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  • Is government an employment dumping ground for all the rejects of the private sector?

    So many government employees seem to be slackers riding the clock for "benefits", with a high level of incompetence.

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Does anyone know where I can find (buy) one ton of Russian Coriander seeds?

    The Russian variety has smaller seeds, but a higher yield of essential oil, for distillation.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Is there any correlation between the Holy Trinity and other threesomes such as space matter and energy?, etc?

    Other threesomes are; the three dimensions (up, down, sideways); negative, positve, neutral; plus, minus, zero; masculine, feminine, neutral (in some languages); heaven, hell, purgatory; etc.

    In fact, there are even more "dualities" than "trinities"....., but note that every duality has some lofty third element, often referred to as a "field". Could the "field" be the equivalent of the Holy Spirit?.

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Would (in theory) an atom without its neutrons have the same reactive and physico-chemical properties?

    If in fact the reactivity of an atom is due to the balance (imbalance) of the proton/electron relationship, and the number of such protons in the periodic system of elements, would the absence of neutrons make any difference other than reduce the mass, the density and possibly the gravitational pull of a said atom...., to the point of levitation perhaps? Think of Fe (iron). If so, could we some day "assemble" enough protons (without neutrons) together in a collider, to make weightless iron?

    5 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Why is there not more research on gravity and the way to cancel it?

    What is the nature of gravitationals fields. There is much talk about subatomic particles, forces of all kinds, quantum physics, quarks, black holes, and all that jazz. Yet the most bothersome constraint of natural law, which governs everything in the universe, is gravity, and there seems to be little curiosity about the nature and exact definition of it, and how to cancel it.

    5 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • If God is infinity, is believing in infinity tantamount to believing in God?

    Many people, mathematicians and others, insist on the existence of infinity, which is a form of blind faith, since it cannot be proven. Why then is it so hard and intellectually embarrassing to believe in God?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can zero exist a a locus between +1 and -1?

    If there is an infinite division of space between +1 and -1, then the halfway interface between the two is constantly occupied by a fraction belonging to each one, and therefore there is no "space" for zero, or nothing. Hence, there should be another symbol for that locus, which could be a zero with a vertival bar in the middle signifying "interface", but not zero.

    If you insist that there is a space for zero between +1 and -1, then there should be no such thing a burning a stop sign, because somewhere between and slight deceleration and acceleration at the intersection, there is a moment of zero velocity.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Is infinity ultimately finite?

    If zero is the absence of anything, or "nothing", then the infinite absence of anything is also zero, or nothing. In such a case, does it follow that infinity is ultimately finite and does not exit..., neither as a concept nor in reality?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Assuming there is no limit to infinity, does not the infinite division of anything wind up being zero?

    If zero is the "absence" of something (or anything), why is it not more difficult to imagine and to visualize than infinity? What does zero Universes and zero space look like? Could zero be intimately related to infinity, and if so, how can it be expressed mathematically..., and verbally?

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Is President Obama circumcised?

    If he was born in the US, he was circumcised at birth. If he was born in Indonesia or Africa, he is probably not circumcised. In the absence of a birth certificate, could this not be another way of proving or disproving his citizenship? Short of dropping his pants in public, could his doctor perhaps provide and affidavit.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is the Judicial Branch not more pro-active in protecting the Constitution?

    I keep hearing this BS about the Three Branches of government, checking and balancing each other.

    Yet the dignified High Priests of the Supreme Court make no move as the Executive Branch and/or the Legislative Branch are thrashing the Constitution. The Supreme Court Judges sit around like holier-than-thou prima donnas until someone files a lawsuit..., and then it takes 10 years to redress the abuse. In the meantime thousands of doors are being kicked in by the bastards violating the 4th Amendment with impunity. What kind of freaking check and balance is that?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When did they start circumcising Americans?

    Who gave the order? In what year? And why? Is that an invasion of privacy or what?

  • Why do politically correct Americans have an issue with "ranting"?

    In other cultures and languages (at least in France), "ranting" is almost a literary art form.

    What's wrong with you people?

    6 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Why did so many hippies fall for that Eastern philosophy crap?

    There are lots of baby-boomers out there, many of whom are aging or retiring hippies. Those in government spent their professional life of the last 30 years screwing up this country with their liberal public policies spawn from new age Eastern philosophy, feel-good BS. Was that a spontaneous conversion from Christianity, or was it a well directed propaganda from the purveyors of "cultural Marxism" ??

    14 AnswersParapsychology1 decade ago
  • If we are created in God's image, are the Apes as well?

    God wanted us to know that He created us in His image, because obviously it was kind and generous of Him and we should love Him for that.

    But, since we have such a physical ressemblance to Apes, is it something God did on purpose, and if so, did He have some kind of higher purpose for the apes than for other animals?

    Should we have a special relationship with apes? Is it the reason that Indians think that monkeys are sacred animals?

    Looking for clues.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can God interfere with Natural Law?

    For instance, if God would cancel out the earth's gravitational field, the planet would immediately fly out of the planetary system in a tangent and head straight for outer space, killing everybody instantly, and throwing the rest of the solar system out of whack.

    So if God want his little earthling show to go on, there are thing HE CANNOT DO, can He?

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why did God chose this particular time in human history to send the Messiah?

    What can we read from the fact that God chose this particular time in human history (2010 years ago) to send the Messiah. Why not in the stone age? Why not in the Middle Ages? Why not now?

    And what does it tell us?...., that of all civilizations of that time period, he made the Messiah appear as a Jew..., for Pete's sake? Is it because the Jews were the most obnoxious, violent, and perverted bunch of the planet? Why was Jesus not a Chinese, an Egyptian, an Assyrian, an Arab, an Indian, an Aztec, a Pygmie, or an Aborigene? Is it fair?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the Pope is God's infallible representative on Earth, can the (rich) Vatican be sued for damages?

    Catastrophes known as "Acts of God"...., are so labeled by insurance companies, and used as a standard clause in commercial contracts, as a disclaimer for any responsibility. This typically leaves the victim without recourse.

    Should not the victims of "Acts of God" be able to seek damages from God's officially recognized Representative on Earth, that is, from the very rich sovereign Nation of the "Holy Sea" known as the Vatican, whose Head of State is our Holy Father Pope Benedict?

    Is there an International Law Tribunal or NOT?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would someone who can do miracles, let himself suffer the torture of crucifixion?

    If I had the power to heal the sick, to make the blind see, and to raise people from the dead, why would I let myself suffer the torture of crucifixion, even if I would allow it to happen just for show, and just to make my point. Did Jesus REALLY suffer on the cross?

    Dear God, forgive me for this blasphemy, but I had to ask the question.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pourquoi ne pas preserver les races, les cultures et les ethnies, comme on preserve les especes?

    Les fanatiques de l'environnement et de l'ecologie ne cessent pas de nous dire qu'il faut preserver rigidement toutes les especes de la flore et de la faune de la planete. N'est ce pas un hypocrisie politique de nous dire qu'il faut en meme temps melanger toutes les races, les religions, et les ethnies humaines, pour les aliener, les perversifier et en faire une salade meconnaissable?

    1 AnswerSocieté et culture - Divers1 decade ago