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  • Will this work on my hair? Please help! HAIR DYE ....?


    I am getting my hair dyed tonight. My hair is a light to medium brown and I am using Nice N Easy beige blonde semi permeanent hair dye on it. Will it make a difference? I have looked at the color results but not quite sure. What color will it turn out? Can you send me a picture of the color that it will turn out please? Thank you x

    2 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • My life is depressing... what do I do??! :(?

    Okay, I guess I only came on here to express how crappy my life is. I guess I will start now.

    I am 13 and a lost cause. My mum bullies me all the time- she picks on me, calls me fat and worthless, she says I will get nowhere in life and that I am for the birds. She abuses me verbally, physically and emotionally. Like today for example, it was pouring down with rain and I rang her to ask if she could pick me up because my house is an hour's walk. She said yes but in the car, she yelled at me and said "You fat *****, you should have walked, you need to lose about 3 stone!" it really hurt me.

    Also, my little sister is the family's favourite. The ENTIRE family thinks that the sun shines out of her ***. Like she gave my dad 50 pounds for a tablet, it was faulty so he fixed it and let her keep the tablet AND the 50 pounds! Also when her and my brother call me fat, my mum says nothing but when I try and defend myself, she hits me and has a go at me! Also, my crush has a girlfriend and he sends me mixed signals and it annoys me! I also cannot compare myself to all the other girls at my school who are simply stunning. They just seem naturally beautiful even though they wear makeup wheras I look ugly anyway so I just don't bother anymore. I have curly brown hair that gets on my nerves and blue eyes tinged with green but I am just not even decent enough, appearance wise. I am ashamed to say that I even dread going home when school finishes. The only ones who understand me are my grandparents, and when they are gone, then what do I do?! I have been bullied pretty much all my life, I just don't fit in. What do I do? :(

    3 AnswersMental Health7 years ago

    Who do you think the pregnancy test belongs to?

    Please include who you think it belongs to and details that explain why you think it. Detailed answers appreciated. Thanks :)

    I reckon it is Whitney's. What do you think?

    2 AnswersSoap Operas7 years ago
  • I really like him but I probably mean nothing to him!?

    I am really sad.. there is this guy in my class that I like. He shows signs that he likes me such as calling my name a lot, showing off, talking to the girl next to me and looking at me but he flirts with other girls and I heard one of the mean girls say to him "Hey Cole, I saw that cute video and pictures of you and Kelly" and then he nods and smiles but his eyes quickly flicker over to me and back to the girls. Then when I was sat down, he came up behind me and playfully poked me and called me by my nickname. He is smiling loads around me but he already has a girlfriend apparently! Its not fair- he never flirts with me, no boys do in fact and I am not even pretty like the other girls in my class with blonde hair, dyed hair and big eyes and a size 8! I am crying while writing this... I am ugly and he has a girlfriend, I get a rough deal at home with my mum too. What do I do? Does he like me and what shall I do?

    Thanks for those who actually bother to answer :')

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • If I lose all the weight, will I have a curvy figure?


    I have lost a bit of weight lately and I am carrying on. Now when I look in the mirror, I see curves I didn't see before but however, I have visible curves but the massive muffin top is there and it ruins it. If I lose all the weight, will I have curves? Like, if I get rid of the belly.

    Thanks x

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • I hate my family and want to move out sooner!?

    I am 13 and my sister is 8. She gets away with murder and she is horrible to me. My whole family thinks the sun shines out of her **** and she is a little angel. Like today, I went on the computer and she started screaming and got my dad on me and he had a go at me and hit me, letting her go on it. I go upstairs to my room and she came in. Also, when parents aren't looking, she mouths ***** at me and it really gets on my nerves. I want to kill her, I am ashamed to call the little cow my sister. She thinks she is so much better than me because she is blonde, I am brunette. Also, my mum annoys me and switches off the telly. I want to move out now even though I have to wait 3 years!! My nan favours my cousins over me which is a bummer, my mum is forever having a go at me, like she thinks I am so secretive. Like, I was speaking to my mate online and flirting with him like sending kisses and winky faces, she went through the messages and questioned me and then THE ***** STILL ASKS ME WHY I DONT TELL HER ANYTHING as she thoroughly informed my nan and dad which obviously didn't go down well and now my facebook has been permeanently confiscated until I am 16. She says she worries about me when she leaves me in the house alone all day, continuously calls me a retard and leaves me in the car for 3 hours while she goes out shopping in the coots. My father doesn't think much of me either and he always goes in my room and looks at me, like some pervert then he said to me "I know your on your period!" WTF what a pervert. I am also morbidly obese and weigh 12 stone something and I walked 10 miles today and my Mum still criticizes me. I am set as my father's screen saver and it freaks me out but I cant change it as he goes nuts at me for touching his stuff. My bed recently broke and he blamed me for it! I have had a gutful of this and cant live like this anymore!! I am ugly- curly, brown frizz, spots, a fat face and blue eyes. I just want to move out as soon as I can. I cannot live like this any longer! Please help! My life is a misery!

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • my life is a complete mess!?

    I am just letting out my frustrations because i am sick and tired of life. My gran favours my cousin over me who apparently is prettier. And she stole my phone twice and used my nan's funeral abroad as a holiday! People have recently died in my life that were important to me, no boys like me, girls annoy and bully me, im not popular and pretty. I take crap selfies and people ask me out as a joke. Like this girl recently said to me ,'where are your friends' and then wanted to be friends the next minute. I see my best friend go off with her other friend who apparently is like a sister. My crush doesnt want to know me anymore and i get hit on by this pervy cleaner at my school who stares at me. He is covered in spots and i guess i deserve it for being so ugly. I hang round with good friends but im not a 'hot girl'. I have wavy brown hair that never stays straight, full cheeks and blue eyes. I am sick of life. Am i a loser and how can i be pretty and not have a fucked up life?

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • my life is a complete mess!?

    I am just letting out my frustrations because i am sick and tired of life. My gran favours my cousin over me who apparently is prettier. And she stole my phone twice and used my nan's funeral abroad as a holiday! People have recently died in my life that were important to me, no boys like me, girls annoy and bully me, im not popular and pretty. I take crap selfies and people ask me out as a joke. Like this girl recently said to me ,'where are your friends' and then wanted to be friends the next minute. I see my best friend go off with her other friend who apparently is like a sister. My crush doesnt want to know me anymore and i get hit on by this pervy cleaner at my school who stares at me. He is covered in spots and i guess i deserve it for being so ugly. I hang round with good friends but im not a 'hot girl'. I have wavy brown hair that never stays straight, full cheeks and blue eyes. I am sick of life. Am i a loser and how can i be pretty and not have a fucked up life?

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • My life is crap and I want to end it as soon as possible!?

    I am 13 years old and weigh 12 and a half stone. I am an absolute disgrace. I get night cravings EVERY single night and my mum hates me, my family thinks I am retarded and I see my parents rowing and drinking and smoking every night and I don't get any money for school or anything. I broke a bed with my weight and I have recently been kicked out of my friendship group for liking my ex who is going out with my ex best friend. I am kind to people and they repay me with evil looks and mocking voices. I am the shy girl who is a slag and everyone hates. My nan died recently and it breaks my heart still thinking about it. My cousin nicked my phone and people tell me I am pretty but I don't see it, all I see is a fat blob with curves but the tummy ruins it all. I get okay-ish grades but I always seem to be thrown on the bottom of the pile. I get blamed for everything and I am the one nobody cares about. I am the one who is meant to be okay.

    Is my life rubbish and what do I do? I have a few close friends.

    4 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • Does he like me? please help x?

    Ok. I went rollerskating with my friend and i sat down on my own. He came over to me and said hi. Then i said I fell just as the lights came on and he made a joke and we laughed. Then i said bye and he said bye and was smiling and today he was looking in me and my friends direction. Does he like me? What does he think of me and what should i do? Also he goes rollerskating every Friday and me and my friends are going this Friday so hopefully he will be there! Please help and thanks xx

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Wheres my clit? how can i find it?

    I cant find it. How can i find it and how can i orgasm? Thanks

    5 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What are some easy nail art designs I can do on short nails? x?

    Okay, so my nails aren't exactly the longest, they are quite short actually. I don't have that much nail varnish either so what are some cute nail art I can do on my nails that is easy and please list stuff I can do the designs with. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • I had the flu jab and now my arm hurts....?

    I had the flu jab yesterday and today my arm is very tender to touch, itchy and it aches terribly. Why is this happening and how can I get rid of the pain without painkillers? They don't make the slightest difference.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • Does Just Dance 4 (wii game) help lose weight?

    Hey, I have recently purchased the wii game Just dance 4 and I was just wondering how long I should go on it for, like NON STOP dancing to burn loads of calories. Ty x

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Is this healthy and how long should I go on the wii fit to burn it off?

    Hi so today I have eaten:

    1 packet of Bevita biscuits (honey) and half of another one

    A portion of cheese, chicken and sweetcorn pasta

    A bread roll and 1 butter

    chocolate brownie and cream

    A serving of spaghetti and beef sauce with garlic bread

    A strawberry and white shortbread yogurt (muller)

    Is this healthy and how many calories is this roughly like an estimate?

    Also how long should I exercise on the Wii fit to burn it off and lose weight?

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Please help with this maths question and tell me how you work it out?

    This recipe makes 6 slices of cheesecake

    450 g of cream cheese

    90 g butter

    120 g caster sugar

    6 eggs

    How much would you need of each to make 2 slices? Please tell me how you work it out. Thanks

    3 AnswersHomework Help7 years ago