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  • 12 year old dog may be pregnant??

    We have a 12 year old female schnauzer mix (looks identical to a mini schnauzer). She has access to our fenced in backyard. A neighbor dog (male jack russel who lives tied to a small doghouse in their backyard!!!) got INTO our fenced in yard 3 times in a 24 hour period (I called the dog catcher each the dog came at me when i tried to get him). Our other elderly neighbor messaged me and said that there was a stray in our yard mounting our dog. I caught them at least twice more within this timeframe (we have found where he got in and fixed our fence....and hopefully the neighbor has secured him now). My question is....what is the likelihood our 12 year old dog is pregnant? Does her chances decrease with age? (she has never been bred before.) And what shoudl we look for as the first signs if she is pregnant? (we looked into the morning after pill and with its possible side effects it wouldnt have been safe to give her in her age with her health issues she has....benign tumor). At this point we are just waiting to see.....!! NOT happy with the neighbor dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    11 AnswersDogs3 years ago
  • Opinions on the name Pippen or Pippa for a baby girl?

    Having a baby in August (not sure of the sex yet), and are thinking of the name Pippen or Pippa if it s a girl. (Already have a Josie, Fletcher and Felix).....opinions??

    20 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Today we found in my daughters closet a small coocoon-looking thing with something black inside?

    It was about the size of a piece of corn. intrigued, we took a little knife to pull it open to see what it was. it was a spider all curled up...with its legs all tucked in? i poked didnt move at all. then after a moment, a leg twitched and then the thing opened up and took off running. it was almost like it had been hibernating?? do spiders do that??? i think it was some kind of a wolf spider??

    1 AnswerZoology4 years ago
  • I was told I am miscarrying...?

    I called and spoke to the Dr today who told me that she believes I have miscarried. I started spotting around the time when my normal period was expected....had bright red spotting with mucous for 3-4 days, then bleeding (not as heavy as my normal period) for 2 days...then another 3-4 days of spotting. The entire time I had mild period cramps on and off....Along with the feeling of being sore inside. If it was a pregnancy, I couldn't have been more than 2 weeks along since I ovulated late. Has anyone experienced this? I always assumed a miscarriage would involve INTENSE cramps and LOTS of bleeding. the doc said that if it was a very early miscarriage that wasn't necessarily the case.

    1 AnswerPregnancy6 years ago
  • Spotting instead of period?

    I have fairly normal, regular periods. This month it has been very abnormal. Really no use for a pad; only when I wipe there is mucus with some red blood (sorry tmi). I have had this for about 4 days now with off and on mild period cramping; the timing is correct for my normal cycle; but normally I have 1-2 days of fairly heavy bleeding with a day or two of spotting before and after. My husband and I are trying to conceive....I took a pregnancy test 2 days ago and it was negative. I plan on making a dr apt tomorrow....just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive6 years ago
  • Am I pregnant or sick?

    Im so confused!! I am not due to start my period for about another week. For the last 2 weeks, I have had nausea off and on daily. I am sitting here right now feeling like an emotional mess! Ive been have period-like cramps for about a week now. But I took a test this morning and it was negative. If my HCG levels were high enough to be causing the symptoms, then wouldn't it be high enough to give me a positive?? (We are ttc #3)

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • Pregnant or not......?

    I am newly remarried, and my husband and I are not trying for children at this point...though a pregnancy certainly would be a welcomed surprise! I have already taken two tests (the last one about a week ago) both were negative. However...for the past couple weeks, I have had hot flashes, sore boobs, very tender nipples, tired, nauseous, times of lightheadedness and dizziness. And now, I am due for my period...I have had some cramping on and off for maybe 3 days now. and yesterday morning, I had bright blood (and mucus) on the toilet paper....that happened maybe twice yesterday. nothing on the pad....nothing on the tampon. So...I was like, well thats weird. And then this morning,....nothing. However, again this afternoon the same thing; small amount of mucus and red blood....and now, yet again...nothing, i am SO confused!! Not sure wether to buy another test or just wait it out. Anyone have a similar experience???

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • what are the chances of being pregnant?

    I am newly married, and about two weeks ago ended a normal period. boobs are sore, im peeing a lot, im nauseus off and on all the time, some occasional dizziness, I had quite a bit of clear discharge a few days ago (lasted a couple days). My husband wore condoms...but a couple of times we did mess around a bit (no ejaculation). Is there any way I could be pregnant and having symptoms only 2 weeks after my period?? I keep telling myself that it must just be my hiatal hernia acting up...but im not so sure. I have two other children from my first marriage....and I gotta say, I have moments when I definitely feel very pregnant...but then those moments pass and im like...nah, im ok. lol Im driving myself insane! I figure there is no point in getting a test this early....??

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • I am getting married next week and my period wont start on time!?

    I have been spotting and cramping for three days now...not normal for me. I feel like Im going to start any second, but it never starts! And my wedding is next week, and Im starting to really stress out! (I am not pregnant...I think its just stress). Is there any way to help 'jump start' my cycle??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • is it my gall bladder?

    i have had a hidascan, a CT scan, bloodwork, ultrasound and xray. all have come back normal. yet my symptoms persist....!! burping all the times the burping will increase to the point of having to vomit after a meal (french fries, hamburgers, fried chicken...are all really bad. lots of other things as well). i will get really bad diahreah cramps....but it usually wont actually lead to diahreah. no pain per se.....just some nausea. doc has put me on prilosec and zantac...which has helped but has not cured. what is going on???? any ideas??? being sent to a stomach doc next. i cant help but thinking it HAS to be a gall bladder....but all those tests are nomal.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • what is wrong with my cat?

    A week ago, we adopted a 6 month old male cat from the SPCA. He has had liquid diahrreah a few times a day (the SPCA told me this when I went to pick him up :/ ). Ive taken him to the vet, and they said that he had coccidia. hes on some meds for it....has been for about 5 days. The diahrreah still continues, and NOW he's started to go in one room in our house on he floor. We keep the litter box cleaned out. He's had diahrreah twice on the floor...and peed once. Neither the pee nor poop smelled though. Which I found very strange. Any ideas??? We are seriously considering taking him back to the SPCA...afraid there are underlaying major health issues or behavioral issues. We adopted to add a member of the family....NOT a major headache and worry!! PLEASE help!! We really love this cat and do not want to have to give him back!

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • I need a boy name that goes well with Ivy-Jane....?

    Looking for something unusual...but not weird. Just uncommon.....along the lines of Ivy-Jane :o)

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What happens if my husband leaves the country in the divorce process?

    my husband of 5 years has been unfaithful in our marriage again...and i have decided to pursue divorce. i have an attorney...and forgot to ask her a question.... my husband is from the UK (im in the US)...what happens if he leaves the country before the divorce paperwork is signed? Can he fax that stuff in or mail it in? Or does he have to physically present here?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need a cookie recipe that only has a total of 1 and 1/2 cups of dry ingredients!?

    I am doing a baby shower favor to make a long story short...and i am putting dry ingredients for cookies into three baby food jars....its complicated. lol ANYWAYS...i need a very simple cookie recipe that has no more than 1 and 1/2 cups of dry ingredients. Any ideas????

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • how many days after my last period can i take a pregnancy test?

    My periods are normally fairly regular. however, I have a 10 month old and have only had two periods so far since giving birth. Those two periods were about 40 days apart. My last period was about 3 weeks ago. Obviously I am not sure when to expect my next period since the last two were a bit off timewise. How many days since my LAST period can I figure I'm safe to take a pregnancy test and have it be accurate? I have been having period cramping for a few days now...felt a bit nauseous, bloated, lower back pain...just overall felt unwell. I dont want to test too early...but I sure would like to know if I'm pregnant again!!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what is going on...??!!?

    I have a 10 month old baby...and since having him, i have had two periods, which were about 40 days apart. now...only about 2 weeks after the last period, i am having cramping off and on (for about a week now), feel nauseous off and on, and occasionally bloated. Its the cramping that is driving me crazy. nothing serious...just mild, annoying, period cramps--- with no period (and not due for a period for another couple weeks). what is going on??

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • is diarrhea a sign of pregnancy?

    I am still nursing my now 10-month old....i have only had two periods since giving birth. They were normal periods...though they were about an extra 10 days apart than they should have been. that being said...shortly after my last (second) period, i noticed that i was losing some hair...which was abnormal. And then...i just havent been feeling well. I threw up once a couple days ago...and the last 3 days i have felt naseus off and on...and have sometimes after a meal. Last night and this morning I felt bloated as well. I took a test yesterday...but i think it would be too early anyways to show up as positive. Any ideas? (please dont put a comment telling me to just wait and see. lol...Im looking for some personal examples here. :o)

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gave birth 10 months ago...had my first period last I am 10 days late??...normal?

    I had my first post-pregnancy period last month. I am ten days late this that normal? Will it take a few months to get back on schedule, or should I take a pregnancy test? I dont feel pregnant at all other than I have been a bit dizzy now and then the last week or two. With my first two pregnancies I was pretty much instantly sick from conception...and was terribly sick for at least the first trimester.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My cat pees on the floor when he is left alone...?!?

    We have a cat who is still under a year...he is fixed and has been for a few months now. Twice now...when we have been gone (both times for under a week) he has peed in a corner in the kids toy room. Other than those two instances, he has never had an accident. It is not constant or anything that appears health related in any way. It just seems to me like he is ticked off that we left him. We are close to getting rid of him because of this issue (which i DO NOT want to have to do....but having a cat pee in the toy room is not acceptable or sanitary for my babies...!) Any ideas??? I really would like to solve the issue and be able to keep him! Thanks for any advice!!

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Looking to purchase my 2 1/2 year old a video game system?

    She is very active...and is in need of a new interactive "toy" to get us through the rest of winter! :o) She's very smart...picks up on things quickly...but is also very easily frustrated. We were looking into the V smile....V smile V motion.....zippity....?? Any recommendations? Thanks!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago