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Favorite Answers48%
  • Why do you think white women go after black men?

    I'm thinking about Tracy Vonn going after Tiger Woods

    4 AnswersGolf8 years ago
  • My friend has been eating thick slices of chub bologna?

    and every time he does it makes his urine smell like bologna. Does that have any psychological implications or just that there is some spice in the bologna that is doing a funny reaction with his body? It's starting to cause him fear.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Do you think this is a good idea?


    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Can farts spread disease?

    I'm just curious about the gas, not anything gross like lumpy farts


    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Error message icudt46.dll missing?

    Now nothing in my Office Home and Student 2010 works without a LOT of work around and my PowerPoints do not seem to work at all.



    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Did you see that a drummajorette that "performed" for our WONDERFUL president?

    Was kilt in Chicago yesterday?

    I think it is wonderful that she went out at the top of her game.

    What do you think about it?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How do you feel about the word: horney?

    Not only do I not like it, I find it offensive.

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • What is your favorite word?

    Ok, I'll start:

    My favorite word is: Pudding

    Now, what is yours?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is this for real or do you think someone's trying to pull my leg?

    I'll tell you this, my partner and I could sure use the money and we'd share more than the 60% she asks me to share.

    “Mrs Sarah Lina” <>;<>;

    Charity Project

    Calvary greetings in the name of Almighty God, I am Mrs Sarah lina, A widow to Late Dr Kennedy Ngbolobia (former Counselor of the Benin Republic Embassy in Madrid, Spain . We own Treasure Art Inc and Treasure Crude Oil Marketers, we are very wealthy we have a lot of properties including Shares and houses. I am 69 years old a new Christian convert.

    I am suffering from cancer of the Pelvic my condition is serious, according to my doctor it is quite obvious that I may not survive the sickness.My late husband and my only son died in the crash of Swiss air Flight 111 on the 2nd, of September 1998. After the death of my husband I made up my mind to do the work of God as a missionary. I sold all my husband's properties and shares to enable me raise some money to continue my mission. I raised the sum of (US$56 MILLION DOLLARS) which I deposited with a Bank here. Now that my sickness has gone to this stage, I am scared and I want the fund to be used for the work of God all over the world. I have prayed to God to direct me to an honest PERSON who will receive this fund and utilize it for things that will glorify the name of God, after my prayers, I searched your site in the Internet, I found your email address and I decided to contact you to receive the fund.

    This is on the condition that you will ACCEPT ONLY 35% of the fund for yourself, 5% for any expenses, while you will use the remaining 60% for the less privileges people in the society. If you are interested in using this fund for the work of God, please send to me your full name, address, telephone/fax number, occupation and age to enable me give it to my late Husband's Lawyer for immediate arrangement to release the fund to you. I can not predict what will be my fate by the time the fund will be transferred into your account, but you should please ensure that the fund is used as I have described above. Please contact me by this number (+447024088783) through my Doctor as he will not hesitate to pass the phone to me hence I am available. I await your urgent reply.

    Mrs. Sarah lina

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • What do you think of mother sheehan?

    I just love her and think I'll go on this trip.

    Dear Friend,

    Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox hopes this newsletter finds you well.

    We have a lot of exciting information in this newsletter...please check everything out and have a great and peaceful weekend!

    Love & Peace

    Cindy Sheehan



    Cindy Sheehan




    Tour de Peace:

    The Road Less Taken

    Cindy Sheehan and Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox

    are excited to announce a NEW ACTION for peace!

    Tour de Peace:

    The Road Less Taken

    In his inauguration speech, Barack Obama, (the Drone Bomber) said: TIME TO ACT!

    We wholeheartedly agree, but we believe that it is


    To End Wars

    To End immunity for US War Crimes

    To End Suppression of our Civil Rights

    To End the use of Fossil Fuels

    To End Persecution of Whistleblowers

    To End Partisan Apathy and Inaction


    Cindy Sheehan and others are in the beginning stages of planning a bike ride from Casey Sheehan's grave in Vacaville, Ca


    WashedUp, DeCeit (Washington, DC) to demand true and positive change.

    The ride will begin on the day that Casey was KIA in Iraq (April 04)

    and end in DeCeit on July 3rd.


    So far, (after we wend our way down California) our path takes Route 66 (significantly: The Mother Road) from California to Chicago; then from

    Chicago to DeCeit.


    We are hoping that MANY riders will join us for all or part of the way, but especially join us for a convergence at

    Arlington Cemetery on July 3rd, to ride on the

    White House to present our demands.

    We are also hoping that activists and groups along the way will sponsor meetings, rallies (with vegetarian potlucks), comfy beds, and support, to help us organize for PEACE, to help us to raise money to help fund the tour AND raise money for good causes to help the devastated people of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    (Still searching for the causes---please send suggestions)


    If you would like to help, or want more information on the logistics, SPONSOR THE TOUR, or would like to volunteer to help us plan and organize, please email Dede Miller at:


    Please donate to support this historic action

    Those donating $6 or more will receive a

    plastic debossed metallic gold bracelet with

    the words:




    We ride for peace and humanity!

    We ask for the participation, permission, and blessing of our native brothers and sisters to pass through on your ancestral lands on our ride for peace for all people.



    2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • I store my bleach bottle on top of my dryer?

    Does the heat degrade the bleach and should I find another place to keep those bottles?

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • Are you aware of this savagery?

    Jan 18 2013

    UPDATE from trial of UK gang of Muslim paedophiles engaged in pre-teen sex trafficking

    Muslim sex trafficker who bought an 11-year-old white British girl, branded her with his initial – ‘M’ for Mohammed.

    ORIGINAL STORY: uk-gang-of-9-muslim-men-who-pimped-out-girls-as-young-as-11-for-sex-threatened-to-cut-the-head-off-a-14-year-old-if-she-didnt-please-them

    Defendants: Kamar Jamil, Akhtar Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Assad Hussain, Mohammed Karrar, Bassam Karrar, Mohammed Hussain, Zeeshan Ahmed and Bilal Ahmed. Shocked jury can't even look at them.

    Defendants: Kamar Jamil, Akhtar Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Assad Hussain, Mohammed Karrar, Bassam Karrar, Mohammed Hussain, Zeeshan Ahmed and Bilal Ahmed. Shocked jury can’t even look at them.

    UK Daily Mail Mohammed Karrar, 38, also loaned her to abusers around the country for £600 an hour, it was alleged. Over five years she was repeatedly raped by large groups of men in what she described as ‘torture sex’, the jury was told.

    Seven MUSLIM men of Pakistani origin and two from North Africa are accused of 79 offences against six vulnerable white British girls. The charges include child rape, sexual trafficking and child prostitution.

    Noel Lucas QC, prosecuting, said Karrar – known as Egyptian Mo – bought the youngest victim from an unnamed man just after her 11th birthday. He befriended her with gifts of perfume and hard drugs but then began to beat her up and raped her, the Old Bailey was told.


    He branded her with one of her hair pins, which he had twisted into the shape of an ‘M’ and heated with a cigarette lighter. It left a scar on her left buttock. ‘He regarded her as his property,’ Mr Lucas said. ‘He showed her no regard. If she had the temerity to resist, he beat her.

    ‘He branded her to make her his property and to ensure others knew about it.’ At the age of 12 she was introduced to Karrar’s brother Bassam, 33, who is also accused of raping her. The girl ‘describes the Karrars as sick sex monsters’, Mr Lucas said. ‘They were always talking about sex and spoke about women in a vile manner. ‘Mohammed Karrar liked her to dress up and act out role play. Both brothers used to beat her.’

    From the age of 12 the girl was sold to groups of Asian men who violently raped her in private homes and guesthouses around Oxford and elsewhere. Sometimes she was injected with heroin or given date drugs to ensure she complied with the gang’s sick demands, it was alleged.


    Mr Lucas added: ‘It became routine for her to be taken to various locations, houses and hotels by the Karrar brothers so she could treat their guests. She would be made to dress up, wear very short skirts and a bikini top, do her hair and put on lots of make-up.

    By the end of the evening she would have been sexually used and abused by all the men. She would be so drugged up as to be unable to feel the pain.’ Just after her 12th birthday the girl told Karrar she was carrying his child. He allegedly beat her up and then took her to a house in Reading where she was given a ‘backroom abortion’ using a crochet hook.

    Sometimes his friends would arrive at her house and they would allegedly rape her too. The girl, who came from a troubled family, naively believed ‘Mo’ loved her and was going to marry her when she was 16, the court heard.


    During a trip to the Lake District in 2007, when she was 14, she is said to have been called by Karrar on her mobile phone. David Hughes, a social worker, answered and Karrar allegedly asked to speak to her.When Mr Hughes refused, Karrar allegedly said: ‘If you don’t get her I’ll **** you up, I’ll **** her up and I’ll **** her mum.’ Later the girl told the social worker of ‘men who took her to houses’.

    In January 2008, she told police a man called ‘Egyptian Mo’ had raped her in London nine months previously. Two years later the girl contacted her alleged attacker for an apology but was raped again, the court heard.

    Kamar Jamil, 27, Akhtar Dogar, 32, his brother Anjum Dogar, 30, Assad Hussain, 32, Mohammed Karrar, Bassam Karrar, Mohammed Hussain, 24, Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, and Bilal Ahmed, 26, deny all the charges against them.


    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Do we be havin any community members that speak Hebrew? I need this translation soonest?

    Could you please translate this for me?

    I get extra credit if I am the first one with the right answer.

    Thank you in advance.

    1 AnswerLanguages8 years ago