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I like Painting mostly in Oils.I am trying out Pen and Ink Drawings,Pastels.I like Cycling and hardly ever use the Bus.

  • Chickens Neck or Fat Jowly Neck.?

    It is a thing that creeps up on People mostly as they get Older,but it also affects some youngish People too. It seems to be a Trait that mostly affects People after they go into Politics or Bankers or those who do Sedentary Jobs at Office Desks. Thankfully I have not got this yet and I am in Middle age,I am just curious . I have always worried I might get it.

    So what causes it ,is it just the Muscles of the Neck getting slack and can it be fixed by Surgery. I believe it is called Goiter,Thank you.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • An English Translation of a Famous German Motoring Advertisement Slogan.?

    It is a simple question of something I have been hearing since a Child Advertising German Cars like Opel Rekord,NSU Prinzs,Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen BMW,etc.

    What does Vorsprung Durch Tecknic mean exactly. It is doing my Head in for Years not knowing.

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What happened to all the Wine and Beer making Kits .?

    Around 10 to 15 Years ago or was it 20 I got a mad Craze to make my own Wine then Beer. I ended up making Beautiful Wine ,then tried making Cider. The Cider was not bad,but I just continued making Wine. Then I stopped making it for Years and forgot about it. At that time the Hobby became very Popular,Kits could be bought in nearly every Shop from Department Store to Booksellers to the Corner Convenience Shop in Ireland. I could Buy a Kit in Easons in O'Connell Street Dublin any time I wanted to.

    However a couple of Years ago I pondered on whether it would be a good thing to Renew my Hobby again just for the Fun of trying to make a Brilliant Wine or Cider or Beer. Result dismay and Chagrain no more Kits to be seen anymore,they just disappeared off the scene . Why has this happened was it the Government putting its big Boot in things by Regulations Jealous because they were not making any Tax on it. Or was it the Drinks Industry complaining about it being unfair on them,quoting some obscure EU Regulation or other.

    My question is why has all the Home Wine and Beer Kits disappeared in Ireland ,have they disappeared in Britain as well Curious ????????.

    I could do things the Hard way of course by Pressing Grapes and letting it Ferment Naturally by acquiring it's own Yeast,I still have the Demijohn Gallon Jars. and the rest of the Paraphernalia . Beer might be Harder I would have to source Hops Etc but it could be done.

    Why have the Kits disappeared.

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Black&Decker Electronic Battery Drills problem.?

    I have a Black& Decker Firestorm Drill for a few Years ,you also get a Rechargeable Torch and you get supplied with a Charger and two Nic Cad 14.5 Volt Batteries. I do not use this much and about two weeks ago I tried using the Torch in the Garden to provide extra Light at Night time when checking out something. There was no Power so I switched Batteries from the Drill to the Torch but it to was wasted .So I put one Battery on Charge,about an Hour later I checked it and no increase in Power.

    So I got the other Battery and tried Charging that,no Joy with that either. So I changed to another Socket Outlet thinking that might be the problem but no use. One of the Batteries powered the Drill a little bit which proved it was not the Drills fault,so could it be the Charger.

    One other possibility is that the Batteries are just knackered but why. I only ever treated them normally and did not abuse them. So is it because you have to keep using them often to keep them in good condition or they will wear out or is it the Charger.

    Does these Batteries have a certain Lifespan of only a few Years then you have to buy new ones curious . I also have a mains Supplied conventional Drill which could be used as a Screwdriver, but the Battery one was handy for awkward places and also as a Screwdriver.

    So any Ideas what the problem is Please thank you.

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Kross Bicycles from Poland,are they any good.?

    I have seen an Advertisement for Kross Polish Bicycles and they are very reasonable in Price. They have good Specs, I am interested in the Touring Models. They have all the Accoutrements of most good Bikes including Hub Dynamo's, Sun Tour Front Suspension, Suspension on the Seat Stem, Shimano Gearing ETC. They also do other Bikes like MTB and Road Bikes. They have an 6061 Aluminum Frame. If anybody has Experience of these could you tell me if they are good Quality. They do not sell these in Ireland but on the European Continent and I dont think they are sold in Britain.

    There is a Web Site that you can look up Thanks.

    2 AnswersCycling1 decade ago
  • Asparagus Growing in Ireland,is it possible ???

    I love Asparagus the Taste is Marvellous but the Price of it is Dear to Buy.

    The Majority of our Asparagus in Ireland comes from the South of England and some comes from France and Italy,Spain. It is mostly Seasonal but the Italian Spanish and French stuff you can get most of the Year.

    My question is simple has People grown Asparagus in the Republic and is it easy to grow. Or can it only be grown in the South of the County where it is a bit warmer or else do they only grow it in Polytunnels or Cloches. I have never seen Irish grown Asparagus myself.

    I grow some Vegetables myself and have had good Results with Courgettes in the Past under Plastic. The usual Irish style Veggies grow Best like Cabbage and Potato's are the Easiest also Strawberries and Raspberries. My Neighbours Raspberries have Jumped through the Hedge and I have several Clumps of these Free Raspberries.

    I am always Experimenting with things and will have a go at any vegetable that I like.

    So what is your Experiences of trying to grow Asparagus in Ireland, it is one of my Favourite Veggies although it is Dear , Thanks.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Two Vegetable Growing Questions?

    I am growing Tomatoes for the first time and they are shaping up great with Flowers starting to grow so all is well. My Question is when the Tomatoes stop growing will the Plant Produce again next Season or do I just Compost the Plant.

    I have Potatoes growing for several Years and any time I thought there was no more in the Soil they just keep coming up again Next Season,so I have Perenniall Potatoe's

    I planted a new Batch from the Old Potatoe's and everything is growing well Except I now find that Two Od Potatoe's has Sprung up Amid my Pea Plants, can I take up these and Replant them without Harm coming to them. My Garden is Totally Organic so no Pesticides.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Earth Hour ,How was it for you?

    On this Day ,A call was sent out Asking the World to Turn off their Lights for an Hour( Between 8.30pm - 9.30 pm) I dutifully obliged except I thought it was from 8.00 pm -9 .00pm so I ended up Turning off my Lights for 1 1/2 Hours. But I looked out and most Peoples Lights were on in their Homes and also all the Street Lights, So I seemed to be the only one in my Locality of Dublin Observing Earth Hour. This was a Silent Protest about Your Carbon Footprint Originally Beginning in Sydney Australia,

    So How was it for you did you Turn your Lights off for Earth Hour,or did you say NO Stuff it. Curious Thanks.

    12 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • An Ancient Coin Question,Western Satraps?

    I used to Collect Coins a lot Years ago now. Most were Irish ,British,and European but I have a few Ancient Roman Coins as well. I also have two Coins that I bought from a Dealer Called Western Satraps.

    They Appear to have either Ethiopean or Hebrew or even Ancient Sumerian Writing on them. They are about a Half Inch in Diameter or the size of a Fingernail. With a Head on one side and the Writing on the Obverse. They are supposed to be 3 - 400 AD.

    My Question is what Country do they come from and any other History do you know about them Thank you in advance.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • A Question about the Old Wild West, Frontier Days.?

    I was brought up on a Diet of Cowboy Pictures/Movies to the Americans and my Favourite Cowboys were Audie Murphy,John Wayne,Slim Pickins,Ward Bond etc among others. In these Pictures it showed the Heroes chasing the Bank Robbers or the Nasty Indian People across the Plains for Hundreds of Miles. I have never seen them Feed the Horses hardly ever or even for the Men to go off to the Toilet. So my Question is what did they Feed the Horses on when Traveling many Miles on the Trail and what did they use for Toilet Paper themselves. What was the General Regime of Traveling the Prairie,did they use tricks for Fending off the Hunger when they had little Food etc. Thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • The Oul Lammas Fair in Ballycastle O,and Yellowman.?

    At the Oul Lamma's Fair where you hardly ever there where you ever at the Fair in Ballycastle O ,as the song goes then mentions Yellowman .It is a Confectionry that is Eaten at the Festival of Lugh the Celtic God.

    I have two Questions actually What is Yellow Man is it the same as Crunchy the Sweet Bar made by Cadburys.

    What are the Words of the Song,I have heard it a few times over the Years but would like to know the Words .Thank you in Advance.

    3 AnswersOther - Ireland1 decade ago
  • Cutty Sark ,Restoration?

    In view of the Cutty Sark being Burned some time ago now,are they ever going to try and Rebuild it again, It seems a Terrible Waste. I would have loved to have seen this Ship but never got round to it. I was in London Years ago now in 1984-5 on a Visit to Britain for a Wedding of a Cousin in Swindon and stayed in London for Four Days but never actually got to see the Cutty Sark. So I was very Sad when the Ship went on Fire. So my Question is are they going to Rebuild it from the Plans they have at some Future time . Curious Thank you.

    2 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • Dioxin Scare,Irish Meat Recall.?

    How did you all React with this Dioxin Scare. Were you Gobbing down Rashers and Sausages or Slices of Ham with your Dinner and nearly choked with the Fright on Hearing the News. I had bought a Joint of Ham and also A Pack of Ham Slices in two Packs of one on Friday. I heard a Brief Announcement that Night ,I did not quite catch it as it went so fast. I had some sliced Ham for Breakfast and did not know about the scare until Sunday until an extended Newscast on Television. So I brought the Joint of Meat and the Pack of Ham Slices back to the Supermarket and got a complete Refund even though I had used one Half of the Pack of Ham Slices. So I bought a Bottle of Wine with the Refund from the Supermarket ,they were very Honest and did not Quibble. So my Question is did anyone of you Eat any Ham and then Recoil with Horror at the Thought of Consuming the Stuff,and would it put you off in Eating it in Future what was your Reaction. ???????

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • City of Cork,Question ,Beamish,Murphy?

    The News I have heard Tonight is Bad,The Beamish Brewery is closing Down. Heineken is closing it and moving Production to Leitrim Street. Will that mean no more Beamish Stout ,or just one of the Breweries is closing.

    I have only Tasted Beamish a couple of times ,the same with Murphies. I sometimes might buy Murphy or Beamish when I have not enough Money to Buy a Bottle of Wine or Guinness. If I have enough for Six Cans of Murpy or Beamish and not for Guinness then that is what I would Buy. I would mostly Buy Stella Artois or Heineken or Carlsberg or even Kronenbourg ,but not realy stout anymore.

    I do not Drink much anymore,I might have a Glass of Wine with my Dinner or a Lager if in the Mood.

    So what do Cork People Prefer best Beamish or Murphy. My Commisserations to the Workers who have Lost their Jobs, Thanks in Advance.

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • A Gaelhlgoir Question,Irish Question of Translation.?

    There are two Words I would like to Know the English Translation of. Bear in mind this is mostly Phonetic. In a lot of Conversations on the Gaelic News they use the Word Tish Ma Hoory ,it sounds obscene but it is not so what is the Translation .

    Second one on the Carlsberg Add they use the Phrase

    Tabhair Dom un Caulka Milisch/ Give me the Caulka Milsch/ could you Translate Please what the Caulka Milisch is

    Thanks very much.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • This is a Question about CFL Bulbs,and Recyling.?

    This is mainly to do with Ireland,and it's Recycling Facilities.They tell you on the Package not to put out in the Domestic Rubbish for Landfill as it contains Mercury.. So where do you send it for Recycling ,can you bring it to some Council Complex. I have not seen anywhere Advertised to bring the Bulbs to for Recycling. So what do i do Curious , What happens to them in other Countries. Thank you.

    2 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • This is a Dirty Question but not a Filthy one,it is about Poo Poo. ?

    How much does the Average Human Poo Weight ,Male , Female.

    The average Adult Person /Male 13 Stone/ Female 9-11 Stone/

    In Pounds for the Benefit of American People who wish to answer ,

    13stone =168 pounds/9 stone=126pounds/11 stone =154 pounds.

    Thanks in advance Curious.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Martingale or Martindale,The Oracle Man.?

    I have a Horse Brass that I bought in a Market about 20 Years ago, they are either called a Martingale or Martindale. My Question is could somebody Tell me about a Figure on it the Meaning , The Oracle Man. It is a Magical Figure of a Man with a Skeletons Head and a Basket sort of thing on his Back. This is not Reproduction but a Real Genuine Horse Brass as worn on the Head or Chest of a Horse. It has also the Prince of Wales Feathers, and another Design is A Train with the Letters LMS with a Star Kind of Ring around it. So Please some Information about the Oracle Man and any other Information about it , Thank You very Much in Advance.

    4 AnswersManchester1 decade ago
  • What is the Definition of a Nihilist?

    I was Reading about Theo Van Gogh on Web Site Blog that belongs to a Female Dutch Primary School Teacher. He was the Journalist and Writer and Activist that was Murdered in 2004 by a Muslim Extremist. He was a Great Grandson of Theo Van Gogh , The Great Painter Vincent Van Goghs Brother. He Disagreed with Practically everybody in Dutch Society at one Time or another and was very Friendly with Pim Fortuyn the Right Wing Politician who was also Murdered. He Drank a lot and Smoked a lot and also used Cocaine. He was described as a Nihilist. So my Question for you is what exactly is a Nihilist. He was a very Quarrelsome Person and very argumentative, but his Rants against the Radical Extremist Muslims were Justified in this Instance and he Paid for his Outspokeness. He was going to Work on his Bike and he was Shot 8 Times and His Assailant nearly Decapitated Him with a Knife. So what is a Nihilist Please ,Thank You .

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • A Snail Question, Le Escargot , What Type is Eaten in France. ?

    I have Heard the Amount of Snails Eaten in France is Decreasing. The Countries that they are picked in Eastern Europe are finding it hard to keep the costs down and they are running out of Workers. In Ireland we live in a Moist Wet Athmosphere that favours Snail Production. When it Rains I have only to go outside in my Gardens front and back, especially after Nightfall to find a Prodigious amount of Snails and Slugs eating away at the Vegetation. They seem to come out mostly at Night must be to avoid the Birds in case they get Eaten. In my Organic Brown Bin,we have Three a green one for Paper and Cans and Plastic Milk Bottles, A Grey Bin for Domestic Rubbish for Landfill,and a Brown for Organic. In the Brown Bin usually there is a Load of Snails Eating Away. So we are Driven Mad by all these Snails, wouldnt it be a good Idea to have an Industry Collecting Snails for Export to France. Just like the Oyster Industry only Snails instead and without all that effort and expense of having Boats and other Paraphernalia.So my Question is what Type of Snails do they Eat in France, Will common Garden Snails do.

    6 AnswersOther - France1 decade ago