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Favorite Answers23%
  • How to find information on republican primary voting numbers per precinct in my Texas state house district 67?

    I'm trying to find numbers in regards to voters per precinct in my state district. It's Texas state house district 67. I found my district map here: (H358) --> and outlined the precincts as well for my district. I had a hard time finding this information on the internet for some reason, however, now I'm looking for the number of republican primary voters for each precinct and have no idea where to find this information.

    2 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Questions about the movie Contagion?

    1. List as many transmission patterns shown in the movie as you can.

    2. What was the origin city for this novel virus?

    3. This novel virus is a hybrid between viruses of what 2 animals?

    4. What are the target cells for the MEV-1 virus?

    5. The epidemic intelligence service officer from the CDC, Kate Winslet/Dr. Erin Mears, has 2 major goals in going to Minnesota, as told to her by Lawrence Fishburn/Dr. Ellis Cheever. Her job is to:

    6. Define

    fomite –

    BSL -

    7. Who was index patient for this disease?

    8. The Ro (reproductive rate number) describes the number of expected secondary cases resulting from a single infectious case. For smallpox the Ro is 5-7. How does the Ro for this infectious disease compare?

    9. Look up forsythia. What information (factual data) can you find about its use for treatment of infectious diseases?

    10. Is the vaccine that is produced in the movie a dead vaccine or living, attenuated vaccine?

    11. Describe how a virus from a bat ended up as a hybrid virus in a pig, and how Gwynneth got it..

    12. Describe one far-fetched sequence (scientifically-speaking) in the movie.

    6 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Medicare license, $68,000!?

    I'm confused. I'm in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in Texas, I called a healthcare consulting service in regards to initial consulting and she mentioned that the fee to provide Medicare services if I wanted to pursue a home health agency providing med/non-med care would be $68,000 in my region??

    The license fee for the administrative license is $1,750 for TX which is reasonable, but I never ever heard a fee of $68,000!

    Does anyone know the process or have an idea how I can become medicare certified?

    I know I have to fill out the CMS 855 app through my DADs website along with the administrative license application. But, I'm curious about the cost now all of a sudden.

    I can't find any info on medicare licensing fees etc

    2 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • Medicare License Fee to be a Home Health Provider $68,000!?

    I'm confused. I'm in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area in Texas, I called a healthcare consulting service in regards to initial consulting and she mentioned that the fee to provide Medicare services if I wanted to pursue a home health agency providing med/non-med care would be $68,000 in my region??

    The license fee for the administrative license is $1,750 for TX which is reasonable, but I never ever heard a fee of $68,000!

    Does anyone know the process or have an idea how I can become medicare certified?

    I know I have to fill out the CMS 855 app through my DADs website along with the administrative license application. But, I'm curious about the cost now all of a sudden.

    Other - Health8 years ago
  • Question about becoming a Foreign Service Officer?

    I understand the process is quite rigorous and a little different when comparing Foreign Service Officers and Foreign Service Specialists (Healthcare, IT specialists etc).

    My question is if I were to become a Foreign Service Specialist as a clinician can one transition to a foreign service officer as a political officer or would you have to take the exam and do the whole oral assessment process etc?


    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates8 years ago
  • National Guard to Army Reserves?

    Would you have to redo officer training if one were to finish a national guard contract then sign up in the army reserves with a different officer position? Isn't the national guard essentially army?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Army National Guard Infantry Officer to Marine Intelligence?

    If one were to serve 6 years as an infantry officer in the national guard - let's say receives rank of 1st lieutenant at the end of their contract - will they be demoted in rank when the contract is up and plan on transitioning to a marine intelligence officer? Considering branch move and different field? I know that's prevalent in some cases - some insight would be greatly appreciated

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Able to become an Army Intelligence Officer Reservist?

    I graduate this May with a B.S in Neuroscience.

    I'm finishing my M.A in Political Science May 2014

    Entering Physician Assistant school Fall 2014 which is a 2.5 year program.

    After I finish PA school I plan on practicing as a PA while also serving in the Army Reserves as a military intelligence officer with intentions in the near future after years of practicing as a PA I could possibly transition into a government intelligence agency or stay in the military etc.

    Sound possible?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Can someone dumb down these economics theories?

    It's not for a class, just mere curiosity.

    Keyensian Theory

    Monetarist Theory

    Austrian Theory

    1 AnswerEconomics8 years ago
  • Didn't receive confirmation email, but got a confirmation receipt with registration number?

    Then I went into my GRE account to try to print admission ticket, I doubt I need it for the new online-based one, but I tried doing it and typed in my registration number, but it didn't have anything on record.....

    Is there a problem. This is the website where you can register for the GRE for prometric testing centers. The cost was $185 and I received no email and can't get an admission ticket - I just want to know if my thing is really on file if I registered for it. I saved the confirmation picture.

    Does the email get sent later on? It should be right away I assume like most other things

  • Can some Persian translate this for me please?

    اخی انت ولدت فی امریکا الحیوه فی امریکا حقک ومن حقک ان تعبر عن رایک لا یحق لاحد ان یدعوک لترک امریکا لانک تتنتقد نظام الحکم

    4 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Military promotions and rank question?

    Hypothetically, if one were to join as an infantry officer reserves - I'm not sure which branch allows that I believe National Guard or Army. Anyways if one commissions as a 2nd Lt obviously while being a physician assistant in the civilian world and serves 6 or 8 years in the reserves - when their contract is up leaving as Captain hypothetically. After their 8 year contract if one transitions into the military as a physician assistant now considering they were one in the civilian world - the commissioning rank is 2nd Lt, but my question is will your Captain rank from infantry carry on as a PA in the military due to previous infantry exp.

    Even if it's from another branch. National Guard to Army. Would you lose promotion from Captain - 2nd Lt?

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • gay marriage question?

    People say keep federal government out of defining marriage since they gave that right up to the states a while back, and 9 current states define it legal, but obviously individuals are denied federal benefits. If the majority opinion is put in place, it would have to only apply to those 9 states due to the simple fact that the law will interfere with State's rights to define gay marriage which are the 41 remaining states. Considering that, the court will rule that it will only apply to those 9 current states, which is quite conflicting considering if one were to move to a state that doesn't define gay marriage legal, they won't receive federal benefits. Leave it up to the states, and throughout time society will determine it's course just like it has with marijuana recently, once domestic commerce increases other states will tend to follow. Also, this isn't necessarily a conservative view anyways because a state like Colorado tends to be conservative, yet legalizes marijuana for recreational use. The same can happen for gay marriage over time.

    My question is - even if the court denies to define gay marriage for federal benefits and leaves it up to states , what about at some point if all 50 states in the future legally define gay marriage - will gay couples EVER receive federal benefits compared to heterosexual couples?

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Working in ER/hospital when finishing CNA 2 week program?

    I heard it's somewhat hard to get into a hospital upon completion of the program, most go to nursing homes - I'm not interested, I'd rather be in a hospital environment.

    I have a B.S in Neuroscience

    9 mos of Neuro research

    TA for upper-lvl neuro courses

    9 mos of ER volunteer work

    4 mos of Shelter volunteer work

    shadowed physicians 420 hrs

    Getting CNA 2 week program - I'll apply to hospital that I volunteered at

    3 AnswersHealth Care8 years ago
  • Admission to PA school?

    I'm aware it's competitive, and they tend to focus on individuals with a lot of med experience. Am I comp? I plan on applying to all the schools that don't require the GRE. What are the chances of getting accepted?



    Degree: B.S in Neuroscience - Expected graduation May 2013 (Graduating at 19 years old)

    cGPA: 3.6+

    sGPA: 3.4+

    EC's/Work Exp:


    Undergraduate Neuroscience Research: 9 months

    Undergraduate Teaching Assistant: 9 months

    Shadowed 2 primary care physicians - 200 hours

    Emergency Room Volunteer: 9 months

    Shelter Volunteer: 4 months

    Tuscany Construction: Supervisor Assistant - 1 year 3 months


    I'm a senior graduating in May 2013 and I'm dedicating during my time off to take A&P 2/ Microbiology the last 2 primary pre-reqs while also holding a medical-related job and also volunteering abroad to Africa with money saved up and possibly interning over the summer of 2014 in D.C


    Considering my age, education, and EC's - will I be considered competitive or able to at least get an acceptance?

    Schools that don't require GRE that I'd be willing to apply to:

    1.) AT Still University, Arizona School of Health Sciences

    2.) Drexel University Hahnemann

    3.) Eastern Virginia Medical School

    4.) Hofstra University

    5.) Loma Linda University

    6.) Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - Boston

    7.) Northeastern University

    8.) University of Colorado - Denver

    9.) Oregon Health & Science University

    10.) Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

    11.) Saint Louis University

    12.) Samuel Merritt University

    13.) Seton Hill University

    14.) Stony Brook University

    15.) Texas Tech University Health Science Center

    16.) University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey

    17.) University of Pittsburgh

    18.) University of Texas - Pan American

    19.) University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio

    20.) University of Toledo

    21.) Western University of Health Science

    22.) Western Michigan University

  • what do most people put on their dream sheet - army?

    What's the overall consensus as to what people apply to. What bases did you apply to and your friends apply to while in the Army for a duty station. I know it's considered a "dream" sheet, just curious as to what people put down.

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • RENO contract for airborne or option 40, possible?

    Ship out July 1st for basic then 68W, still possible late in the game to possibly RENO and ask for airborne or option 40 - willing to push ship date

    1 AnswerMilitary8 years ago
  • How much on average is a flight to kenya from Dallas Texas?

    Also how much from Kenya to Ghana or Uganda

    Also, how much is travel insurance - roughly 4-8% of total trip cost?

    Air Travel8 years ago
  • When to apply to Podiatry School?

    My expected graduation date is May 2013. Is it too late to apply for Fall? Also, I noticed the deadline for Spring podiatry is June 30th. That doesn't really give me time to study for the MCAT. I'm confused.