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Rest in the now, because now is for ever. Essential reading:
If a declaration or oath is signed at the top instead of the bottom, it is still valid?
Any legal references would be appreciated please?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agoWhat is the exact procedure to send an amacus curiae brief to a hearing in a British court?
Is it possible to be accused of seeking to pervert the course of justice, by not following the exact procedure, please?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhat is the exact procedure to send an amacus curiae brief to a hearing in a British court?
Is it possible to be accused of seeking to pervert the course of justice, by not following the exact procedure, please?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhat is the correct way to send an amacus curiae brief to a hearing in a British court?
Thanks for answering.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoDoes anyone know for sure that the BP oil-well volcano has been sucessfully capped...?
Or did they just say that and go silent afterwards in the hope people would forget about it?
3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoAre you ready to accept that you are a slave?
Are you ready for a true revolution that destroys tyrannical hegemony, rather than transfers it?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow does God reveal/manifest Himself to you?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhen unattended matter naturally tends towards chaos, isn't it a bit of a stretch of the immagination to...?
... believe life on earth simply evolved through a series of random chemical accidents?
Of course you can find evdence to support any theory, if you try hard enough, but don't you think it's unlikely to have happened that way in the extreme?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoHow to you tell when someone is lying to you?
Thanks for answering.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo you believe that people are generally honest and truthful?
Can you tell when someone is lying to you?
Thanks for answering.
17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs there a lot of litter (garbage) spread-about on the streets where you live?
Does it bother you if there is?
Thanks for answering.
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoHow would you describe a "True Friendship"?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago"Al-Qaeda claims responsibility for Xmas plane plot" - Can you believe this shyte!?!?
Isn't it just sooo convenient for this to happen as the patriot-act is about to expire on December 31st. 2009.
Now THEY* have all the justification they need to extend it.
*The Hierarchy Enslaving You.
If anyone has been through Amsterdam (Schiphol) airport, as I have, they would know that the security is so tight there that there would be absolutely no chance of anyone getting on a plane there with a bomb, unless they were being shepherded on by the secret-services.
14 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhat did Jesus mean when He said "let the dead bury their dead"?
Matthew 8:21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.
8:22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.
Thank you.
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo you believe Satan exists?
In the following video, he is represented as "Sam Gold", the lord and controller of the ego.
30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago7/7/2005 London Bombings... 7/7 Ripple Effect... How's this for a story?
The film “7/7 Ripple Effect” is finished and publicly released electronically on the Internet on the 5th November 2007 (Guy Fawke’s Day – Divine Timing), and goes viral, sending ripples and waking up sleepers across Britain and around the world, as intended.
The author Muad’Dib, also sends out physical DVD copies during May/June 2008, when a trial related to the 7/7 bombings of three men is taking place at Kingston, because He believes those men to be innocent and cannot stand by and do nothing and allow innocent men to spend years in prison for something they did not do. Later, on 1st August 2008, it is reported that the jury in this trial cannot arrive at a verdict after three weeks of consideration, and the judge dismisses them. Perhaps “7/7 Ripple Effect” has something to do with THIS; as you might glean from reading on; ensuring the accused are not wrongfully found guilty and sentenced, yet.
On 19th August 2008, a BBC Conspiracy Files film crew which is preparing a hit-piece on 7/7 Truth, tracks down Muad’Dib’s residence and ambushes Him, cameras rolling, attempting to get Him to reply to evil loaded questions. Muad’Dib doesn’t speak a word to them and walks past them. This takes place AFTER email exchanges between BBC representatives and Muad’Dib, initiated by the BBC, where Muad’Dib states His conditions in order to agree to take part in their programme about His film, which they refused to agree to.
As a direct result of Muad’Dib’s non-compliance with the government propaganda organ called the BBC, in aiding them to produce a hit-piece to smear 7/7 Truth and undo the ripples caused by the film, the authorities are forced to resort to their plan B: His arrest, and (as of now) attempted extradition to face trial in England. Please bear in mind the DVD’s are sent in May/June, and they wait till AFTER the BBC’s failed attempts in August to trump up the charge of “attempting to pervert the course of justice”. Also bear in mind that the film "7/7 Ripple Effect" has already been publicly available for at least six months before Muad’Dib mails copies to the judge and jury.
A European arrest warrant requested by the British authorities is issued on the 17th January 2009, TWO DAYS before the re-trial of the three accused begins at Kingston, on 19th January 2009.
Then, on Tuesday 10th February 2009, Muad’Dib’s home is invaded by policy enforcers known as gardai, who broke the peace instead of keeping it. He is arrested and computers, printer, DVD-burner and also documents forming part of His Defence are stolen and remain so to this day. Not even a search warrant is produced. He is treated like a terrorist criminal. His home looked like it had been burgled when the gardai had finished turning it over, which is, in reality, what they did - burgle it.
On the same day, He is taken before a judge in a Dublin court, who orders His remand in custody for 8 days until the next hearing.
On Wednesday 18th February, the judge sets bail conditions and adjourns till Wednesday 4th March 2009. The conditions are:-
1. Surrender of passport.
2. Shall not communicate with any party in England or Wales save for wholly personal reasons or save for reasons wholly connected with the church and organisation known as The Way. (Effectively forbidding Him from discussing 7/7 with anyone in England and Wales, and a clear indication that they are attempting to keep His trial secret in those countries.)
3. Has to sign at Garda station every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8am and 8pm.
And the ransom money to be paid is the hefty sum of 3500 Euros.
On the evening of Thursday 19th February 2009, Muad’Dib is ransomed following a successful Bail Appeal for donations and freed, after spending nearly 10 whole days in prison.
That same day it is reported in the English press that some pupils in English schools are being encouraged to imagine they are the “suicide bombers” plotting the July 7 attacks. The real motive for this, being, to completely side-step the issue of whether the four men were actually guilty in the first place, so as; through role-playing in classrooms; to re-inforce in children’s minds the false belief that there is no doubt that they were (guilty), and that films like “7/7 Ripple Effect” are wrong.
According to reports, this “teaching pack” is then withdrawn after complaints, when it becomes public knowledge.
Muad’Dib attends another hearing on Wednesday 4th March 2009, where the judge quickly adjourns until the same time the following week. They need to prepare an affidavit and submit it before next week, to then see if everyone is ready for the real hearing.
On the hearing of Wednesday 11th March 2009, the proper hearing has now been set for Thursday 19th March 2009 at 2:00 PM, at the Four Courts building in Dublin, probably in Court 11 (will confirm in which just prior to the hearing).
At the Thursday 19th March 2009 hearing, the judge sa
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoHow do you know when you are living in a fascist state?
Could it be when there are security cameras watching you on every street corner and you get arrested for sending people videos you made yourself proposing a different view than the official line of the state?
8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago