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  • NBA: 2010 All-NBA Team?

    What do you all think?

    1st Team All NBA:

    G: Dwyane Wade

    G: Kevin Durant

    F: Lebron James

    F: Dirk Nowitzki

    C: Dwight Howard

    2nd Team All NBA:

    G: Steve Nash

    G: Kobe Bryant

    F: Carmelo Anthony

    F: Chris Bosh

    C: Amare Stoudemire

    3rd Team All NBA:

    G: Deron Williams

    G: Brandon Roy

    F: Stephen Jackson

    F: Pau Gasol

    C: Andrew Bogut

    By the way...League MVP: Lebron James (Quite obvious)

    2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • NBA Playoff Predictions?



    Round 1

    Lakers over Thunder in 5 or 6

    Jazz over Nuggets in 6 or 7

    Suns over Blazers in 5 or 6

    Mavs over Spurs in 6

    Round 2

    Lakers over Jazz in 6

    Suns - Mavs WASH (I think the Mavs would prevail, but woudn't be surprised if the Suns moved on)


    Lakers over Suns/Mavs winner in 6 or 7


    Round 1

    Cavs over Bulls in 5 or 6

    Celtics over Heat in 6 or 7

    Hawks over Bucks in 5

    Magic over Bobcats in 5 or 6

    Round 2

    Cavs - Celtics WASH (I think the Celtics will give the Cavs a run for their money...I can't see this series not going 6 or 7 games and it can really go either way. I'm going to pick the Celtics though)

    Hawks - Magic WASH (I think the Hawks can really give the Magic a run for their money...and they definitely have some advantages. The Hawks are better on the perimeter, better bench, and the Magic's only real advantage rides on Dwight Howard staying out of foul trouble, which he's had trouble doing. I would not be surprised if the Hawks won this series. It's so close I can't even pick.)


    If it's Cavs - Hawks -- Cavs in 5

    If it's Cavs - Magic -- Another WASH (I can definitely see the Magic repeating last year. I still believe the Cavs are a one man team and the Magic just have enough guys to limit him)

    If it's Celtics - Hawks -- Another WASH (I think the Hawks could pull this series off, if they show up every game, in 6 or 7)

    If it's Celtics - Magic - Magic in 6 or 7

    In other words, Celtics will NOT make it to the Championship series.


    If it's Lakers - Hawks -- Lakers in 5, 6 or 7

    If it's Lakers - Magic -- Lakers in 6 or 7, but I wouldn't be too surprised if the Magic won their first championship

    If it's Lakers - Cavs -- Lakers in 6 or 7, but I wouldn't be too surprised if the Cavs won their first championship

    So as you can see I'm picking the Lakers to repeat. But I'll tell you what...if the Nuggets find a way to beat the Jazz...that changes everything, because I think the Nuggets beat the Lakers in a 7-game series this year. If the Nuggets gets past Utah, they knock out the Lakers in Round 2, but get bounced by Dallas in the WCS. (If they play Phoenix, they beat Phoenix and go to the Championship series.)


    If it's Nuggets - Hawks -- WASH (I can't pick)

    If it's Nuggets - Cavs -- Cavs in 6

    If it's Nuggets - Magic -- WASH (I'd pick the Magic in 6 or 7)

    If it's Mavs - Hawks -- DALLAS WINS in 5 or 6

    If it's Mavs - Cavs -- (That rhymes) Cavs win in 6 or 7

    If it's Mavs - Magic -- WASH (I'd pick the Mavs in 6 or 7, but wouldn't be surprised either way)

    3 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Education Reform (CA)?

    It's no secret, our system of education is not working. I was talking with my girlfriend this morning, and we kinda came up with a proposal.

    We're going to send a letter to the State Board of Education, but first we wanted to ask Y!Answers a question.

    Our goal is to:

    1. Get rid of subjects that aren't really used in society.

    2. Add subjects that are necessary in society.

    3. Cut down the amount of time kids spend in school (by law).

    4. Make schooling more efficient.

    What do you think should be core subjects students K-8 take?

    We came up with a couple, feel free to add to or critique what we have...

    Elementary School

    1. Math (Up to Basic Algebra, percentages, interest, etc...)

    2. English (Grammar, Vocabulary, Spelling, Sentence Structure, Formal and Business Letters, etc...)

    3. Social Studies (Basic laws, our Political System, what it means to be a citizen, how to participate in government, the court system, etc...)

    4. Computer Science (Basic computer skills, Basic office skills: Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.., how to navigate the internet, etc...)

    5. Physical Education

    6. Optional: Electives (Music, Dance, Art, etc...) You have to pay for these or do some fundraising though

    Middle School

    1. Health (Nutrition, exercise)

    2. Application of Elementary Courses. For example, have them watch the local news and throughout the year work on ways they can help work towards a solution to a problem in their society. In other words, teach kids how to apply what they've learned to real life.

    3. Sex Education (Abstinence, Protection, Consequences, etc...) This is important though, teachers will have to be as unbiased as possible. Really teaching kids about everything, without leaning one way or another. This class should also try to involve each students' parents as much as possible.

    4. Drugs and Alcohol (This includes prescription drugs as well as illicit drugs)

    5. Voting (Students need to become more politically active so that their voices are heard)

    6. Social Life (Kind of like a Career Guidance class. Talk to kids about why it's good to pursue further education - High School - and explain to kids what they can expect if they finished at 8th grade or so. Explain what kind of jobs they can get, but also how they won't be able to get paid as much or move up as easily as they could if they continued their education)

    We think that by making High School optional, the kids that want to be their will be more motivated to stay. We're losing a lot of kids due to overcrowded High School classrooms, and overcrowded with kids that don't want to be there. They're disruptive and the teacher has to sacrifice the education of the many for the few. I think by doing this, we'll shrink class sizes drastically, and give teachers and schools greater control of their classrooms.

    There can be social benefits for staying in school, like job assistance and welfare aid available to those who finish High School. A two-fold minimum wage. One for those who only complete Junior High, and one for those who complete High School.

    Instead of trying to graduate everyone (thus reducing the meaning of a High School Diploam) we should focus what we teach our kids in middle and elementary classes, and then let those who want to continue receive better education in High School.

    History shouldn't be taught in middle school. It makes no sense, and it puts kids off school. They get so used to b#tching to each other about their classes that it just continues straight on through High School. I know this proposal is radical, but we need a change badly. And what better state to try it in, than California.


    2 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Social Welfare reform?

    My girlfriend and I were arguing about Social Welfare. We're from California, and I'm a little p#ssed off with the whole Octomom thing. I suggested we revamp our welfare system, especially in our State. I think we should take Clinton's reform 10 steps further.

    I think every working American should be eligible to receive 50% of their income for 2 years if they have been laid off of their job through no fault of their own. (Lots of that going on here). Currently, they only get like 20% and there's a set limit to how much they can receive. I think my proposal is a little fairer, because it allows them to work part-time or for a lesser paying job, while they go back to school, or find work.

    I also think that first time welfare recipients should be allowed to receive a certain amount, say $1000 mo, plus a little more for each child they have, based on age, for up to a year. That's it.

    After that you aren't eligible for anything. My girlfriend and I are in agreement up to this point.

    So if a welfare recipient has kids, and they exceed their time alotment to receive aid, it's safe to assume they probably are unable to care for their kids. I think at this point Child Protect Services should get involved. If they can show that the kids are cared for (ie they are living with parents, etc...) then all is well. But if they can't, then I think the kids should be taken away. I think 1 year, is plenty of time to get a d#mn job and support yourself.

    My girlfriend says you can't just go around taking people's kids away. I think that it's their responsibility to take care of their own d#mn family and if they're unable then it's CPS' job to step in and make sure the kids are cared for. If parents can then show they are able to care for the kids again, then the kids can go back.

    Now, there are several things that can be done to assist State-sponsored Day Care, or I could probably even agree with continued Food Stamps, although limited.

    This would save the State hundreds of millions of dollars a year, which can be spent on things like Education or Day Care or to stimulate the job economy, or to aid laid off workers in finding other jobs.

    Imagine, if the state actually just helped laid off workers get back on their feet, instead of just helping them while they do nothing. Perhaps even adding restrictions like you have to attend classes, or provide proof you're going on interviews or something like that to receive the welfare benefits can also be required.

    I don't know really. I'm just throwing out ideas that I think will help resolve the social welfare issues that Octomom has blasted all over the news.

    4 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • If Phoenix trades...?

    They may want something like this...

    In light of all the one-dimensional Amar'e trade attempts I've seen, here's one that might work.

    4 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Global Warming Unseen Effect?

    You know...I just had a thought. In light of the cold front that's swept over America, we talk about how Global Warming is warming up the planet, because gases are released into our atmosphere and have like a greenhouse effect on Earth.

    Well, is it not possible that those same gases, that are trapping heat on earth, could also prevent the Sun's heat from getting to us, by trapping the Sun's heat in the atmosphere, in a sort of "Reverse Greenhouse Effect"?

    I don't know...Just a random thought that popped into my head, any thoughts...?

    1 AnswerGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Fantasy Basketball Help (Head-to-Head)?

    Should I drop Udonis Haslem (Mia) and pick up Wilson Chandler (NY)?

    My team is as follows:

    PG: Deron Williams (Uta)

    SG: Brandon Roy (Por)

    G: Peja Stojakovic (NO)

    SF: Richard Jefferson (Mil)

    PF: Al Jefferson (Min)

    F: LaMarcus Aldridge (Por)

    C: Zydrunas Ilgauskas (Cle)

    C: Spencer Hawes (Sac)

    Util: Nick Young (Was)

    Util: Nate Robinson (NYK)

    Bn: Sebastian Telfair (Min)

    Bn: Udonis Haslem (Mia)

    Bn: Yi Jianlin (NJ)

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • If you oppose Gay Marriage...?

    Please state what your reasoning is. Serious answers only please, I really want to understand the issue from the perspective of those who oppose Gay Marriage.

    Please also check back as I will post follow up questions. Best Answer (for those of you who care) will go to whoever can explain to me the best your position.

    Thank you

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If you oppose Gay Marriage...?

    Please state what your reasoning is. Serious answers only please, I really want to understand the issue from the perspective of those who oppose Gay Marriage.

    Please also check back as I will post follow up questions. Best Answer (for those of you who care) will go to whoever can explain to me the best your position.

    Thank you

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • CA - Prop 8 Yes or No?

    Unfortunately, I don't think Prop 8 is the answer and I don't think Gay Marriage is the answer. The government is supposed to consider the "greater good" in its policy making. Since the most genours study places the gay population of America at 10 percent (Kinsey study) that makes Gays and Lesbians a very minute minority.

    However, I think there's a solution that works to everyone's satisfaction. Why not strike "marriage" from the law books all together, heterosexual or homosexual. Screw it. Marriage is a religious thing...the government shouldn't be performing such acts. If the government wants to recognize "domesticated couples" that's fine...but the government should leave marriages to the churches.

    This is not as hard to implement as it sounds, really it's just a choice of words here. Most procedures would be the same except the word "marriage" would be replaced with "domesticated partner". This can also be an opportunity for the government to enforce some stricter laws to reduce the divorce rate in the country. People will want to be domesticated because by doing so they will receive the benefits that "married couples" experience today. However, it will be harder for them to become domesticated.

    Policies such as

    -A mandated 1 year or so "engagement" period

    -Clearly written legal documents signed by both parties describing their rules of domestication ie. "prenuptial agreement", "faithfulness", responsibility, etc...This will build a healthier relationship from the start.

    There are many benefits to this, and what are the downfalls. I'm working on a blog and I want your opinions. What flaws do you see in my plan?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • CA - Prop 8 Yes OR No?

    Unfortunately, I don't think Prop 8 is the answer and I don't think Gay Marriage is the answer. The government is supposed to consider the "greater good" in its policy making. Since the most genours study places the gay population of America at 10 percent (Kinsey study) that makes Gays and Lesbians a very minute minority.

    However, I think there's a solution that works to everyone's satisfaction. Why not strike "marriage" from the law books all together, heterosexual or homosexual. Screw it. Marriage is a religious thing...the government shouldn't be performing such acts. If the government wants to recognize "domesticated couples" that's fine...but the government should leave marriages to the churches.

    This is not as hard to implement as it sounds, really it's just a choice of words here. Most procedures would be the same except the word "marriage" would be replaced with "domesticated partner". This can also be an opportunity for the government to enforce some stricter laws to reduce the divorce rate in the country. People will want to be domesticated because by doing so they will receive the benefits that "married couples" experience today. However, it will be harder for them to become domesticated.

    Policies such as

    -A mandated 1 year or so "engagement" period

    -Clearly written legal documents signed by both parties describing their rules of domestication ie. "prenuptial agreement", "faithfulness", responsibility, etc...This will build a healthier relationship from the start.

    There are many benefits to this, and what are the downfalls. I'm working on a blog and I want your opinions. What flaws do you see in my plan?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • f(x) = 2x^2 - 3x?

    I'm reviewing for my Final and I need to graph this function. I know it's a Parabola that opens upward, and I know where the intercepts are, but I can't figure ou how to find the minimum point.

    The intercepts are (0,0) and (3/2, 0). The minimum is (3/4, -9/8) But how do I get that?


    7 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Why isn't the "Hack-a-Shaq" considered an intentional foul?

    I mean...they're not going for the're fouling intentionally, shouldn't that be a free throw and the ball out of bounds?

    Why does that only apply in the last two minutes of each half and in overtime?

    3 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Algebra Help?

    I can't believe I'm wasting 5 points to ask a question, I've gotten most of my points answering.

    I know my problem is I'm not factoring (x^3 - 27) can someone help me solve this equation. Not solve for x -- just multiply and simplify. I have the the first one with the correct answer AND detailed step by step how to factor the above will get the 10 points.

    Thank you

    (x + 9) / (x - 3) x (x^3 - 27) / (x^2 + 3x + 9)

    That x in the middle is multiplying the two fractions. Please show your work, as I said I already have the answer, so I don't need just the answer.

    Thanks again.

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Who is the MVP of the Playoffs thus far?

    Eliminated and Current players eligible...although it'll be kind of hard to justify nominating someone for Playoff MVP if their team was eliminated in Round 1. Please include your reasoning...

    12 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Does a kid have to be beaten in order to be abused?

    A 15 year old has approached me (responsible adult) about abuse from her parents (dad). I've tried mediating, I've called DCFS, I've had the child talk to school counselors nothing seems to be working. When she's beaten up she's too scared to say anything. By the time she gathers enough courage to speak, evidence has gone away. Only one time have friends seen bruises, but by the time the Social Worker arrived, the bruises were gone.

    She's still getting beat up by her dad. However, everyone I talk to says if there's no evidence there's nothing they can do? Is our system really going to sit here and wait till she gets beaten to death before they do anything about it?

    Is there no contact number that I can give her or someone I can refer her to? Any help is sincerely appreciated. Los Angeles, CA area.

    20 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who is to blame for the Charger's loss to the Patriots?

    I know it's Tuesday already, but having read all these other questions, I became curious as to what people thought. On the one hand we have of course the Coach? Bad use of the Challenge in the second half, we can argue preparation, we can argue mental focus, etc. How about the Offensive Coordinator. The potent Chargers offense mustered only 21 points? How about Eric Parker and his dropped passes, muffed punt and subsequent lost fumble. How about McCree and his boneheaded attempt to run back an interception that could've sealed the game. How about Florence (?) who had that ridiculous personal foul penalty that gave NE a first down and kept that game tying drive alive? Dare I say, how about the kicker who missed the game tying field goal?

    My opinion is the Coach, because all these errors are mental mistakes, that a Coach is responsible for. A Coach needs to have his team mentally prepared and I think it was obvious the Chargers were good enough to win, but they weren't ready.

    18 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Did we have a "white" beginning?

    Before "god" began the creation of anything there was nothing. I've always wondered what "color" "nothing" was or is. Since "white" is the absence of color, does that mean, "In the beginning" all was white?

    13 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago