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  • Joining the airforce at 25?

    What would my experience be like in regard to joining the air force at 25? I am in more than decent physical condition. I am single, and have been steadily employed my entire adult life. I would like to travel and experience new people and places. I am a hard worker, and have been researching the air force. What is the experience of those who have joined a little bit older? Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • Everyone around me is dying?

    I am 22 years old. My mother has schizophrenia so my grandparents raised me. So they essentially were like my parents. They have both passed away now. My mother just called me today and stated she has a tumor on her neck. We are not sure what the outcome will be. I am just scared. I am independent. I can take care of myself. Although I have lost nearly all of my family either through death, or the fact they just do not talk to me. Now my mom might be leaving me. I have never felt so lonely, I have no brothers or sisters. I am so jealous of the people who have families. It's hard not to be. Sure I do have some good people who do include me in events, which I am so grateful for, although you still don't feel like you belong........ I just do not feel like I have a place in this world. Everyone I grow close to dies and leaves me. I am having a hard time waning to make relationships with people. Does anyone else have a similar story, if so how have you coped with it? I just feel like 22 is a young age to be all alone. I know there are others out there, how do you handle it?

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Social Issues the reason Obama will win?

    I know so many fiscal conservatives out there who happen to be socially liberal, and those in the younger generation are voting for Obama. Everyone keeps saying the economy is the big issue, and guess what, 90% of America agrees with you, but there are is that 10% who care so deeply about social issues they cannot vote for Romney and will ultimately decide the election. Think about it, is it not sad that the President is still estimated to win the electoral college despite the state of the economy? If government stayed out social policy, then Romney would have Obama 60% to 40%.

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How do I approach this delicate issue?

    I have been with my significant other for 3 years, everything has been great. Our relationship is strong and continues to be so. Although two months ago I received a call from my best friend. We have been best friends since we were 10 years old, so a 15 year long friendship. He was living with an Aunt and could not find a job "apparently" in the current city which he resided.

    He asked to move in, and promised to get a job and get on his own feet. He has lived here for two months and has sat around playing video games. He has only applied for jobs when I have forced him too, he takes no self initiative. He has only had 2 interviews, thanks to me making him check up on the job. Those positions have been filled now. He refuses to apply at places like Mcdonalds because he thinks he is too good. My partner and I are sick of it, he is at our home constantly, doing nothing. It is affecting my relationship with my partner........ we both want him gone, but I do not know how to approach this.... What is the best and most kind way to simply put that we need him to move back out. There is no legal worries, I know he wotn put up a fight in that regard, I am just worried about ending this friendship. I want him to leave, but I still love him like a brother and would still be there for him if he had no place to go, but he has other places to go. What do I do? :(

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why is my manager still employeed?

    I work at a regis salon. I was hired about 2 months ago. The till has had huge shortages nightly, even before I started working there. Although they have only gotten worse since I was hired. The theft has occured on nights when I have been the closer, so it looks bad on my end. She does massive returns that no one sees, we all assume she is pocketing the cash.

    I worked one day alone and she came in while I was with a client and got in the till. When she left I went to check the till and money was missing so I called the police, because we had been calling our area manager who has done nothing about the losses. The police conducted an investigation, and have interviewed all the employees of the salon. My manager has had charges filed against her, and camera footage of her entering the salon at wierd times. Well the last couple weeks nothing has been done, so I called coperate, and they were unaware of the situation. The area manager never told them. Now it is a week later and nothing has been done, we are occuring more losses, ( my manager is doing huge returns that no one sees, like 100+ returns. It seems like they tried to throw me under the bus for this theft, but seeing as I called the police and they have filed charges against her, they backed off. What else can I do? Why is it taking so long to get this witch fired.

    She is causing everyone a ton of stress, and I have been put through hell thinking I was going to be accussed of this theft. Can I hire a lawyer and sue for something. I have never considered a law suit, but what this manager and area manager have done is pure evil. The police have estimated that 10,000 dollars has gone missing since january. Luckily I have only worked there since may, so I am in the clear, but I am furious this process is taking so long. My manager is a crack head, and so is her boyfriend. I almost do not feel safe there because of how damn crazy she is, what can I do?

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • My manager has charges filed against her for theft, why is she not fired?

    I work at a regis salon. I was hired about 2 months ago. The till has had huge shortages nightly, even before I started working there. Although they have only gotten worse since I was hired. The theft has occured on nights when I have been the closer, so it looks bad on my end. She does massive returns that no one sees, we all assume she is pocketing the cash.

    I worked one day alone and she came in while I was with a client and got in the till. When she left I went to check the till and money was missing so I called the police, because we had been calling our area manager who has done nothing about the losses. The police conducted an investigation, and have interviewed all the employees of the salon. My manager has had charges filed against her, and camera footage of her entering the salon at wierd times. Well the last couple weeks nothing has been done, so I called coperate, and they were unaware of the situation. The area manager never told them. Now it is a week later and nothing has been done, we are occuring more losses, ( my manager is doing huge returns that no one sees, like 100+ returns. It seems like they tried to throw me under the bus for this theft, but seeing as I called the police and they have filed charges against her, they backed off. What else can I do? Why is it taking so long to get this witch fired.

    She is causing everyone a ton of stress, and I have been put through hell thinking I was going to be accussed of this theft. Can I hire a lawyer and sue for something. I have never considered a law suit, but what this manager and area manager have done is pure evil. The police have estimated that 10,000 dollars has gone missing since january. Luckily I have only worked there since may, so I am in the clear, but I am furious this process is taking so long. My manager is a crack head, and so is her boyfriend. I almost do not feel safe there because of how damn crazy she is, what can I do?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Do conservatives realize liberals are redefining what work enables you to earn?

    Often the argument among conservatives is that the rich earned and worked hard for what they have. Apparently the type of work that Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, etc etc etc is worth multi mega millions? Millions of Americans pull 60 hour weeks doing works that are essential to life and are making scraps. Are their works not worth Paris Hiltons "works" of taking off her bra? Are their works not worth what Mitt Romney gets in the stock market while he sleeps?

    This is not about taking "hard working" individuals money. This is about everyone putting their fair share into the government. No one is even suggesting that we should take their lump some of money and distribute it, they are asking that the rich only give a little bit more to government. If it means that Paris Hilton has to cut down her trips to Japan and Paris to 3 times a week and lay off the 30,000 dollar bottle of wine. So be it. She will live.

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • The Republican Establishment will privately encourage Newt Gingrich to stay in the race?

    Newt Gingrich is not stupid, lets get real. He knows perfectly well that he cannot win this now. He knows he is damaging Rick Santorums chances, the Republican Establishment must be encouraging Newt to stay in it to ensure that Romney can knock Santorum out soon. Watch, if Romney somehow wins the general Newt will be placed somewhere in his administration, they have made a deal. Anyone with any common sense would drop out if they were in Newts position, his aim is clear, not to win, but to ensure Mitt Romney wins. Welcome to the world of American Politics.

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • If Obama apologizes to Afganistan for an American soldier killing 16 civilians will that be un American?

    If Obama apologizes to Afganistan for killing innocent civilians will Republicans be calling for Obamas impeachment? Do Republicans wish to honor the soldier and host a parade for him on his arrival home?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why are so many southerners overweight?

    I live up north, of course we have some over weight people, but you do not see to many 300 pounders. Well, I recently went for a trip to the south and I have NEVER seen so many whales. I felt like a super model down there. Every other person looked like a mutant tele tubby. Why are they so fat? How can this be helped? They are destroying themselves and their poor children.

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Anyone have a link to watch game change with sarah palin?

    Trying to find a link to watch it, it is not on intunes or anything and I need a good laugh.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • The Ohio GOP has chosen "Joe the Plumber" as a contender for one of the congressional seats?

    Joe the Plumber, really? Sure I respect the blue collar worker, but why are we nominating a plumber to run for a congressional seat. This is the most complex grandeur economy in the world, so logically we nominate a damned plumber for the position. Sounds like a great idea, I might as well nominate my dog, his staff worker can help him press his paw on the right button when he votes on legislation.

    15 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What is the Republican Party trying to accomplish by requiring Voter ID?

    In Ohio an 86 year old WAR VETERAN was not allowed to vote in the Republican primary because his drivers license was expired due to the fact that he no longer drives and did not see a point in renewing his license. When our country denies a citizen the right to vote that is wrong, but when they deny a man who FOUGHT for this country the right to vote it is DISTURBING.

    12 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Romney is a weak candidate, who would best enhance his election chances as far as VP goes?

    As a democrat I was thinking about what would best help Romney compete in the general election. I doubt Romney has a chance with the Latino vote, but what if he nominated a MODERATE woman. Not a Sarah Palin, or a Michelle Bachman, but a woman who was moderate on social issues even leaning slightly to the left? I would think this is the best strategy for Mitt Romney, and even then I doubt he would win.

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do the Republicans need to put a muzzle on their dog, (Rush Limbaugh)?

    In October Rush Limbaugh defended the Lords Resistance Army claiming they were waging war on muslims in the name of Christianity and also claiming that Kony was democratic. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Seriously it is hitting the news networks everywhere. It is a bad week for Rush and honestly might be enough to bring the pig down.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How many Republicans have actually had dealings with the rich and privileged?

    Okay, I will be honest, I am a spoiled college student who is sitting on bucket loads of money and could get away with never working a day in my life! Cheers! I have grown up in a rich family and witnessed first hand the dealings of the rich and privileged. Do you want in on a little secret?

    They do not give a rat's *** about you or your family. The world of capitalism is a dog dog world. You either play hard and tear your competition to shreds or you are ripped to shreds. If you show a moment of weakness you may very well be shoved off the pedestal granted to you and thrown in the sharks tank. I find it LAUGHABLE that struggling Republicans think they can put faith in the business sector. These people are ruthless, do you think my mommy and daddy made their millions by playing "hire the struggling blue collar worker?" Nooooo they do not give a **** about you, they care about themselves and their money, which by the way I am grateful for.

    No system is perfect, but your better off supporting a system that is at least attempting to keep in a place a fall back for you, in the world of Capitalism there is no safety net, you may think your strong and capable, but even the strongest fall, you better hope someone is there to pick you up. ;) I sure won't be.

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Is religion the "kraken" of the Republican party?

    It seems to me like Religion is the most powerful weapon the far right possesses. They use it in nearly every situation. Whenever it comes into question they unilaterally seem to scream "Release the KRAKEN!!! We are being questioned for our true motives!!!!" The releasing of the Kraken is becoming a monotonous game with the far right, and becoming less and less effective as time goes on. I am excited for the day when the head of Medusa is flashed in the krakens ugly face and it is finally put to rest.......

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is religion in retro spec the "kraken" of the conservative base?

    It seems to me like Religion is the most powerful weapon the far right possesses. They use it in nearly every situation. Whenever it comes into question they unilaterally seem to scream "Release the KRAKEN!!! We are being questioned for our true motives!!!!" The releasing of the Kraken is becoming a monotonous game with the far right, and becoming less and less effective as time goes on. I am excited for the day when the head of Medusa is flashed in the krakens ugly face and it is finally put to rest.......

  • Joe the Plumber..... Really, is this the best the Republican Party can muster?

    Who in the hell in their right mind would nominate this guy? Anyone who thinks a plumber is qualified to write legislation is denial at best. I know the Republican Party hates politicians, but come on, that does not imply that we should replace them with idiots. I would rather have a corrupt politician in congress who knew what was going, not a white trash hick.

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • Is religion in retro spec the "kraken" of the conservative base?

    It seems to me like Religion is the most powerful weapon the far right possesses. They use it in nearly every situation. Whenever it comes into question they unilaterally seem to scream "Release the KRAKEN!!! We are being questioned for our true motives!!!!" The releasing of the Kraken is becoming a monotonous game with the far right, and becoming less and less effective as time goes on. I am excited for the day when the head of Medusa is flashed in the krakens ugly face and it is finally put to rest.......