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  • Two Trigonometry questions having troubled with!!! HELP ME?

    PLEASE show me step-by-step....

    [1] A plane has an airspeed of 190 miles per hour and a heading of 24.0°. The ground speed of the plane is 221 miles per hour, and its true course is in the direction of 40.0°. Find the speed and direction of the air currents, assuming they are constants. (Round your answers to one decimal place.)

    ______ mi/hr at _____ ° from due north

    [2] Two planes take off at the same time from an airport. The first plane is flying at 220 miles per hour on a course of 145.0°. The second plane is flying in the direction 165.0° at 350 miles per hour. Assuming there are no wind currents blowing, how far apart are they after 2 hours? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)


    1 AnswerMathematics4 years ago
  • Trig questions.... need major help please help me!!!!!?

    [1] A man standing near a radio station antenna observes that the angle of elevation to the top of the antenna is A = 65°. He then walks s = 110 feet further away and observes that the angle of elevation to the top of the antenna is B = 41°. Find the height of the antenna to the nearest foot.


    [2] A 153-foot antenna is on top of a tall building. From a point on the ground, the angle of elevation to the top of the antenna is 30.5°, while the angle of elevation to the bottom of the antenna from the same point is 21.5°. How tall is the building? (Round nearest whole number.)


    [3] The figure below is a diagram that shows how Colleen estimates the height of a tree that is on the other side of a stream. She stands at point A facing the tree and finds the angle of elevation from A to the top of the tree to be 58°. Then she turns 105° and walks 25 feet to point B, where she measures the angle between her path AB and the line BC extending from her to the base of the tree. She finds that angle to be 41°. Use this information to find the height of the tree. (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)

    h _____ft

    [4] Solve the equation for θ if 0° ≤ θ < 360°. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth of a degree.

    sin θ cos θ − 4 cos θ = 0

    [5] Solve the equation for θ if 0° ≤ θ < 360°. If rounding is necessary, round to the nearest tenth of a degree.

    2 cos2 θ − 3 cos θ = −1

    1 AnswerMathematics4 years ago
  • Chemistry Question HELP me please!?

    1) Explain Why the magnitude of the first electron affinity of a chlorine atom is greater than that of a sulfur atom.

    2) how do you calculate the value of energy released in aJ (per ion pair) : K(g) +Br(g) ---> K+Br-(g) and the first ionization energy of potassium atom is 0.696aJ

    1 AnswerChemistry5 years ago
  • Eng. Literature: can someone explain the comparison and what point of views it was use with Hermann Hesse's (Demian & Siddhartha)?

    and how the point of view affect the readers responds to the two novels?

    i read both books but i only get the sexual interests between the two books and for the point of view part.... i'm not sure if i got it right but for Demian is it a third point of view and Siddhartha is first point of view? if i'm wrong can you explain me why?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Trig question i'm having trouble answering can you show me how to get the answer (step-by-step) please!!!?

    1) Find the angular velocity, in radians per minute, associated with the given revolutions per minute (rpm). (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)

    30 1/3 rpm


    2) Point P moves with angular velocity ω on a circle of radius r. Find the distance s traveled by the point in time t.

    ω = 7 rad/sec, r = 2 ft, t = 2 min

    s = _____?_____ ft

    (on the second question i keep getting the answer wrong, i keep getting 28...)

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • Biology question, not my friend, please help me answering this and explained it as well!!!!?

    you have two solutions water and buffer, both of which have pH of 7. you add a substantial amount of acid to both of them and measure pH again. which direction, if any, do you expect pH to change for both solution?Explain your answer using "hydronium ion concentration" words in your explanation.

    1 AnswerChemistry5 years ago
  • Virginia Woolf’s “Street Haunting, a London Adventure” Questions !!!!!?

    e) If ‘what goes round comes round’, her walking from her flat (apartment) to the pencil store and back completes a circular journey.

    f) Does she accomplish the real objective of the intentions of her journey?

    g) If you think of how the pencil connects or defines the ‘ghost’ by capturing it in words and images, you will be able to interpret it. Consider the function of the pencil in the story. What does purpose does it serve? Think of the quarrel in the 2nd paragraph and the quarrel between the husband and wife in the stationer’s shop, which she ends by ‘choosing’.

    H) What is the ghost in the story, and why does it ‘haunt’ her, and what does it represent?

    I) At the beginning of the story Woolf suggests that ‘pretext’, ‘excuse’, and ‘cover’ are essential to giving the ‘true self’ the freedom to enjoy itself wandering the streets of London. She gives three examples in her opening paragraph that might be called polite lies or phony excuses.

    J) By the end of the story, does she still need a pretext, cover, or excuse or has she freed herself from this need?Assert a simple yes or no, and then argue you opinion with specific evidence from the story.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Chemistry questions I'm having difficulties answering... (step-by-step) please help me!!!!?

    1) A 20.4 g mass of a substance has a volume of 1.50 cm^3 compute the density of the substance in g*cm^-3

    2) An office heater puts out 2440 BTUs (British thermal units) of energy in the form of heat per hour. Given that 1 BTU = 1.055 kJ (kilojoules), how many megajoules of energy in the form of heat can be produced per year by the heater (assume continuous operation).

    3) A joke reads, “A couple is visiting a museum when the tour guide tells them that a particular moon rock is one million and six years old. The couple is amazed and asks how the age was determined so precisely the guide says i don't know how they do it but wheni started working here six years ago the was labeled as being one million years old so now that make it one million and six years old using the concept of significant figure explain the error made by the guide

    4)a 1.659 gram sample of a compound of sodium and oxygen contain 0.978 gram of sodium and 0.681 gram of oxygen calculate the mass percentages of sodium and oxygen in the compound

    1 AnswerChemistry5 years ago
  • Trig questions i'm having troubling answering...Help me plz!!!?

    1) Simplify:

    1/a / 1/b =?

    2) Multiply. (Simplify your answer completely.)

    A) (1 − sin θ)(1 + sin θ)=?

    B) (cos θ − sin θ)^2 = ?

    3) Simplify the expression:

    √x2 − 25 as much as possible after substituting 5 csc θ for x. (Assume 0° < θ < 90°.)

    4) Write the following in terms of sin θ only.

    cos θ=

    2 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • I need help 😢😢😢 i m in my third year in college, major in premed, and i want to be a doctor...?

    however, im having trouble with my classes (retaking the same classes) im so scared that i don t know if i ever reached there because of my slow learning knowledgexperience and my GPA.....

    7 AnswersHealth Care5 years ago
  • History Question... help?

    during the revolution of slavery and the experience of African-american slaves during Antebellum south (1800-60)

    Appreciate for a summery to get the gist of it.....

    1) Why did King Cotton come to dominate the economies of the South during the early nineteenth century?

    2) How did white Southerners justify slavery? Why did so many nonslaveholding white southerners support slavery?

    3) Who was Frederick Douglass and how representative was his experience of slaves in general?

    4) What factors most determined an individual slave's experience?

    5) How did slavery impact African-American family life and culture?

    6) In what ways did African-American slaves resist

    1 AnswerHistory5 years ago
  • Trigonometric problems I'm having troubled with.... can you show me step-by-step.... Really appreciate!?


    Find the 5 fifth roots of z = 105 cis 15°. Write each root in trigonometric form and then give a decimal approximation, accurate to the nearest hundredth, for each one. (Enter all angles in degrees. Do not use cis form.):

    "trigonometric form" and "decimal approximation"


    Find the two square roots for the following complex number. Write your answers in standard form. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.):

    6 + 6i√3

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • Trig questions...... help me!!!!! please?

    1) Convert all complex numbers to trigonometric form and then simplify the expression. Write the answer in standard form.

    (1 + i)^6(2i)^2/2 − 2i

    2) Use de Moivre's Theorem to find the following. Write your answer in standard form.

    (1 + i)8

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • Trig questions..... help, kind of lost?

    1) Write the complex number in trigonometric form, using degrees and using radians . (Do not use cis form.)

    −1 + i

    2) Use graphing calculator to convert the complex number to trigonometric form. (Enter in degrees to two decimal places. Do not use cis form.)

    8 − 15i and −15 + 8i

    p.s I keep getting the same results but for some reason I keep getting the answer wrong....

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • Lips are still chapped.... Help?

    Okay, so every now and then I would have my lips chapped so I bought a lip scrub and chap-stick. Every night time I use my lip scrub to remove any dead skin on my lips and after I clean my lips I use chap stick once.

    So whats going on? Am I doing something wrong?

    what do you do if your lips are still chapped even though you use lip scrub and chap-stick?

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body5 years ago

    A 52-foot wire running from the top of a tent pole to the ground makes an angle of 56° with the ground. If the length of the tent pole is 44 feet, how far is it from the bottom of the tent pole to the point where the wire is fastened to the ground? (The tent pole is not necessarily perpendicular to the ground. Enter your answers as a comma-separated list. Round your answers to the nearest whole number.)

    A sailboat set a course of N 23° E from a small port along a shoreline that runs north and south. Sometime later the boat overturned and the crew sent out a distress call. They estimated that they were 11 miles away from the nearest harbor, which is 27 miles north of the port they had set sail from. If a rescue team leaves from the harbor, find all possible courses the team must follow in order to reach the overturned sailboat. (Select all that apply.)

    4 sin θ − csc θ = 0

    [0° ≤ θ < 360°] round the nearest tenth degree: 18 sec^2 θ − 16 tan θ sec θ − 14 = 0

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • Trig. question!!! please help me...... step-by-step please, I really appreciate it.?

    Two planes take off at the same time from an airport. The first plane is flying at 233 miles per hour on a course of 155.0°. The second plane is flying in the direction 185.0° at 385 miles per hour. Assuming there are no wind currents blowing, how far apart are they after 2 hours? (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)


    A plane has an airspeed of 190 miles per hour and a heading of 30.0°. The ground speed of the plane is 207 miles per hour, and its true course is in the direction of 32.0°. Find the speed and direction of the air currents, assuming they are constants. (Round your answers to one decimal place.)

    _______mi/hr at _____° from due north?

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • Find all solutions 0° ≤ θ < 360° round to the nearest tenth degree. I appreciate if you can show step-by step?

    sin^ 2θ − 4 sin 2θ − 1 = 0

    3 cos^2 4θ + 3 sin 4θ = 2

    2 sin^2 θ = 3 − 5 cos θ

    2 sin^ θ − 7 cos 2θ = 0

    5 sin^2 θ − 3 cos θ − 2 = 0

    2 sin^2 θ = 3 − 5 cos θ

    4 cos θ + 4 tan θ = sec θ

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago