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  • New modem and router or just a router?

    Hi Tekkies My Netgear D6200 just died. I pulled the old Actiontech PK5200 out of mothballs.

    Can I bypass the internal router in this and hook it into a new one? Should I just get a new modem and router?

    also, the ADSL2 says its good for 24mbps throughput yet the router I'm looking at has a 1700mbps rate. How can you have a slow modem and a fast router? I'm missing something.

    The PK500 has a throughput of 24mbps and a built in router of 54mbps. How can this be? thank you

    2 AnswersComputer Networking5 years ago
  • Just for fun out there, A question for you.?

    No peeking now, Internet is CHEATING AND NO FAIR.

    What is the tallest Mountain in the world!!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago