Would a mental image of a woman being put through this any different than a man in the same?
Remember, hypothetical question....
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhere is everyone else?
I've been on YA for awhile now, mainly in the "religion and spirituality " forum, and I have to ask.. Why is it just Christian and Anti-christian in here? I know that there are a number of other faiths out there. But to look at all these answers, you'd think that Christians are the only ones on the planet. So, is it you other faiths have nothing to say, or just can't get a word in?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSalvation: Wiccans Do you have a path of Salvation?
You guys have been quiet. Or I've been in the wrong forum. I no so little about Wicca. I'm curious about your views on Salvation and Afterlife. Do you have a holy book that you read from? Any thing you could tell me would be appreciated, thankyou.
P.S. This is a serious question, not ment for Christian or Muslims to try to " convert" anyone. So back off, guys.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSalvation: Christianity and Muslim (2) What is a Jihad?
I would first like to thank all the people that answered my first question. I recieved many excellent answers. But, by the laws of Yahoo, I had to pick just one.
In reference to Islam, I found a word that concerned me. Jihad. What is the meaning of Jihad? Any and all aplical meanings accepted., thankyou.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago