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  • WHy Does my water pressure drop when taking a shower?

    I live in a duplex & the landlord told me that we are on separate hot water heaters but when I shower my water pressure drops if the lady down stairs is doing laundry. It doesn't get freezing cold or burning hot when it drops, it gets more like warm instead of being hot and the actual pressure itself drops too. Is there a reason behind this or is she lying to me that we are on separate water?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • 52k a year is enough to live on?

    Who actually believes 52k a year is enough to live on in the U.S.? Especially when you have a family.

    At that salary that's barely getting by.

    15 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • honestly do you like?

    If your girlfriend/wife had just woken up, and in frumpy pajamas went straight outside and was walking down the street, if you didn't know her and were strangers would you physically think she looks pretty?

    I want to know if you physically think your love is pretty when she hasn't done herself up even at a basic level (washed her face, brushed her hair, etc.) and looks close to her worst. I want honest answers only and I don't want your emotional connection to be related to your answer, I'm only asking about your attraction physically when she looks that way not your attraction because 'she is your partner and you love her no matter what', (hence why my questions states you are strangers when you see her.)

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • For those who think your partner is perfect?

    I am having a bit of a debate with someone.

    So I know lots of people don't view their partner as perfect, and others think their partner is their perfect match. (By perfect match I mean not perfect in societies view because no one can be flawless but perfect to you, in your eyes.)

    This is for those people who feel their partner is perfect.

    When you think/feel that is it more of a:

    "my partner has things wrong with them to other people/society but there is nothing that is wrong with them to me, they are perfect."

    Or is it more like

    "my partner overall is perfect, sure there are a few things I myself would call 'flaws' but they are very minimal/unimportant, so over all they are perfect"

    Also is it a physical or mental perfect or both?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Joint Custody can father take child anytime.?

    My ex (never married) and I have ioint custody and joint visitation with no set visitation schedule because at the time we were living together. We split up 2 years ago and never changed it, we just worked things out verbally. My son sees his dad on most weekends only and lives with me. We got into an argument last weekend and he hasnt returned a single call since. My son is on a trip atm with his paternal grandparents and changed the day he would be coming home to later (the end of the weekend instead of friday). I am worried, would his dad be able to take him and not return him because we have no visitation plan even though he lives here?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Any long hairstyle ideas?

    My hair is long and pretty thin and straight. My hair has gotten thinner as I have gotten older. I like my hair long and currently have long bangs. I need a fresh style and have looked online but couldn't find many hair syles that looked good for long straight hair (with or without bangs.)

    Anyone have any ideas? Please post some links to some pictures.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How is it racist?

    How is the comment the Pastor of the Church the Obama attended a Racist when he spoke out in a speach (before this all came out) about how evil Condoleezza Rice is?

    That can't exactly be considered racist when he speaks out against people of color also!

    Get the point, he was not speaking out against all whites in general. (He doesn't ever say "all whites" he says "rich whites")

    He is speaking out about the corporate rich elite rulling class, who are *reality check* mostly white, the corperations who are buying off the governemnt and pumping out BS issues on the tv's and in the magazines.

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Hair Loss and Scalp Pain?

    Over the last year I have lost approx. 2/3rds of my hair. My hair has fallen out in large amounts and thinned extremely. Hair bands won't even stay in my hair anymore.

    I am not loosing my hair in specific patches or spots, but the amount I am loosing does increase and decrese at times. My hair loss is accompanied by scalp pain. It feels like my hair was up to tight (despite it being down) The pain is in specific spots but I have not lost more hair in those spots. I have been to 2 dr.'s who have done multiple tests. My thyroid, blood, liver, and kidneys are all fine. I see no redness, itching, unusual peeling, scabbing, flaking, bumps, etc. My doctor said she saw no sign of any redness, infection, or other skin problem on my scalp but wants me to see a dermitolagist anyways. I don't want to pay for a dermotalagist visit if there is no reasoning behind it.

    Anyone have any thoughts as to what could be causing my hair loss? or if it is worth the visit?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Isn't it about time to start a war?

    Isn't it about time for us to start a real war?? Not in some far off country, I mean right here in America. I mean hey, if you want death and blood why not?

    I'm all for it!!!! I think its about time for another civil war, The north needs to kick some greedy right wing butt again!

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Whats wrong with low blood pressure??

    Twice when I have been to the doctor the nurses say my blood pressure is "a little low". They say it in a way that it sounds like its a bad thing. I have asked them to explain it but they really won't and just say it's nothing to worry about, But I would still like to know! From what it sounds like there is a reccomended range that is good for you to be in and I am slightly (not significantly) under that. Now I know high blood pressure is bad but can low blood pressure be bad also?? And if so what usually causes low blood pressure?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How do I cut back the carbs when....?

    I am an Ovo-Lacto vegetarian (if you eat meat I'm not asking you.) And am borderline overweight for my BMI (though everyones different, I feel its to much for my body.) And my husband is really overweight (he eats meatbut not at home so its not much)

    I do not eat a lot of chips, pops, sugar, fast food, etc. And personally I don't even eat a lot of dairy because I just don't really like it.

    I would really like to cut back on the carbs I eat.

    I never was a great cook and as I learned to cook veggie it was all carb based. Even my veg cookbooks are mostly carb based meals.

    I really just don't know how to cook a meal without pasta, bread, or rice! So I am asking for some ideas of what I can cook. Not just for one or 2 nights, Ideas I can use often. I don't need direct recipies, though I wouldn't mind them, I just need some ideas of even what kind of recipies to look for. I just cannot think of much vegetarian that is low in carbs.

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago