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Lv 729,381 points

Eddy T

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I like to share my knowledge and experience with people on banking and finance.

  • Was the run on Northern Rock orchestrated?

    Northern Rock was the largest mortgage lender in the UK and has license to operate as a retail bank.Two years ago there was a run on it. The Bank of England as its lender of the last resort lent it billion of pounds to pay all its depositors in full. The then Labour government nationalised it.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How can UK banks continue to sustain their profits projections in the current economic climate?

    1) Bank of England holds fiscal and monetary policies and interest rate at 0.5pc.

    2) Government wants to reduce the budget deficit.Tell banks to lend more to small business.

    Banks must offer a higher and competitive interest rates and less risky growth funds for their savers,investors and borrowers. In order to do all that, banks must not be broken up. Their retail banking part need their investment arm to create less risky,profitable and 'arms lengths' Growth Funds in order to pay higher interest rates and dividends to their savings customers and investors.

    Top British banks which have a highly profitable investment arm, BarCap is a good example.

    What do you think? Thanks.

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Is this fair reporting by Financial Mail,"Victory for savers as Barclays apologises over mis-selling scandal?

    Barclays staff sold to their saving account customers under their investment product, Aviva Global Income Fund(AGIF) in 2007. The investment was a highly profitable investment at that time.

    When the sub-prime mortgage crisis erupted and Lehman Bros collapsed, global stock markets crashed. Investment products of investment banks and Lehmans bonds became zero worth.

    Barclays' investment,(AGIF) dropped 40pc.

    Barclays' savers with AGIF complained that they were mislead by Barclays' staff to buy that investment. They complained to Financial Mail and to their MPs.

    Financial Ombudsman intervene and persuade Barcaly's management to compensate their thousand of savers affected by the losses of their investments.

    Barclays top management and bosses did in-dept studies of their customers complaints. Took some time to finally decided to compensate all their thousands of savers affected by that investment.

    They also apologise to their customers and assured that they will continue with the high standards demanded by those customers.They also apologised to the Financial Mail.

    The Financial Mail still come out with this report for three days. If they are concerned with their marketing and their business, they should also consider Barclays values which is to maintain good bankers and customers relations.And close relations with their stakeholders.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why should euro zone debt crisis posses a risk to Britain's financial system?

    warns the Bank of England and urged its banks to build up their reserves.

    1 AnswerInvesting1 decade ago
  • Is this giving good money for bad?

    1) How much had the government spent to take stakes in nationalised Northern Rock, 84% stake in RBS and 40% in Lloyds.

    2) Are these investments viable

    3) Can these investments be sold in the open market or can the Bank of England help ?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why does the British government still wants to reforms banks even after...?

    1) They had ignored those accepted banking rules of the Bank of England when they nationalised Northern Rock and took 84 % stakes in RBS and also had ignored the mergers and acquisitions requirements of the Securities and Audit Commissions when they merged HBOS a insolvent bank into Lloyds, a profitable British bank with a few centuries' old history. When that mergers were finalised Lloyds share price dropped 40% to 61p two years ago and now still hobbling at that price.

    2) Why does the government still wants to ignore those rules and regulations set up by the Bank of England for British banks to be incorporated and obtained their banking licences. Barclays was incorporated more than three hundreds years ago. HSBC was incorporated in Hong Kong,China in 1864.

    3) Now election is to be held by 6th June.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is the UK Budget deficit of 225 billion pounds comparable to crisis hit Greece?

    If it still stay in power after the coming election, it will need to issue another 190 billion pounds of gilts, without the support of Bank of England next year. With a total of 415 billion pounds of budget deficit, the country will certainly lose it AAA rating and will fall into a worst recession which Britain has never experience before.

    All voters must realised that the country status as a developed status is at stake.

    What will happen to the value of the pound, inflation and employment.Your pensions and benefits. All the efforts and hard works of the older generations to provide education and care for their children and old age will be gone with the wind.

    All voters must not be blind to see that the Labour government tatics is nothing more than to still up your emotions against bankers. Not all bankers are to be blamed. It is the government's bankers at Northern Rock and RBS and the government investment arm that are to be blamed.

    3 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that now the British media and politicians say that millions losing money on savings?

    When two years ago the Treasury asked the Bank of England to lower interest rate to 0.5%. Brown created the FSA and ordered all banks chiefs to his residence one morning to ask them to lend to each other, to the mortgage industry and to the small and medium Enterprises.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong for a government to bailed out and to reform troubled banks without first asking its Central bank?

    to do an audit on them?

    The Central bank is the authority and the issuer of licences to all banks to be incorporated.

    It is also the bankers bank and acts a lender of the last resort.

    After issuing licences to banks, it can also withdraw them if it finds that a bank had contravene the terms and conditions of the license.

    5 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Do you think that US President Obama bank plans are vague?

    Need further discussions at the G20 meeting in Soul, Korea in the coming months.

    Before it is pass into law.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will Obama new tax to recoup money spent cause another financial crisis?

    He even called bank bonus "obscene".We want our money back and we're going to get it. He looks like a madman

    Those are taxpayers money: also banks and bankers corporate and income tax money.They are also taxpayers and had voted for you. Don't be mad with them.

    UK banks would also need to pay more than 900 million pounds a year. Have their writedowns from the US sub prime mortgage crisis and their involvement in those Lemens structured bonds and

    those bad US stock market traders not enough to pay back your bailed out money.

    Please be resonable and sensible.

    3 AnswersIndia1 decade ago
  • Why did the UK government nationalised Northern Rock?

    This was my resolved question. Now I wish to apologise to my best answer, Wiseguy for not rating his answer with five stars. His answer,Because the British government owned by bankers. He is right I had missed his point. We all should be grateful to those innovative bankers and banks everywhere. In good time they are high corporate and income addition they provide, help with financing to organisations, companies and individuals and all sectors of the economy to make profits, buy homes and enable the people to be employed and become taxpayers also. The economy to achieve sustainable growth. They are also voters to vote in governments.For doings all these they are being blanded as pariahs and should not be paid a reasonable pay and bonus( of course not those exorbitant pay and bonuses of the past investment banks) Now Obama is introducing a new tax on all American banks. I think he is right when he said that awarding him the nobel price was a mistake.

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why did the UK government nationalized Northern Rock &?

    1) After Bank of England had lend it money to pay all depositors in full.

    2) Lower interest rate to 0.5% and raised banks' Tier 1 Capital ratio

    3) Ask banks in the country to lend to each other and even summoned banks'chiefs to 10 Downing Street.

    4)Take 83% control of RBS

    5) Made the pound weak against other major currencies

    6)RBS CEO Stephen Hester : Bank will take 10 years to fix the battered banking system. Who is responsible for this poor situation which would take a decade to fix

    7)Why is the Treasury announcing his 9.7 million pounds pay and bonus package only this February.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why does the British government treats their bailed out banks, semi controlled and private banks unfairly?

    1) RBS & Lloyds had paid back the government bailed out money.

    2) All banks were required to increase their Tier 1 capital ratio and forced to lend to each other.

    3) The Bank of England lowered interest rate to 0.5% so that banks can lend to the mortgage and small scale enterprise with low interest rate.

    What are your thoughts.

    4) Force profitable banks to change their pay and bonus cultures.

    5) Imposed a one time 50% tax on bankers bonuses.Impose a special Tobin tax on banking transections on all traders.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Will London lose its status as a world financial centre to Switzerland and the US?

    Despite that all banks in the city had signed with the Treasury on the banks' bonus reforms.

    The government had gone against the G20 bonus reform spirit and global consensus on bonuses.

    That plan by the chancellor to levy an immediate 50 percent super tax on banks' bonus may be against international regulations and taxation.

    Brown's agreement with the French President, Sarkozy is also adding salt to the whole situation. Especially Sarkozy has yet to make a final announcement on the new levy.

    2 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why did the government bailed out RBS etc?

    My guess

    the government wants to stabilise the banking system.

    Do not want to harm the financial sector so that London would not lose it competitive edge

    To help bankers out of the credit crisis.

    What I do not understand is

    To change RBS and other bankers pay culture

    Why must profitable banks with strong reserves needs to rebuilt their own capital position

    My guess again is

    They will create bubbles in the financial sector

    The banks regulators will again be blamed for not doing their duties as effective regulators

    What are your thoughts.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • So do you think it is better for the City of London to retain its top world financial centre?

    and operated with full commercial freedom like Hong Kong and Singapore

    Here is my guess:

    The authority do not veto RBS bonus

    The Treasury collects huge corporate and income taxes from those banks and bankers doing their busines of high banking,financing and investment banking.

    Allow fat cats to plow the streets of London rather than they plowing the cities of the world.

    Able to see bubble forming in London itself and not sure when and where financial bubble will form in any part of the world.

    2 AnswersFinancial Services1 decade ago
  • Should the government step in to save RBS and Lloyds BG from more job loss?

    Rather than to appease EU concerns over State aid.

    2 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit1 decade ago
  • If RBS refuses to sell its prized insurance arm?

    Can the Treasury sell it for them without the consent of the CEO and Board of RBS.

    1 AnswerInsurance1 decade ago